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Switching Scenarios: Where Would You Be?

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    If you met in a different way, how do you think you would have met? (website, concert, library, chatroom, etc) Make a situation up or base it off how you actually met.
    I think we didn't meet online the only way i think of that we could of possibly have met was if he decided to take a vacation to California and we bumped to each other at Home Depot or Sears (he loves those places)

    Do you think a relationship would have blossomed or would you have remained friends/gone your separate ways?
    I think we would of gone our separate ways and never even become friends

    Would the relationship last this way instead of the way it really is?
    Nope, not a chance haha


      If you met in a different way, how do you think you would have met? (website, concert, library, chatroom, etc) Make a situation up or base it off how you actually met.
      We met irl, but I don't know if we would have ever met online because he rarely goes online :-) If so, then maybe a dating website?

      Do you think a relationship would have blossomed or would you have remained friends/gone your separate ways?
      I think it probably would have gone exactly the way it happened. We'd be interested but think it impossible for us to be together so just be friends for a long time until realizing that's not what we wanted.

      Would the relationship last this way instead of the way it really is?
      Probably not because I don't think I really ever would have met him online...


        This thread is a great idea! :o

        For those of you who met CD, what if you met online? For those who met online, what if you had met in person? Do you think things would still be the same?
        This is tricky. I think back to the time we met, I desperately needed a good friend like Obi. But, at the time I never really left the house, and I'm sure my partner at the time would have managed to keep me away from him if we were local. Additionally, I think because of his physical traits I might have judged him harshly and not seen into the person he was or the man he'd become.
        Real-life communications were always difficult for me, and only having traveled alone to a strange country managed to break that out of me somewhat.
        But with that said, had Obi been local and managed to pursue me (had the confidence and patience) I would have run to him much sooner, and we might just have been spared a lot of heartache. Who knows?

        Do you think a relationship would have blossomed or would you have remained friends/gone your separate ways?
        I can see us falling in love CD, but I'm not sure it would have worked really. I was a lot more mature and ready for adult life than Obi was, and I think I might have become disappointed and moved on. Besides, that would have also robbed him of a lot of experiences, and knowing his nature, that also might have caused trouble as he'd wonder what he'd missed out on by staying with the first girl who paid him attention.

        Would the relationship last this way instead of the way it really is?
        I tend to believe everything happens the way it does for a reason. And I also believe that if we both want something, we're both they type of people who will eventually have it. But (at the time at least) I was more myself online than I ever allowed myself to be in person, and I don't think he could have loved the person I was, I wouldn't have deserved it.
        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


          For those of you who met CD, what if you met online? For those who met online, what if you had met in person? Do you think things would still be the same?

          I highly doubt that we could have met any other way than really we did. Considering we met online, the chances of us being in the same place at the same time are very unlikely. Also, we are both extremely shy people, so we probably wouldn't even have spoken to one another even if we were in the same room. If I saw him, I would be attracted to him, but I would probably have thought that he was out of my league and I would just look the other way. He would probably be the same.

          If you met in a different way, how do you think you would have met? (website, concert, library, chatroom, etc) Make a situation up or base it off how you actually met.

          One connection that Jared and I immediately talked about was Charlotte, NC. He lived nearby when he was six until he was eight. Then his dad left his mom, so she took him and his sister to Louisiana to raise them since that is where they were from. I currently go to school around twenty minutes from Charlotte, so hypothetically, if we met it it would be in Charlotte. He visited the area a few years ago with his sister, so maybe they could have made a similar trip (but I would have to be at least 18 when it happened or he wouldn't even have pursued me because of the age difference). Maybe we could have randomly bumped into each other at the Cheesecake Factory in one of the local malls while we were waiting for an available table or something. (I would like to think that we would immediately have a connection, but like I said before, nothing would likely come from it).

          But being a daydreamer, I will make up something He was sitting on the bench beside the one my friends and I were sitting on. I see that he is wearing a shirt that says Of Montreal on it, and I immediately tell him that I love that band as well and that I recently saw them in concert. He moves to the same bench as me and we have a conversation about the band and much more

          Do you think a relationship would have blossomed or would you have remained friends/gone your separate ways?

          I doubt we would even speak to one another. Meeting online worked out for us because we got to know each other slowly. Both of us would have been too shy in person. Up until recently, I NEVER spoke to random boys, and I still do not really. But I would like to imagine that we would add each other on facebook and start talking from there.

          Would the relationship last this way instead of the way it really is?

          I do not think it really helps to imagine things like this. I believe that things happen for a reason. We could not have met any other way. The physical distance kept us from rushing into a relationship too quickly, which has been a mistake we have both made in the past. We got to know one another first, which meant that we would only start a relationship if it was something really special, which it is

