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2018 Official Roll Call!

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    Congratulations on your third kid Michelle! That's great!

    (Brief summary of relationship for those that don't know me: Boyfriend lives in Argentina, I'm in Sweden, roughly 8800 miles apart. Met online in early 2011, met for real mid-2011. Been travelling back and forth since, on average seeing each other twice a year)

    I've been around on LFAD on and off for quite a few years now - just came back after a very long hiatus so this is a great thread to get some updates on people! Gon and I have been at this LDR-thing for almost 8 years now, but yesterday we FINALLY applied for him to get citizenship here in Sweden! It's been a long road with lots of bumps along the way, deciding who should move etc. but we finally had enough and now we're starting out here in Sweden and seeing where things go from there. Keep your fingers crossed for us that we get a positive decision!

    As for life in general: Dexter, our dog, is still doing just great - he's about 5 years old by now, and we're considering moving him here together with Gon, but I'm a bit iffy about the duration of flights etc.
    I graduated university and now have a B.Sc. in Cognitive Science, and I currently work as an information engineer at SAAB in the town where I live, and loving it! Oh, and the rest of my family moved back from Shanghai, so it's nice to have them close once more.

    I think that's a pretty brief summary of everything that's happened during the past couple of years Great to see everyone still around, have an awesome day!
    Last edited by Alle1770; October 15, 2018, 11:02 AM.

    Met online: February 2011
    Met the first time: August 16, 2011


      Hello everyone. New here. Adel and I have only been together for 3 months. I'm very happy but lately have been feeling a bit down and thinking of breaking up. I would like to send him a gift for his birthday but he keeps forgetting to send me the address (so he says). I hope this isn't a red flag. If he doesn't give me his address, I'm going to break up with him. I will keep you guys updated on this. Any advice is much appreciated.


        I just chanced upon this thread just now. Hahaha before 2018 ends i’ll be able to update you guys on the status of my LDR hahah. So SO and I have been officially together for 2 years and 6 months now. 1st visit is December of 2016 and the next will be by his birthday on April 2019. We have a few arguments but we love each other dearly we keep on holding on. Excited for 2019! God bless all of our LDRs and everyone who have closed the distance ��.

        Congrats michelle and frank on the coming of the third bundle of joy!


          Hey, everyone. I’m so glad I found this community. I was looking online for coping with LDR depression and I was told joining a community like this can help a bunch. My boyfriend and I met last year while I was studying abroad in Japan. We spent the year spending time together, growing closer, and eventually I moved in with him. We lived together for three months, but then it was time for me to go back to America. We’ve only been apart for 2 1/2 months and It’s so so so hard. It just amazes me that you all have spent so many months and in some cases years away from your partners. I’m excited to read your advice. Thanks again for making this community. I and others like me really need mentors with experience like you all to help guide us.


            Hi everyone ! it was so nice to read everyones story, I wish the best of luck to all of your relationships !
            My name is Lise and I have been in a LDR with my lover for 3 years coming this May. We are both in the US with literally 1,000 miles apart. Over the past years, we have both been in college with me expecting to finish in May. We have had a lot of ups and downs, more recently downs but without a doubt in my mind I would not be with anyone else ( or put this much effort into lol) I will get back to being active on here as best as I can !

