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LDR wife wants divorce, but I've planned a surprise visit. What do I do?

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    LDR wife wants divorce, but I've planned a surprise visit. What do I do?

    At the start of the year I planned a surprise visit for my SO, set for June 10th. Her mom was in on it and I was going to make her a surprise meal for when she got home.

    However, since I moved house a couple of weeks ago, she has become increasingly hostile and I haven't managed to get any kind of meaningful conversation out of her; instead she insists on talking about my past mistakes, constantly criticises me and shifts blame. This was 24/7, I got sick pretty quick so I asked for space a lot, and I didn't receive it; constant calls and texts.

    Last night, I completely lost it, and in a rage I hung up. She then text me these:

    "I wasn't done talking


    I said"

    To which I text:

    "I want time to think. You're never done talking, you give me no time to think. Leave me the f* alone."

    She then continued:

    "I don't love you like I used to

    As in

    When before I could look past your flaws and not care but after being repeatedly failed so many times it took a tole (toll, hole?) in my heart

    It started to actually hurt

    And I'm hurting because

    Deep down I do wish we were our old selves

    I tell you to do this and that because I want us to improve and u show me ur still there
    and by doing things it shows me your actually wanting to keep me wanting to try and give me better

    Because all I've been receiving are really bad and sad ways of showing ur "love"

    And honestly it hurts

    But I've realised

    I shouldn't have ever bothered you to do anything

    To nag you every day

    Because if you really wanted to I would have

    In your own time

    But I'm not going to stand here like an idiot for a man who obviously doesn't see marriage the way I do

    I'm not going to beg you anymore

    Like I said the day I stop "nagging" u as u say then it's the day I'm done with us

    I'm not wasting more of my life for someone I gotta beg to do anything they didn't want to do in the first place

    I'm done

    I'm setting you free

    I'm not wasting your time anymore either

    Let's get a divorce

    For real this time

    No more games

    Let's both start to get better and move on

    I'll go half on the lawyers fees

    I'll make an appointment first business day

    Clearly we weren't meant to be

    I'm done crying for someone who doesn't take marriage as serious as I do

    Maybe its in a different way then urs

    But it's over

    I don't need ur money anymore

    Or u

    U broke my heart

    Idk if I can ever marry anyone anymore

    Marriage doesn't mean the same to me like it used to."

    I haven't called or text back since. What the hell do I do? I was supposed to be going over in two weeks to try and be more romantic and fix some issues she had with me. Obviously she has the impression we had no plans at all. Should I let the plans slip, go anyway or cancel it all? I'm devastated.

    How long have these issues been going on for?
    Can I ask if you guys are planning to close the distance?
    Maybe you’ll have to ruin the surprise and let her know you had planned a trip. Maybe seeing each other face to face will be beneficial for you both to sort out what to do.


      While no one is perfect. She seems rather selfish. Whatever flaws you may have. She has not spoken up about them for a long time. But then, whatever flaws you may have, could be her personal opinions/hang-ups.

      Another thing I am curious about, is. What might have triggered her sudden behavioral change.

      First Visit: September 2016
      Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
      Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

      John 3:16
      For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
      John 4:12
      I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


        Curious about how this has turned out?

