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Brexit and a LDR..

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    Brexit and a LDR..

    So I'm still pretty new to the whole Brexit stuff. I don't fully understand it, alongside politics overall and as bad as it may sound, I never thought Brexit would really affect me as much up until now.

    I'm in a fairly new relationship with someone from The Netherlands, we've met once already and everything is going great. Of course, due to the fact it's still new, neither of us are ready to close the distance anytime soon but we've already talked about our future together somewhat and of course Brexit is a concern for us. Neither of us really understand it but he assures me that it probably won't be much different other than stricter boarder control, but I'm still unsure on this. Here's our situation and issues..

    He's currently studying and I think he will be for the next year or two, maybe longer. Although his next term means he can study in another country, I don't know if he'll be ready to move over to the UK in order to study and my living situation doesn't permit for him to move in with me. I'm unemployed and searching for work and experience here in the UK but I have troubles due to previous mental health issues that I am still working on today. Our most viable solution would be for me to move to him, which I'm not against at all, but I'm totally clueless how it would work for me when I know no Dutch (beginning to learn, though) and have no job and very little experience and it likely won't be possible for another few years.

    All of the above are my concerns and I have no idea how this LDR can work with Brexit on the way as I don't understand Brexit itself. Could someone please explain the basics to me and tell me how things could work out? Thank you!

    There are many, many articles that come up when you do a quick google search, this one from the BBC for example:
    Right now it's very easy for EU citizens to move to other EU countries, but nobody knows exactly how difficult/easy they're going to make it for UK citizens (and the other way around) after the negotiations. We'll just have to wait and see what happens unfortunately. However, many members here are making international LDRs work, and in the worst case scenario for you, it'll still be easier to move than for a lot of other people with even more difficult immigration rules countries. So definitely don't lose hope! Even after Brexit there will still be ways. Just take it easy and get your lives sorted first, best of luck


      I don't think Brexit has anything to do with your plans at all. It's not like the UK is suddenly cut off from the whole world, is it? I think you worry to much.
      You sais you're pretty new in an LDR. Why don't you first enjoy getting to know each other and after that worry about closing the distance? If you were in a CD, you don't go live together with someone you only (very) recently met, do you? Same with an LDR. First find out all about him, then think a step further. One thing at the time.
      Distance means nothing when someone means everything.


        no one, including Theresa May has no clue on how Brexit will affect anything. In 2019 people might know something. There are several countries in Europe that are not part of the EU so I think they will make a contract like Norway and Switzerland so very little will be changed. Obviously this is just speculation. The thing is that UK needs EU and EU needs UK. It is of course possible that visas etc. Will become necessary. No one knows. I wouldn't worry about it yet. get to know each other and tackle this when it's relevant in your relationship.


          Hi, I'm also a UK citizen in a relationship with a guy from the Netherlands and I have to admit I've worried about this issue too. I'm learning Dutch myself (right now I understand it better than I speak it) in the hope that one day I'll be able to exit Brexit and move over there. Right now I'm trying to look at it in the way Rezie says - things will hopefully become clearer a bit later. If you ever want to talk let me know.

