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I’m so confused please help

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    I’m so confused please help

    Hello guys, I will write my story over here and hope someone to tell me any advice could help. I met a girl here in Italy where I live and she was here for an exchange program and we got a long very well and then she left back to US to continue her studies and she told me that she is not sure if long distance is what she wants but the thing that we felt in love in such short time and got connected very well and we kept talking for three months but with the stress of exams we had some fights. All this as happening while we she kept telling me that we are just friends but actually we were more than this as we were talking every day and she told me if we kept doing like this we will end up together one day but after some fights she started to be weird and we stopped talking for some time and then she initiated the conversation again and she keep doing this over and over, and I don’t what to do I think she is confused as I’m sure she is not a manipulated person and she has huge feelings towards me. But I’m tired of this what should I do? Thanks

    Talk with her about it. Tell her how you feel about the fights, the not talking and then talking again.
    Only the you can figure out how to deal with those things.
    If you can’t seem to find a solution for it it will be a though situation since you don’t like the way she acts.
    Try to tell her that you don’t like it that’s she starts ignoring (it seems like that) you after a fight.
    Being ignored is very painful and never a solution.
    Good luck


      Ignore what she wants and focus on what you want. If youre tired of this relationship that doesnt seem to be going anywhere, be brave to voice it out. Let her know your agenda (1) i want us to try a LDR, and you can say yes or no. For example.

      If she cant decide take it as a no she doesnt want a LDR. If so, set boundaries. Else you would have to continue this back and forth without an outcome


        Okay thanks guys will see what will happen!

