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2020 Official Roll Call!

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    Hello! I'm new on here but am really enjoying reading everyone's stories.
    I have been talking online to someone since late October last year and we are due to meet for the first time on February 15th when I fly over to see him. We video chat daily, often for hours. And yes, we have ran out of things to say at times!
    The hardest thing for me to deal with has been the negativity of others about the whole situation. Whilst I am happy to be relatively cautious and take things slow, people are quick to judge and pass comment.
    Despite our apparent feelings for one another and enjoying seeing him and talking to him every day, this is not an easy process and I respect every one of you that has made it work. From anxiety, doubt, jealousy, low self esteem... And just wishing they were closer, it's not simple by any stretch of the imagination.
    I've found that we have both need reassurance at times and as the date creeps closer I think we are both feeling the pressure a little. Anyway, good luck to all of you and I look forward to reading more of your stories.


      Hey everyone, 2020 started out pretty rough for my SO and I but we are doing much better now. We are back to our old lovey, dovey ways and it feels amazing! I am used to seeing him about 1-2 times a month but currently haven't seen him since mid December with no planned date for the next visit. He has since moved even further away from me. I miss him like crazy and hope to be with him soon!!

      His next step is coming up in a couple of months for his school which will allow him to relocate. There is an AMAZING hospital (nationally ranked top 10 for his specialty) about an hour away from me and we have talked about him applying there.. so fingers crossed!! I would be able to see him practically every weekend which is pretty exciting. Until then we are enduring this even larger gap between us but we are hanging in there.
      ~And ever has it been known that Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation~


        I'm pretty bad for the sporadic posting too, kitty, so I can relate :P

        2020 didn't start off on the best of notes, if I'm honest. I've been diagnosed with diabetes type 2, and the medication I've been taking for it has been kicking my ass in a number of unpleasant ways. I've been turned down for a number of jobs I applied for in healthcare, for the silliest of reasons... Still gonna keep trying, however. There's been other things, too, but that's more than enough negativity for one post lol.

        My SO and I couldn't be closer. I can't honestly say I've ever met anyone quite like him before. He's re-enlisted in the Marine Corps, and currently trying to raise $10k by the time he leaves the military. We're meeting for the first time on 16th March, he'll be here until the 25th. The hotel's been booked and paid for, the flights are sorted out... excited and overjoyed doesn't quite cut it.

        I have a special placement in a carehome coming up soon, too. If I do well, I might even have a part-time or full-time job at the end of it, who knows. The home's residents all have dementia, and the Prince's Trust are the ones hosting the placement. My workcoach at the job centre reckons this *could* be my way into the world of healthcare once again... I really, really hope so. I'm sick of being turned down for jobs time and time again.

        Hope everyone else is keeping well.


          Just trying to be patient. We have a son who will turn 2 years old soon. My wife is still living in China with my son. I want them here now but there isn't much that can be done about the length of the immigration process.
          I had plans to visit them in March but because of the coronavirus outbreak new travel restrictions were put into place and now I'm forbidden from traveling to China and because of our incident the last time she came to the States her tourist visa has been cancelled so she cannot come here. If ignoring the travel restriction wouldn't get me punished, I would make my way there anyways. I'm just hoping the restriction will be lifted by May and my work can support me taking vacation to spend some time with them. I don't really want to make it an entire year without seeing them again like last time. 6 months between visits is acceptable I suppose. If anything, hopefully, just one more year and her green card will be approved so we can finally be together. I'm not particularly worried about the outbreak, but the way our luck has turned out the last 6 months perhaps I shouldn't tempt fate.
          Starting the year off quite depressing indeed. On the bright side, it could still be worse.
          First contact: March, 2014
          Official LDR: June, 2014
          Married since: August, 2017
          “有一种幸福就是每天睁开眼睛,就知道你在。” -Xinxin


            It's been awhile since I've been on the forums and I was pretty much always a lurker to begin with. 2019 saw my SO and I close the distance! Couldn't believe we finally did it. It was so strange (not in a bad way) when he arrived. I knew he was here to stay but I was so used to the visits and him leaving after 2 weeks that I still expected him to leave somehow lol. We quickly threw together a wedding and got married in November. It took some time to adjust to the new life of us living together but we've pretty much settled into a routine now. I'm so happy that he's here to cuddle with me every day and we can go out together like a "real" couple. We are currently in the adjustment of status process and are just waiting on his EAD or green card so that he can look for work.


              Well, it's been ages since I last posted here.

              For those who remember me, I was in a LDR with a Korean girl, starting in July 2016, and we met 5 times (4 in Korea, from 2017 until 2019, once in France in July 2017). The relationship had its ups and downs, but we didn't really get forward to the future. We were willing to close the distance but some things were making this very difficult. However, I didn't stop to think about it and I was willing to find solutions.

              After about 3,5 years, two short break ups and getting back together (in 2018 and 2019, just before my last trip to Korea), in the first months of this year, we broke up for good. She did it in a very inelegant way, as she ghosted me during 40 days. When she messaged me in order to break up, I asked the reason why she didn't read my messages during 40 days. Her reason was she needed time to think. That long, seriously ? That could be added into the Guinness World Records

              I was supposed to go to Korea from April 5th until 19th, and still was willing to go, to meet my friends in Seoul and Busan. But coronavirus became stronger in Korea first, and then in Europe. France is on lockdown since March 17th, until May 11th. My flights were logically canceled and I got a voucher which is valid during one year, so I'm considering going there in October if things make it possible (such as, if the border with non-EU countries are reopening, and if Korean authorities won't send newcomers into some place for a quarantine of two weeks at this time).

              Due to the current lockdown, I can't go to work as I'm playing the piano at ballet classes at two different music schools - all schools are closed and it's not sure that music schools will reopen when lockdown is over. I'm only allowed to go outside during one hour, taking my dog on a walk, and we can go 1 km away maximum (it can be a bit more if this is for groceries shopping).

              Also, I met a new girl, who lives next to Paris. We started to chat after lockdown started, and we're planning to meet after lockdown ends. The distance in my previous relationship was 5580 miles (8980 km), with this new girl it will be about 28 miles (~45 km). We'll see how things will go. But first, we have to way for May 11th, or perhaps later, if President Macron makes some speech and tells some bad news. Let's wait and see..


                How did I miss this thread?

                In 2020, we are married 5 years! I went back to see my family in 2019 during the summer and have gotten my green card for 10 years in 2019 which now means I don't have to worry about it until I turn 40!
                We are very happy, working on a video project together and even though life throws curve balls, we work through it together.

                Relationship began: 05/22/2012
                First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
                Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
                Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
                Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
                Married: 1/24/2015
                Became Resident: 9/14/2015


                  I posted a long update on my blog recently. I finally got my permanent residence in Aug 2019 (yay!) after waiting about 3 years for it. We're still engaged (we've been engaged since 2016) but we have a wedding date and venue set for Oct 2021.

                  My SO finally got his visitor visa in Feb, so we had planned a trip to the US in May. Unfortunately we won't be going due to the stuff happening in the world. We got 24 months credit on it though, so we're planning to go sometime between then. Since we're getting married here in Aus, most of my friends and family are planning to come over for that. So even though I haven't seen friends and family for about 3 years, I'll be able to see them next year for our wedding.

                  We are also expecting our first child this year!! That's something we're definitely looking forward to! We're very excited to meet our little one in September


                    Originally posted by BaconGirl05 View Post
                    We are also expecting our first child this year!! That's something we're definitely looking forward to! We're very excited to meet our little one in September
                    Congratulations!!! Sounds like a fairytale LDR story!!! All the best to you!!!
                    "The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again".
                    -Charles Dickens


                      Originally posted by vivid_idea View Post
                      Congratulations!!! Sounds like a fairytale LDR story!!! All the best to you!!!
                      Thank you! xx

