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2020 Official Roll Call!

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    2020 Official Roll Call!

    Hi everyone!

    I figured it was time to make a 2020 roll call! If you see this thread just reply with an update on your relationship/life - new members please feel more than welcome to post too! Are you closing the distance soon, getting married, got engaged, have a visit planned, achieved a goal, got a new job, etc...

    Frank and I haven't changed too much. We have 3 boys: a 4 year old, 2 year old (almost 3), and 1 year old (we just celebrated his birthday earlier this month). They keep us busy (and sick - our oldest started preschool in the fall and brings everything home). We are casually house shopping to have a little more room for our family (and we have a scary neighbor - can you relate?) And you can always find me on Zillow, Trulia, etc... checking for new listings.

    Other than that, we're the same old, same old and doing well and are happy!

    For the forum, I have been doing a lot of behind the scenes updating that has made the site run faster - if you experience any issues let me know!

    We also got an SSL certificate for the forum in December since browsers were displaying "your connection is not secure" messages. You can read more here about that here.

    Also, let me know if you'd like to see anything new or different by posting over on the Site Suggestions forum section or by private message - I love hearing others thoughts and ideas and have made lots of changes based on members' requests during the years.

    I've made a newish Instagram account, you can follow us there: We are also on Facebook

    On a side note, this forum (vbulletin version) has been around for 10 years! As you can see by my join date, I installed it in January 2010. Can you believe it???
    Read my LDR story!

    Happy 2020, everyone!

    In 2019, my SO and I both graduated from college, him in the spring and me in December. He began working at the university he graduated from. We decided to get legally married without telling anyone in July; it slowly slipped out to more and more people and I ended up telling my family in December. It's not Facebook official, and we're still debating about having an actual wedding. (We never even bought rings )

    We could conceivably close the distance any time now, but he's extremely limited as to who will hire him, and I am I very concerned about working at a hospital in his area, as I've read some not great things about the conditions in them. I also currently work at a hospital ranked very highly, so it's hard for me to make a decision about whether to focus on what's best for my career or what's best for closing the distance. It's been a really, really long five years, lol.

    2020 should be interesting!


      Congratulations Autumn!
      Read my LDR story!


        Well its that time of year again! I spend an embarrassingly long time on this forum just reading stuff and never commenting, oops.

        Life is going good for me and my girls. We all moved in together to a nice new flat last May which is twice the size of the last one, apart from now with 3 peoples stuff its still just as crowded :P

        D&D has taken over my life in the last year and its become my main hobby which is nice honestly, it feels nice to actually have a hobby again. I've made some amazing friends through it and although i miss my old friends back home I've found a nice family with this lot and am very very happy getting to spend time with them and hang out. Ash started running her D&D campaign for us like last June and we've all been having soooooooooo much fun playing in that. I've even started writing and running my own campaign for our group we have. A friend from the group and I started a club at work to get people into D&D and that's gone so well I now have 3 different groups I run my campaign for!

        Apart from D&D, nothing that exciting has happened. We got a cat last May when we moved into this flat, he's called Jelly and he's a crazy little guy. he wakes me up at like 5am everyday so like i guess its true that having a cat is the step to preparing for kids haha. The biggest purchase of the year so far is we bought a new sofa which is actually being delivered today. We got a second hand one which the springs broke on pretty quick when we moved in here so hopefully this one won't break immediately.

        I don't have any plans currently to visit back home apart from going back for an evening in May to keep up the watching eurovision final with the buds. I might take a week to visit some people then, but I don't particularly like being away from my girls for so long so who knows.

        All in all, 2019 was pretty good, i hope 2020 continues to be just as great
        my girls <3

        Josie (SO)
        Met online ~ 17th August 2017 ~
        Met in person ~ 30th August 2017 ~
        Became official ~ 15th September 2017 ~
        Closed the distance and moved in together! ~ 18th June 2018 ~

        Met online ~ 21st November 2018 ~
        Met in person ~ 26th November 2018 ~
        Became official ~ 4th December 2018 ~
        All moved in together! ~ 30th May 2019 ~


          Things have been up and down the last year, and I am more than happy for things to settle again...but I'm not sure when they will.
          So far, we've only spent 8 days together back in February 2019. I was booked to fly out again on Christmas Eve, but things happened and I made the decision to cancel it. It seems that since then we have been arguing frequently, which worries me. I know the stress of not seeing each other for almost a year now is putting undue strain on us as a couple. I would love for us to get couples counselling anyway, but with over 4000 miles between us, I don't see that being possible. But despite our arguments, we are still going strong.

          Mental health has added another burden to our overcrowded plate too, and he has been feeling very dark the last few months. He lost his dog of 11 years in September, I cancelled the Christmas visit, he still hasn't found work, and he lost his stepfather in November. The holidays and winter generally are not great times for either of us, though this time it's really taking him down.

          In the midst of all of this, I have been wedding planning. I've found my dress, flowers, veil, photographer, and a MOH dress too.
          Nothing has yet been paid for or booked, but I realised last night that we should get to it now if we want to marry in early 2021. Prior to this, I was just compiling ideas.
          I know that he is miserable stuck out there, so knowing he is officially working towards a new life with me in the UK I reckon will work wonders for his mood, even though he is a chronic worrier. But hey, you can't win them all, right?


            Originally posted by kittyxuchiha11 View Post
            Well its that time of year again! I spend an embarrassingly long time on this forum just reading stuff and never commenting, oops.
            Literally same


              Ah, 2020... enter all the vision jokes...

              We closed the distance in September of 2019 and I'm now living with my SO in Canada. I'm currently looking for work but overall really enjoying living with him (finally). Closing the distance was nearly seamless for us and we've integrated into each other's spaces really well. We drove down to the states to visit my family over the holidays, then drove out to see his family, and it's a damn good thing we drove and didn't fly because we got SO many things, including a really nice set of pots and pans and a new vacuum cleaner. At this point I literally have no idea what we'd put on a registry if we were to get married. My SO got a really cushy job at the start of October about a week after I moved in, and we moved into an adorable little 1br house just before Halloween. The downside is that it's out in a fairly rural area and there aren't a lot of other opportunities for me. I love seeing him so happy at work, though, and he gets to work from home every Friday (which means I get to spend more time with him). I'm grateful to have such a caring partner.
              Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
              Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
              Engaged: 09/26/2020


                Originally posted by kittyo9 View Post
                Ah, 2020... enter all the vision jokes...

                We closed the distance in September of 2019 and I'm now living with my SO in Canada. I'm currently looking for work but overall really enjoying living with him (finally). Closing the distance was nearly seamless for us and we've integrated into each other's spaces really well. We drove down to the states to visit my family over the holidays, then drove out to see his family, and it's a damn good thing we drove and didn't fly because we got SO many things, including a really nice set of pots and pans and a new vacuum cleaner. At this point I literally have no idea what we'd put on a registry if we were to get married. My SO got a really cushy job at the start of October about a week after I moved in, and we moved into an adorable little 1br house just before Halloween. The downside is that it's out in a fairly rural area and there aren't a lot of other opportunities for me. I love seeing him so happy at work, though, and he gets to work from home every Friday (which means I get to spend more time with him). I'm grateful to have such a caring partner.
                Lovely update It reminds me so much of when Frank and I moved to our little rental house in the woods - it had 2 bedrooms, but one of them was so tiny we used it for storage/office. It was so cute and even had a covered porch. We still reminisce about those days when it was just us and our pup in that little house.
                Read my LDR story!


                  Originally posted by Michelle View Post
                  Lovely update It reminds me so much of when Frank and I moved to our little rental house in the woods - it had 2 bedrooms, but one of them was so tiny we used it for storage/office. It was so cute and even had a covered porch. We still reminisce about those days when it was just us and our pup in that little house.
                  It really is just like that! The owners converted the second bedroom into a laundry/storage room and we keep most of our clothes and extra stuff in there, so it also serves as a dressing room. Our front porch isn't covered but hey-- we have a porch!! Can't wait until spring when we can put some chairs out to enjoy it. I'll be so sad when we have to move out of this place.
                  Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
                  Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
                  Engaged: 09/26/2020


                    Hi everyone, I thought I’d do the proper thing and be official on here 😊😊

                    It’s been a big year but I have high hopes that my life is settling into a new and positive rhythm for 2020.

                    Me and my SO have been talking for almost 1.5 years. In that time we have managed to spend 2.5 weeks together in person. That took a lot of planning and investment as it is a long distance to bridge! We enjoyed each other so much in person, though, that it motivated us both enough to soldier on through the hardships of long distance.

                    We plan to see each other again. This time, he will meet my kids. They are 10 and 8. I am actually very terrified about this. Because it is a situation I won’t have complete control over. Perhaps it will be a disaster? So I currently have that playing on my mind.

                    Even so, I look forward to when I can hug him again. So much!
                    "The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again".
                    -Charles Dickens


                      Hi everyone! We’ve been going along well. We’ve been married for 2 years this July and together for 8 years. Hubby has settled into life here almost 3 years closed distance now and we are a happily little family. We currently have 2 dogs 8 & 7 months that have been putting us through our paces. They are boxers, so if you’re familiar with the breed you’ll understand what I mean. Lol. The wedding venue we got married in was destroyed in the bush fire crisis here which was gutting but thankfully we are ok and are just thankful for the little things in life.


                        Originally posted by Redheart14 View Post
                        Hi everyone! We’ve been going along well. We’ve been married for 2 years this July and together for 8 years. Hubby has settled into life here almost 3 years closed distance now and we are a happily little family. We currently have 2 dogs 8 & 7 months that have been putting us through our paces. They are boxers, so if you’re familiar with the breed you’ll understand what I mean. Lol. The wedding venue we got married in was destroyed in the bush fire crisis here which was gutting but thankfully we are ok and are just thankful for the little things in life.
                        What's happening in Australia is so sad and tragic. The images and videos are heartbreaking. Sorry to hear about your wedding venue. I'm glad you're okay.
                        Read my LDR story!


                          Currently looking to close the distance toward the end of 2020. It seems so stressful to think about though.


                            Hello everyone!

                            So me and my bf met in 2012. I moved to his country in 2017-2018 to go to university. Then moved back home after graduation. He moved in Jan 2020 to go to university in my hometown and will graduate later this year. So we are still together but we don't have a long term plan which is stressing me out but I'm trying to enjoy the moment since we are finally (again) living together instead did just holidays once a month.


                              February 8th I am going to see my bf again.
                              My mum and stepdad are joining us for a few days.
                              I am excited and scared at the same time since there is a lot of talking we have to do on how life will look for me once I get there in a few years.
                              I recently posted about his controlling issues. That’s my main issue and we have to find a solution for it otherwise I can’t stay with him. Other then that he is so nice and kind and loving towards me so it will be heartbreaking if it turns out the wrong way but we keep our hopes up.
                              So I really hope that we can figure things out and enjoy our 3 weeks together.
                              But I am more nervous then ever..

