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Need Advice: Physical Attraction + Video Call Problems

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    Need Advice: Physical Attraction + Video Call Problems

    Hi everyone. I really, REALLY need some advice on this. My SO [m19] and I [f18] have tried different solutions, but we're not sure what we should really do. Any advice or thoughts would be deeply appreciated.

    This has been an ongoing issue in our relationship for about as long as we have been dating. My SO and I have been together for over five months now. We both deeply love and care for each other. We're going to have our first person-to-person meeting on the 30th this month, so a few weeks from now. One of the biggest obstacles we've faced in this relationship has to do with my camera shyness, or resistance to doing video calls with him. The first couple times we did do a Skype call, it was very awkward for me and I grew a sort of unwillingness to do video calls. He said it was fine, so for the next several months we just did voice calls.

    This leads to another huge obstacle: my physical attraction to him--or rather, lack of physical attraction. I mean, he does look fine in my opinion, but only fine. I'm not attracted to him on a physical level. This really is upsetting for me, because I AM attracted to him emotionally and to his personality. This lack of balance is really difficult. For a couple months, I kept this to myself because I wanted to resolve it on my own. I looked up countless posts and articles on how to grow physical attraction to someone. I did focus on finding physical features I did like (I have a couple), but I still struggled being physically attracted. One day I confessed to him about all of it. Initially it didn't go over so well, but then he decided he wanted to work it out with me. He's been very supportive of me during all this, and I'm so so grateful for it. A few days ago, we've started doing video calls every day where only he is on camera, since we want to tackle this issue before moving onto the other one (since I think they go hand-in-hand).

    I guess, the hardest part for me is that I cannot connect his voice to his body. I almost see them as two different things, when obviously they aren't. We kind of regret not working on the video call issue earlier on, because we feel at this point I wouldn't have this disconnect with him physically. But since we can't go back in time, we have to work on it now. I feel maybe that this issue could all be resolved when we do meet in person, so then a physical connection can be formed, but I don't know.

    I know I might sound kind of wishy-washy or selfish because of these issues. We just want to get through this and resolve it, because our relationship is otherwise wonderful. If any of you have any sort of advice, we could really use it. Thank you.

    Met online: 03/14/17
    Began dating: 03/21/17
    First meeting: 09/30/17-10/01/17
    Second meeting: 11/10/18-11/12/18
    Third meeting: 05/21/19-05/31/19
    Fourth meeting: 06/26/21-07/10/21

    Hi Wynn, I understand what you are going through, however what I can say is that, 1. physical attraction is important and it's something you cannot force, in no way am i trying to get you to break up with your partner, but it physical attraction is must have! bit goes in hand with a lot of things like you said. But 2. Physical attraction isn't anything (as you're aware of as you're wanting to work things out) When i was few years younger I really focused on looks of a person , but honestly i'm so over it. I feel that when someone is beautiful on the inside it almost makes you seem more attractive that what they actually are, in fact i think that is a proven fact? Anyway. just be honest with yourself and to him, if you feel like you are not attracted to him (sexually too) then I don't think things can work our for the long term. I hope things DO work out because it's never nice to be without the one you actually love and care about.
    -keep me updated


      Originally posted by Emily873 View Post
      Hi Wynn, I understand what you are going through, however what I can say is that, 1. physical attraction is important and it's something you cannot force, in no way am i trying to get you to break up with your partner, but it physical attraction is must have! bit goes in hand with a lot of things like you said. But 2. Physical attraction isn't anything (as you're aware of as you're wanting to work things out) When i was few years younger I really focused on looks of a person , but honestly i'm so over it. I feel that when someone is beautiful on the inside it almost makes you seem more attractive that what they actually are, in fact i think that is a proven fact? Anyway. just be honest with yourself and to him, if you feel like you are not attracted to him (sexually too) then I don't think things can work our for the long term. I hope things DO work out because it's never nice to be without the one you actually love and care about.
      -keep me updated
      Thanks for your thoughts. I understand that physical attraction isn't everything, but it is also an important factor in a relationship. Both my SO and I agree on that. It's really just a matter of trying to reach that point when I am physically attracted to him. I won't force myself, but I'm hoping it will come naturally over time. And I'll be sure to update if anything happens ^^

      Met online: 03/14/17
      Began dating: 03/21/17
      First meeting: 09/30/17-10/01/17
      Second meeting: 11/10/18-11/12/18
      Third meeting: 05/21/19-05/31/19
      Fourth meeting: 06/26/21-07/10/21


        I see you haven't met yet. There is more to physical attraction than just what you see on a screen, in person it can be a lot different - in either direction. Pheromones play a big part, the way someone smells, for example, either consciously or subconsciously, can put you in a whole new ballgame. The opposite is true too, we've seen it here, people who were madly in lust, then just didn't click in person. There are also so many little non-verbal actions and gestures that can make a person much more attractive, but you don't really get to see them on screen. If he's great in every other way, try to meet first, then decide if your attraction can grow. People really can become more physically attractive, when you're wildly attracted to their other traits. Good luck.
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


          Originally posted by Moon View Post
          I see you haven't met yet. There is more to physical attraction than just what you see on a screen, in person it can be a lot different - in either direction. Pheromones play a big part, the way someone smells, for example, either consciously or subconsciously, can put you in a whole new ballgame. The opposite is true too, we've seen it here, people who were madly in lust, then just didn't click in person. There are also so many little non-verbal actions and gestures that can make a person much more attractive, but you don't really get to see them on screen. If he's great in every other way, try to meet first, then decide if your attraction can grow. People really can become more physically attractive, when you're wildly attracted to their other traits. Good luck.
          That's what I was thinking. I honestly feel meeting in person could help a lot with attraction. Thanks for your thoughts

          Met online: 03/14/17
          Began dating: 03/21/17
          First meeting: 09/30/17-10/01/17
          Second meeting: 11/10/18-11/12/18
          Third meeting: 05/21/19-05/31/19
          Fourth meeting: 06/26/21-07/10/21

