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slightly bad news...

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    slightly bad news...

    but slightly good news, too. Alex will be quitting his job soon because he absolutely hates it there. I totally understand. He's going to try and get a job in Edmonton (where I'm attempting to attend university) and move there. However, all that good news comes with some down sides. Because he won't have steady employment after the next month (he's planning to quit near the end of October) he won't be able to afford a passport. Because he won't be able to afford a passport he won't be able to come down here for new years. I'm still going up there for Christmas, but I'm a little disappointed. ^^;

    Daw, this is all topsy turvy, but I'm glad there's way more good news than bad! ^^ May you be together soon!

    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


      about the learning that I really cannot wait until I can wake up and think "I cant wait to go to my job; I love it" I love my job, I do, but some of the people I work with, and the people that run it/work for make it a terrible place to work.

      Anyway, I am moving to live with Amanda next summer, and before I move I am going to look for a job so I dont move and have 0 income. Her and I both need to have a steady income if we can afford our appartment. In time you guys will be together 24/7, until then, enjoy the time you have and enjoy your holiday together
      My <3 is in Connecticut


        Well, while original planning is ruined, it brings about new plans to look forward to in the long run. You may not see him on New Year's but once University starts and he can settle with a job in the area, you guys might be able to see each other more often.


          It's only $87 (Canadian) for a passport, according to their website. Would it be possible for the two of you to come up with the money together?

          If not, at least Christmas is better than nothing. And definitely better that he's trying to find a job that he'll love and not dread waking up for every day.

          If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


            Um....What is that old saying?? When a door closes, a window opens....just don't let someone push you out it!

            He will be so much happier away from a job he hates, life is to short for that.

            Everything I know, and anywhere I go, It gets hard but it won't take away my love,
            And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done, It gets hard but it won't take away my love


            Me without Him is like Son of Beast without the loop.


              Look at the LONG range plans. The benefit will be greater.

              I was going to say the same thing about passport..

              Hang in is all going to come together!!xx
              NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                haha, I doubt he'd LET me help him pay for anything at all ^^; thanks for all your support, guys!


                  as much as it sucks....if you want to be with someone bad enough, sometimes you need to suck up your pride and let your SO help you. Amanda offered to help me with a money issue, and I really needed it so I took it, but I felt like shit. But then she explained it like this...there will be a time when she needed my help, and it wont be easy for her, but sometimes when you want something bad enough, you need to let people that love you, help you
                  My <3 is in Connecticut


                    Congrats on the good news!!!


                      I agree with everyone
                      He might not be down there with you on New Years but he will soon be with you 24/7!!
                      Just think of that and you'll be fine ^___^
                      Good luck with everythin!!


                        Working in a place you hate is awful - it'll be good for him in the long run to get out of there. And you still get to spend Christmas together so things could definitely be worse!

