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Mail from my SO's family :)

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    Mail from my SO's family :)

    I just received a couple of postcards in the mail form Kyle's parents and brother, each thanking me for the small gifts I got them for Christmas and saying how they all can't wait to meet me! :o They've been so supportive of our relationship and have helped out in lots of ways and I'm so thankful for that, the small gifts I got them are nothing compared to what they've done for us. I really was not expecting this (Kyle never let on either :P), but it was really was sweet of them to do that and it is nice to know that they appreciate the small gesture .

    Aw, that's awesome! I wish my boyfriend's family would talk to me, haha. I don't think they really care much for me... oh well, they'll have to live with it.


      Very sweet! And it's so nice you got something in the mailbox!


        Aww, that's so sweet. It's always such a great thing when the family is that supportive. And it's great he could keep the secret :P It's a much better surprise for you in the end.

        Kris's family is like that... I think. Well, I know his mom likes me anyway, haha. I'm not too sure about the rest of his family.


          Awww~! >w<


            How sweet!


              Haha that's so nice!
              In a relationship with

              Read mine & Tanja's story here!

              My Albums:
              Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
              Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
              My dog Sam ♥


                That's so lovely

                I could imagine Andy's mum and dad doing something like that, they're just the best people. They always send me cards with Andy when he visits


                  My mum's got Tanja's number too so she often texts her when I've just set off either from here or on my way back home lol.
                  In a relationship with

                  Read mine & Tanja's story here!

                  My Albums:
                  Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
                  Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
                  My dog Sam ♥


                    That's so cute!
                    My SO's family is the same.
                    I got his little brother a lego starwars thing for Christmas and they made him come on webcam and thank me.
                    His mum always talks to me when we are webcam.
                    His family is great
                    They are even letting me move in with them in July!
                    <3 Genevieve <3s Shea <3

