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What melted you?

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    What melted you?

    Okay, I've said a few times in various places that I have an ever growing list of things about my SO that - melt my butter, trip my trigger, float my boat, (gotta love random colloquial euphemisms) the things that let me know for sure, he was the one.

    Lets make a list here of THE thing that melted you, and made you know, they were it....

    here's mine,

    Ian is a very singular person, he's been alone most of his life, even in his family is very 'proper' and slightly distant..he told me in the ride to the airport for his departure.... "I've always been a bit awkward or uncomfortable around new people and places, especially at first...but with you, where ever we've gone or who ever we've met, you make me feel at ease, It's like you make me fit into place."

    I can't explain to you how casually he said the words, without even knowing what he was saying....

    What's your lightning bolt, melted you moment?
    Last edited by Dauntedpoet; March 12, 2012, 08:03 PM.

    Everything I know, and anywhere I go, It gets hard but it won't take away my love,
    And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done, It gets hard but it won't take away my love


    Me without Him is like Son of Beast without the loop.

    this was before we even started dating, but we had a small little argument about something and after it was scared that she would stop being my friend and she said "Oh honey your stuck with me , im not going anywhere, just because we had a little argument your afraid i'll leave you, im not like that. Your stuck with me whether you like it or not :P " heh thats what did it for me


      I melt basically every time he says I'm his future wife ^_^ And all those other cute little things (I think I melt pretty easily xD)
      But the last time I really melt into the ground was when he was at his cousins wedding and while he camed with me there (the guys were gettin ready) he told all of them that I was his fiancee before even askin me anythin I loved it cause it werent just some random guys it were his cousins! And all of them were cool with it, I even talked to one of them a lil bit and they all didnt mind the fact that I live in Germany and such I felt like a part of his family and it's amazing


        There were two moments for me The first one was the day he begged me to get sober. Almost 14 months sober now.

        The second was when I finally got the nerve to tell him that I felt I was born the wrong gender and that I was pursuing getting that fixed. He just said "...God, you really are the man in this relationship!" I knew with that joke that he was ok with it. He's still getting use to using the right pronouns and whatnot, but he's ok with me. He's just lols when he sees how obsessed I am with my hair (I refuse to cut it) and just says it's my gay side. By the way, I identify as a gay male :P. He's actually the first person I've ever told that I have gender identity issues and thank God because he makes me feel ok about it.


          About three weeks into our relationship, my roommate at the time decided to kick me out of our apartment. (Long story, it makes me angry, because if anyone should have been evicted, it was her) She wanted me to leave ASAP, but was willing to "let" me stay for the rest of the year in case I couldn't find a place to live. (Translation: she realized all the bills were in my name, so if I left, she was suddenly without water and electricity, much less cable or internet.)

          After she listed all the reasons she was kicking me out, I bolted and ran to Penn's apartment across the street. I walked in, barely holding it together, and saw Penn in his room doing his homework. He set that aside, even though it was due at 8 o'clock the following morning and was easily going to take him at least two more hours to finish, to listen to me freak out about where I was going to live. With college apartments in our area, you need to sign an application, and preferably a lease, before Thanksgiving if you want to get a place, and here it was mid-December. He just sat there and held me and stroked my hair (and offered up the occasional biting comment about my roommate) for hours, and let me crash there that night because I was still too incensed to go home and face her.

          That's what did me in.

          If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


            Soo many things.

            I think my absolute favorite one corny as it sounds...was when I said.."I know I know..I am a dork."

            to which he replied...

            "Ah yes...but my dork...allll mine."
            NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


              Her voice. The first time we talked over Skype. It was one amazing night and it lasted for many many hours. Her voice and accent just did it for me. I also melt whenever she whispers to me.


                My situation is a bit like darth's, one of the times we both "melted" was when we found out we have gender identity "issues" in common. Neither of us identify as "female" and hadn't really told anyone yet, we were both really afraid the other would freak out. It went kinda like "I think I'm more of a gay boy than a girl" "Really? Me too kinda..." And we spent the better part of the night talking about it. This was only about two weeks after we started dating so it really brought our relationship to a new level.

                Oh, and her voice. Can't forget the voice. Wonderful, wonderful British accent, I think I melted from it before I even knew who she was lol


                  We were talking one evening about when we first met each other and how I had come off as this really angry person who hated men (which was the truth) and I joked I was still that way, just that I was hiding it better. He called my bluff by saying that he found my "posturing/rawriness" sexy, but that he 'had honestly melted' when I dropped those defenses he wanted to see more of me, wanted to drop everything, and spend his time getting to know me. I asked him when this was and he told me it was one late evening back in February, he was flirting with me (this was before we were dating, I always ignored his advances) and instead of shoving him away I flirted back and, as he put it, unknowingly backed him into a corner to admit his feelings. The second incident he said was during the fiasco we had with his ex best friend, Gladys. I knew he had tried dating her before because he knew she liked him and he just wanted her happy, they'd seen each other naked on webcam, she had pictures of him, etc and I didn't care, it honestly didn't bother me which threw him off because he expected me to pull some jealous gf bull. In March she hurt him really badly and, as he put it, I "picked up the salvageable pieces and dragged him off to put them back together." What got me in this whole conversation was he said that, after that night, he was 'hooked' and that "we were practically married at that point, in my mind. I wanted you forever." I think I turned a good few shades of pink that night.


                    There's so many things that make me melt! But one thing was when I was at his house and he was going saying good night to me and all of a sudden got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. Before I could really answer he got back up and said to himself, 'Now I know exactly how I'm going to do it.'


                      What got me was literally the other night. Me and my SO were talking about something and it started to get heated and we began arguing and mid argument we began laughing and arguing at the same time until finally it was all laughing. He stopped and was like "I could go to bed or hang up right now and not have to worry if you are mad at me over this and its amazing. I love you so much". I definitely understand what he was saying. It was like, we could argue and yet not get mad at each other. I have never been able to do that with anyone else and it is absolutely incredible.


                        There's so much about him that makes me melt, but I think the definitive moment I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him was when he met my family. I met him in person for the first time several months before that, and I was so nervous about him meeting them because it was very important to me that they like him. He seemed so comfortable with them, and they all talked to him like they'd known him for years. Everything was perfect. We spent the whole day together, and I was a little worried that he wouldn't like that since he was only visiting me for 4 days. He never complained about it though. On the way home, all he could talk about was how much he loved my grandparents and how much fun he had. No one had ever really opened up to my family like that before, and my family had only ever really liked one other boyfriend of mine. With all the feelings I already had for him and how much healthier our relationship was compared to anything else I'd ever had, this was the moment that finalized everything in my mind. I knew at that moment that no matter what, we would make this work, and I'd someday get to put on a pretty white dress and celebrate our future with everyone we love.


                          Oh I am loving all the 'moments' because I can read them and say to myself - "yeah that is so like Ian," or "oh that happened too!"

                          Everything I know, and anywhere I go, It gets hard but it won't take away my love,
                          And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done, It gets hard but it won't take away my love


                          Me without Him is like Son of Beast without the loop.


                            It was back in the days before we discovered skype. Before I owned a headset or webcam, or even understood why I'd want to. Back before I'd even received a photo to tell me what he truly looked like...

                            Obi phoned me, it was maybe the second or third call we had. They were very rare! And he sung to me Maroon 5's "She will be loved" and it was all so true. He can't sing worth a damn, but it melted me... that he'd do that for me <3

                            The other thing was a poem he wrote for me... I still have copies of it in my BOS and on my pc to read and remind myself. It promised that one day our happiness together would become permanent/physical. One day, as much as it will humiliate him, I will have a copy put on a nice background and framed, and I'll hang it where everyone can see it!
                            Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                              He can articulate my fears when I struggle to find the words.

