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Giving up things you love to be with your SO

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    Giving up things you love to be with your SO

    Is there anything that you (or your SO if they'll be the one moving) love but will have to give up at least partially, if not completely, if you want to be together?

    I really mean family and friends aside, but that's not to say you shouldn't mention them as there's nothing bigger than that.

    I'm quite a homey person so the family and friends thing will hit me hard for sure, as well as my dog, Sam. I love him to bits. At least Tanja has 3 dogs here but it's not quite the same, even though one of them does remind me so much of my Sam.

    Apart from that, I'll miss my football (soccer) terribly. I'm a huge Everton fan and this is my 6th season as a season ticket holder which means I get to see every game we play at home. There's nothing else in the world like going to watch your team play, there's so many emotions that are stirred up inside you during that 90 minutes which nothing else can do to me like football does.

    It's not particularly big in Finland, although they have a few games on TV and luckily quite a few of the English games too. Tanja said she'll get me all the sports channels when I move here to soften the blow

    You can get live streams online if you're lucky enough to find one with decent quality and you've got a good enough connection but it's hardly the same. I'd fly back and forth to the games if I could afford it!

    Anyways, enough about me, how's about you?
    In a relationship with

    Read mine & Tanja's story here!

    My Albums:
    Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
    Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
    My dog Sam ♥

    Decent shopping. It's one thing Canada does not have. There's one semi-large Mall near Vancouver, and that's it. Everything else is very spread out, which just sucks balls when you don't have a car and the public transport system is lacking. These people need to get a Westfield or two STAT!
    But, I'm getting used to it.

    I know how you feel about your dog Have you considered taking him with you? It's stupidly expensive, but if it's a final move, it'd be worth the money. I brought my cat with me, and yes, the flight was rough on him (15 hours in a tiny cage down in the cargo hold, loud engines and all that) but he did eventually forgive me, and all of a sudden car trips aren't the end of the world for him haha. It cost roughly $1300 Australian to do it.

    Some of the food I miss. Like pumpkin. These people don't eat it except in pie. It's crazy.

    One thing I gave up, that I didn't realise I was giving up, was being "normal". I stand out everywhere I go and am reminded constantly that I don't belong here. I miss being able to speak to someone knowing they will understand what I say and help me without saying "You're not from around here are you?"
    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


      Originally posted by Zephii View Post
      Decent shopping. It's one thing Canada does not have. There's one semi-large Mall near Vancouver, and that's it. Everything else is very spread out, which just sucks balls when you don't have a car and the public transport system is lacking. These people need to get a Westfield or two STAT!
      But, I'm getting used to it.

      I know how you feel about your dog Have you considered taking him with you? It's stupidly expensive, but if it's a final move, it'd be worth the money. I brought my cat with me, and yes, the flight was rough on him (15 hours in a tiny cage down in the cargo hold, loud engines and all that) but he did eventually forgive me, and all of a sudden car trips aren't the end of the world for him haha. It cost roughly $1300 Australian to do it.

      Some of the food I miss. Like pumpkin. These people don't eat it except in pie. It's crazy.

      One thing I gave up, that I didn't realise I was giving up, was being "normal". I stand out everywhere I go and am reminded constantly that I don't belong here. I miss being able to speak to someone knowing they will understand what I say and help me without saying "You're not from around here are you?"

      God yeah, some of those I haven't even though about. With food I'm a crappy eater anyway, and in fact I eat so much better over here, but the lack of choice when it comes to sweets and chocolates is hard to get used to!

      No Everton mints, mint imperials, chocolate eclairs, certain crisps too! It goes on and on...

      No chance of bringing him over sadly. I live with my parents and my brother so he's their dog too, plus he might eat one of Tanja's dogs

      But we've had him since he was a puppy and he's 7 next month, he almost died in my arms when he was just a few months old when he ran up a ledge (which was clearly a lot higher than he thought) and jumped off so I've always felt extremely close to him, like we've got a special bond. He's my best mate and I've made myself tear up so I'll stop now!

      I'm with you on the feeling normal thing too. I feel like I stick out like a sore thumb, especially not knowing the language. Plus where she lives is extremely remote so everyone knows each other and each other's business so they all know I'm that foreign British guy from the internet...

      Edit: My car too! I miss that, just being able to get in my car and go somewhere

      Can't wait until that changes!
      In a relationship with

      Read mine & Tanja's story here!

      My Albums:
      Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
      Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
      My dog Sam ♥


        Same as you


          Originally posted by Andy View Post
          I'm that foreign British guy from the internet...
          Hahaha that's hilarious. Probably annoying for you. But hilarious none the less.
          Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


            Originally posted by Andy View Post
            I feel like I stick out like a sore thumb, especially not knowing the language.
            Yup, this too. Even more so for me probably, cause of how I look Dont exactly look Finnish (or that I could be from Finland)
            I look Spanish or something ¬_¬

            Aaanyway, I guess that's one thing I wont/dont look forward to..
            I'm sure that'll be 100 times better once I speak the language cause well.. I dunno.. right now most people in the street when I'm there stare at me anyway.. then I speak to Elina in English and they hear and just stare even more -.-
            It's a bit of a pain but.. have to live with it


              Originally posted by sam View Post
              Yup, this too. Even more so for me probably, cause of how I look Dont exactly look Finnish (or that I could be from Finland)
              I look Spanish or something ¬_¬

              Aaanyway, I guess that's one thing I wont/dont look forward to..
              I'm sure that'll be 100 times better once I speak the language cause well.. I dunno.. right now most people in the street when I'm there stare at me anyway.. then I speak to Elina in English and they hear and just stare even more -.-
              It's a bit of a pain but.. have to live with it

              Haha yeah, I don't look Finnish either, also the clothes I wear seem to be noticeably different too here... well, maybe not when we're in the city

              Kinda funny how I'll speak English to Tanja in a shop right before we reach the check-out and the girl on the till looks at us in horror beause she might have to speak English, then Tanja speaks to her in Finnish and the relief is always there to see on their face
              In a relationship with

              Read mine & Tanja's story here!

              My Albums:
              Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
              Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
              My dog Sam ♥


                I gave up drugs for her and moved out of a cheaper living arrangment to get my own place with a friend so that my SO could come over as she pleased and I'll probably end up moving to close the distance.
                Met: 1.20.09 (At School)
                Starting Dating: 5.22.09
                Been an LDR since: 8.17.10 (3 hours distance)
                Last Time I saw my SO: 10.02.10
                Next time I will see my SO: 10.14.10


                  i dont think theres realy anything id miss, might be 'cause im young, but ive never been close to any of my family, never had a real family bond. if anything, i cant wait to get away from them. i think ill miss my guitar, and my drumkit, and my band, and all the live music hear, where natacha lives they have some ok bands play, but most of the time she has to travel 2 hours to montreal to see any decent bands :P
                  i would say id miss my best mate stephen, but hees going away after school anyway (going to army training college) so theres not much i could do about that anyway :P


                    I'm giving up living somewhere I really love.

                    I love Virginia. The climate's nice, we have all four seasons, and since I live in the mountains, the summer isn't dreadfully humid. It's not a terribly long trip to go visit family or friends, even though I don't live near any of them.

                    I mean, Arizona's the desert. It's hot. It's still hitting 100+ degrees there every day. I HATE summer. I'm a late autumn and winter sort of person. I like to wear sweaters and long pants and coats and mittens and...yeah. I love snow. I love the cold.

                    If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't leave.

                    If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


                      My entire comfort zone?

                      I'll have to give up 2 of my 3 cats (I'm determined to keep my Siamese, thank God he likes cats and has one too) my favorite coffee shop because it's local, all the local food, and of course the culture. I'm not entirely happy about that, but Florida's still in the gulf area so I'm hoping the seafood will be decent there.


                        Since i will be the moving when my and bf finally close the distance
                        I shall be giving up a lot in a sense. I will be giving up the comfort of my dad always being there when i needed him (major daddy's girl), going to the university that i really wanted to go, and living in the area that i got so used to living in. But i feel like its very much worth it since i will be with my bf. I don't mind have to transfer to a less awesome school and i can always call my dad up if i miss him, so i think i will live having to give up some things but it going to suck for a little bit at first.


                          im quitting my job just to see her for 6 months(dont love my job), and hopefully after that we'll move in together, and because of all that i had to give away my cats because visiting for 6 months and then a move would be too much stress on everybody including them


                            My friends and family for definate!!

                            But also the accessibility of shops and things to do. Nightclubs!!!! God they have none where my SO is lol! fast food places none of them either!! Regular buses ( in reading they are every 10 mins, Cornwall every hour :-O

                            But to be honest I'd give up anything to be with him I know wherever I go I can still see my family and friends and being with him means more to me than anything!


                              Well my family is the most important thing to me. My grandpa lives 3 blocks away and my cousins live across the street. I also work with my family. So once I move I will miss them terribly, but everything will work out

