I posted a thread not too long ago about my LDR and garnered a variety of responses, which did help a lot. This is where I'm currently sitting, and I miss him.. so much.
After I tried walking away, and he stopped me, I thought that we were doing well but then his actions weren't correlating with his words. His dad died on April 6th this year and on Tuesday August 22nd the conversation was as follows (after two days of no communication): For the purpose of this thread, my responses shall be 'A' and his will be 'B'.
I guess I'll make the first move and say good morning. Although, I have been thinking and I don't understand what's going on. You said that you were upset on Friday, and that you wanted to figure this out together and yet your actions aren't corresponding with that. This is exhausting.
To be honest I don't even know what's going on with myself. I didn't text anyone yesterday and I haven't today either. Not you, _____. my brothers, nobody. I just sat and cried the majority of both days. I had _____ asking to hang out and I didn't. I haven't felt like being in a relationship, I haven't felt like texting friends, and I haven't even wanted to watch sports. I've just wanted to be alone and cry and I haven't been able to stop thinking about dad. Idk why this is happening now but it feels way worse than it has. I know this isn't an excuse and I should be making more effort but I can't get myself to do anything. This isn't on you, it's on me. Mom thinks I'm just finally hitting the next stage of grief, idk
I've been thinking this for a long time. I'm not angry with you at all. I'm wondering whether this is one of those incredibly sad 'right person, wrong time' situations. I wish I could be there for you, but you need to take the time recovering from your dad passing away without having to worry about me, or how I am, or whether you're putting enough effort into this. Grief comes in many different stages and I agree with your mom that you're hitting the next stage. I'm sorry that you're having to go through this.
I fear she may be right as well. I'm always going to worry about you though. It's impossible not to think about you. It's just so hard without him, mostly because it all happened so unexpectedly. I know that I'm super lucky to have you and the friends and family I have. I hate letting go. I want so badly to hold on to everything. To you, every friend I have, etc. Then I realize that it's hard enough just to hold myself together.
Out of respect for you, your family and your dad I think that we do need to let go. This is the last thing I want but for now, at least, I think that it's wise and it's hurting me so much to say this because I like you more than you'll ever know but you need to recover and that's going to take time. If this is meant to be, which I do believe it is, then eventually we will be the right people at the right time. Souls find each other eventually.
This sucks so much but you may be right idk. Deep down I do think this is meant to be as well. I like you an unbelievable amount. Don't ever think that this is because I don't adore you to death. I hope it will eventually work and I'm sorry I'm such a mess at the moment. I'll continue to keep your letter by my bed and read it. I really do think you're the tight person for me I just have to get through all of this
I know, and that's why I'm doing this. I'm doing this for us. I trust in this and my gut feeling and I trust that my home is with you. I'm thankful that you've opened up to me and I know that with time you will recover. I think for now it's best that we don't get into a habit of talking because of your recovery, and I want to give you that space. I'll take comfort knowing that you have my letter by your bed and that someday I do believe that my heart will be in the right hands of a young man who I'm incredibly proud of and can see so much potential in.
Okay. I'll give this a shot and see how it goes. I like you so much <3
Edit: I appreciate that no one is a mind reader. Believe me, if I could read his mind I would. I guess I should have named the thread 'I miss him' as opposed to 'will he come back?'. I'm seeking advice based on an outside perspective of the text messages exchanged (shown in quotes in this thread) because I just can't get my head around it.