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2018 Official Roll Call!

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    Might as well ... :-)

    Last year travelling through south america i met a pretty amazing girl in a hostel colombia while volunteering there.
    Skip forward two weeks and we decided to travel to peru together. Ultimately we made it beyond and to bolivia.
    But, as all good things this trip also had to come to an end. She lives in New York and I live in Austria. She came to Vienna with me for a couple of days and then flew onward to Russia to see her mom which
    turned into a 4 month stay there for her. Visisted her twice for 3 weeks and things just keep on getting better.
    Now shes back in New York and in 4 Months time it'll be a year since we met. Hopefully will manage to fly there for a couple of weeks in july.
    It's tough sometimes ... but since my job in vienna is only a limited time contract hopefully I'll be able to move to the US by the end of this year, we'll see how that turns out. Getting a green card is a b*tch at the moment


      Great Idea!! I still consider myself a newbie even though I have been on here for awhile now. My SO and I are unfortunately still 1,776 miles away. We just concluded our fourth visit it was May 25th to June 4th. We talk on the phone and text everyday. We get to Skype at least once a week. We planned fifth visit in September but it looks like we are going to have to wait until December to see each other. Our target date for the wedding is our anniversary April 4 and amazingly enough it lands on a Saturday in 2O2O. I'm traditional so we are not planning on moving in until then however I will be driving in January and March to move my things over to Alabama. Still wishing for friends to understand what its like being in a LDR.
      California- Alabama
      Relationship began: April 4, 2017
      First visit: Alabama: April 4-8, 2017
      Second visit: Alabama: August 22-30, 2017
      Third visit: Alabama: December 9-19, 2017
      Fourth visit: California: May 25- June 4, 2018
      Fifth visit: Alabama: September 15- 26, 2018
      Sixth visit: Alabama: December 18, 2018-January 3, 2019
      Seventh visit: Alabama: April 2-10, 2019


        My boyfriend and I recently hit our one year anniversary a couple months ago which was very exciting! We also celebrated our birthday's last month and sent each other letters and gifts. Things have been going well except for the fact that we haven't gotten to meet in person yet We've had many different plans to meet up but something always gets in the way (whether it be money issues or not having enough time) We're both students (him being in Germany, me being in the US) so it's not easy or cheap to visit one another.

        He's moving here to the US next year though to finish college and then he plans to work here. While he's in school we'll still be long distance but at least we'll be in the same country and can visit more often. Since I will be graduating college before him, I plan to move in with him in till he finishes school and then we'll decide where we want to go from there. It's very exciting and we're hopeful and optimistic about it.

        Despite that excitement, it has been rough going through all the disappointment of not being able to visit before then. A year is a long time not to see someone you love so much...I had plans to go visit him at the end of this year but right now things are up in the air and it's been super stressful. I've been upset all night over it. It's been hard but I know we'll get through it.

        Aside from the challenges we're facing at the moment, things have been better than ever and I'm super happy with our relationship


          I don't really post much anymore.

          I married her last year but she chose to remain in China a bit longer. We have a 3 month old son now as well. Though I can't be with them, I'm just glad that at least they are healthy and living well. The next 4 years don't seem too great, but we will make it. I will have a PCS soon and intend to make use of that free time to at the very least get the CRBA for our son and make sure all the paperwork is ready for them to move to the States at a later date. Honestly, it's a bit of a mess. haha. It could always be worse though. Once I'm out of the military our life should be much easier to manage.
          First contact: March, 2014
          Official LDR: June, 2014
          Married since: August, 2017
          “有一种幸福就是每天睁开眼睛,就知道你在。” -Xinxin


            New member here. I'm hoping to become a regular at posting.

            I met my s/o when I was in high school. We started dating when I was 18, and married at 19. We were both young and I was dumb. I let him go. We have been divorced for over 20 years. We kept in brief contact, because he remained close with my mother. A few months ago, we started talking, and just didn't stop. We both realized that we still have feelings for the other. We have lived in other states, but both of us now are in TN. We are planning our one day every single day.


              Hi everyone

              New here. I'm from the US and about 1 1/2 yrs and into my LDR with a great Canadian guy I met randomly, gaming online . We've met up five times for short visits since beginning the LDR and no plans to close the distance any time soon. I'm completing my masters and he is still working on his career.

              The distance is hard, but I love him with all my heart and want to make this work. I joined to receive some support and to read others stories and share my experiences as well.


                I joined this site in August, having met SO on a writing forum in June. SO is in the US, I am in Ireland. We haven't met IRL as yet, but had hoped to meet for Christmas. We then decided that the timing wasn't right for various reasons. For added complications, my SO has a fear of flying, and needs to renew his passport!
                SO sent me a parcel at the end of July, and I am compiling one for him atm, which is great fun, as he has no idea what will be in it.
                We video call about once a week, and we talk online everyday-unless my pay as you go internet connection runs out!

                Money is the recurring issue for both of us. I am trying to save, and he is trying to find work, but we're both having very limited success. With Christmas peeking on the horizon, I don't think I will manage to save much at all. I have 2 daughters (6 and 2) to gather presents for, and the eldest's bday is in January.
                In my spare time, I research like I get paid for it about visas, moving countries, even weddings abroad! I know (what you are thinking), but 'I know' (how I feel).
                We have talked about marriage in passing, but not had a proper full on discussion about it to date. Gotta save something for the first meet, right?
                Last edited by Atlantic Crossroads; September 18, 2018, 11:50 AM.


                  My SO (now husband) met 5 years ago and I’ve been apart of this forum for 4 years. We met online and talked for 6 months before we decided to meet. I thought he was joking about driving the 2,500km to visit me, so as you can imagine I was pretty schocked when he called saying he was going to be in town the next day. We went on our first date, and after that, we decided to try the long distance thing.

                  The next few years were hard, my dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer so I moved home to care for him. This made our distance less (900kms) but was also very hard. My husband and my Dad got to form a good bond and my husband asked my dad permission to marry me before he passed away. My dad wrote a father of the bride speech 8 days before he passed away.

                  I tried relocate to my husbands state but despite advice, my job wasn’t transferable like I thought. My husband being self employed was able to move easier than me, so we relocated to my state. It was a while where I was on my own while he wrapped everything up, but we finally closed the distance after 4.5 years.

                  We finally got married in July this year, (and thanks to my husbands forward thinking talking to my dad) we had my dads speech as part of our special day.


                    ML and I first met in 2016. This last summer she spent 67 days at my home while working part time. She returned to her teaching job in Late August. as a result we have set a Closing the Distance date of July 2019, when she will move to live with me. This is to allow her son to finish his Senior year in High school. We have laid out a monthly visit schedule and are working on a plan for the move. She has her own house which the plan is to rent out for income.


                      Hello! My name is geselle and I’ve been dating my boyfriend for the past year. We have been long distance for about two months now and it’s had it’s ups and downs for sure. I’m excited to check out everyone’s posts and know that we’re not alone in this.


                        Yesterday, along with Andy's birthday, is our 3 years and 5 months together. We've been apart for 8 months now and I terribly miss him. We'll meet again on Dec. 25, 2918, though, and I'm so excited.


                          Thank you for the thread!

                          So... my boyfriend says we started dating on last July 23rd (the day I visited him in Korea and met in person) but we've been in love for way longer than that... We started talking on December 2016 and we've clicked instantly. He seems to be exactly what I've been always looking for. He graduated not too long ago and is still preparing to get a job and I'm a med student so that makes our situation seem even more difficult but he's so good to me that he made me believe that we might make us work.
                          We're trying our best to prepare ourselves (both financially and personality-wise) to our life together.

                          Pray for us guys! I wish you all the best of luck!


                            I love reading the updates from both old and new members! Welcome, welcome, WELCOME if you are new!!!

                            Just one small update in our life... baby BOY #3 is due in January . I'm 25 weeks and baby and I are healthy and well . Our oldest (3 years old) is very excited and talks and asks about the baby all the time. Our 1.5 year old is oblivious to the fact that he is going to be a big brother - he's a Mama's boy and it'll be interesting how he reacts to a new baby . I'll probably create a 2019 roll call thread in January and share pictures!
                            Read my LDR story!


                              Originally posted by Michelle View Post
                              I love reading the updates from both old and new members! Welcome, welcome, WELCOME if you are new!!!

                              Just one small update in our life... baby BOY #3 is due in January . I'm 25 weeks and baby and I are healthy and well . Our oldest (3 years old) is very excited and talks and asks about the baby all the time. Our 1.5 year old is oblivious to the fact that he is going to be a big brother - he's a Mama's boy and it'll be interesting how he reacts to a new baby . I'll probably create a 2019 roll call thread in January and share pictures!
                              Woah congrats!!!


                                Hello all! I am so new so stay with me as I explain our story We are 5 years in a difference in age but it doesn't bother me at all. I first reached out to him in April this year in a dating group on Facebook, not really expecting a reply at all. He didn't get back to me till June and by then I was mentally in dark place; mom passed away and I was numb and distant. It took everything from me just to write a couple words out but he was constant even during the time when I completely stopped talking because of my state of mind. Finally a month later July 3rd I broke down and replied to him and that's when we really connected. We ended up being more insync and connected than I would have ever thought. No, we have not met yet but plan to by early December. What kills me is before he found me he's been planning a business venture in South Africa because he is half SA half Belgian and finally finding someone he actually loves he has found the courage to make the trip-so now there's this extra long distance!

                                Im so sick of hearing prejudiced opinions about how people think he's some catfish... who plans on scamming me. He's different.. I just want to find a community/family who knows what I am mentally going through...

