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Days like today

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    Days like today

    I am missing my SO so very much today. I miss him everyday but today is just... ugh! Most days I can manage the distance. I woke up feeling normal, happy. Now, sitting at my desk at work and all I can seem to think about is being with him again. It's been a few months since we have been together and I would do anything to be in his arms. I know him and I will be able to see each other again soon but the uncertainty is killing me.

    We are facing a big step in moving forward and it is bringing us both slight anxiety. How do I stay collected when there is only one thing holding us back from being together? Its been a few weeks since he has made the decision to at least tell his mom about me.. I don't want to rush him but its literally the only thing preventing a visit. I want to bring it up to him and see where his head is, if he plans on telling her on their family vacation next week or is he waiting on telling her after his most important exam at the end of August. But at the same time I dont want him to feel like I am pressuring him into telling her before he is ready to do so, because I am not. I just have questions but I feel like I would be putting too much on him by asking them. I am trying my best to be patient and supportive.

    Days like today... I just don't know if I can put on my happy face. I'm not sure what to do.
    ~And ever has it been known that Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation~

    I can relate with a big chunk of what you wrote, and totally understand the rest. The work part worries me. You should be able to think about other stuff sometimes, specially when you have to work. Getting obsessed about your SO and the frustration you feel can be quite bad (and I suffer this issue often). I try to getting some distractions and the main one is work... it doesn't solve any problem, but my mind is busy with something else for a while so I suffer less.
    Why am I always trying the impossible?


      I guess I should point out that I dont feel this way often. Its just every now and then I start to get in my head too much and it brings me down. Work is actually slow, we're coming out of our busy season so honestly, there's nothing for me to do to keep busy
      ~And ever has it been known that Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation~


        Hi MsGrim,

        It sucks, doesn't it? I was like this today. Just fantasizing about being together again. It's ok most of the time, but I would do anything for a hug and to bury my face in his chest and breathe him in. I read a news article that says that the Australian borders won't open for international flights until July next year! I feel pretty devastated and don't even know how it's all going to pan out.

        I do have my work, and that keeps me busy. And my kids keep me busy. But the uncertainty is awful :/
        "The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again".
        -Charles Dickens


          Originally posted by vivid_idea View Post
          Just fantasizing about being together again.
          This is consumes about 80% of my day lol.. Some days are better than others. It does suck!! I'm really trying to remain positive and I should be happy that we are finally moving forward because in the beginning of the relationship neither of us thought that he would be telling his parents... and like I said before, this is a HUGE step for us.

          When was the last time you've seen your SO? I remember you saying that he had a trip planned to go see you earlier in the year. Did that happen? COVID has messed up a lot of plans and have broken up a lot of couples. It's so sad!!

          Since I've posted the original post, we have talked a little more about a "timeline". He is probably going to wait to tell them after his major exams are done... which will be in October. So still not sure when I will see him again. I am thinking it will take a bit of time for them to get used to the idea that he is dating someone he met online. All I have to do now is be patient.
          Last edited by MsGrim; July 21, 2020, 08:26 AM.
          ~And ever has it been known that Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation~


            It's great that there is something you can work towards while you physically can't be together. ie. telling his parents about the relationship. I hope it goes ok!

            Last time I saw my SO was at the end of March. He flew out here for 3 weeks. We were together as all the restrictions started to come into effect due to covid. He was very lucky to get back home. We were planning to see each other again when he finishes his current contract. That will be at the end of September. But I think there is practically no chance of that happening. I read that Australia will not open its international borders until July next year!

            This is quite devastating, but I try to focus on other things. Right now I am trying to move house and so that consumes a lot of my time and energy. I keep imagining that it is one step closer to being with my SO, and that makes me feel better. When September comes, I know my SO will have to look for another job, and that worries me a bit because he might find something that ties him to Germany.

            It's not a conversation we have had yet but I think we will have to talk about it soon!
            "The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again".
            -Charles Dickens


              Hoping for the best for both of you <3 Sitting and being patient is not my strong suit lol.. especially when it comes to seeing my SO. Have you talked about closing the distance? He would need to come to you because of your kids right?

              I know how hard it is even with my SO in the same country as me.. I couldn't imagine being an international couple during this pandemic.
              ~And ever has it been known that Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation~


                Thank you

                Yes he knows he has to relocate here, because I have children. We have never even entertained the thought of me moving to him. Although of course I have said I want to visit.

                It's just hard for us all not knowing what will happen and therefore not being able to make any kind of plan.

                Are you able to travel to see your SO? Or are domestic borders closed there?
                "The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again".
                -Charles Dickens


                  We are able to travel to each other, yes.. But we are waiting on him telling his parents before we make any plans to visit. He will be coming to my house for the first time since we have been together soooo yea... Kind of nervous!! The airports are open for domestic travel but he is also 8 hours away via car, so that is an option for us if he cant fly. I cant imagine he will want to drive if a flight is an option, though.
                  ~And ever has it been known that Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation~


                    How do you feel about him having to tell his parents about your relationship?
                    "The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again".
                    -Charles Dickens


                      There are all kinds of things running through my mind. Just knowing how they are is intimidating by itself and I already deal with social anxiety so meeting new people is hard for me. I dont want to fk it up if/when I meet them. I didn't think this day would ever come so I never mentally prepared for it lol! I know his dad will express the most concern. They've tried to arrange marriages for him and I don't exactly fit the mold they are wanting for a daughter in law so not really sure how "hey, I have a gf. I met her online." is going to go

                      At least he has a plan to tell them when the time is right. Waiting for major exams to be over will alleviate some of the concerns/questions I am sure they have. Ya know.. "do you think you need to be worried about a girl when your career is riding on this exam" & "shouldnt you be studying"... I guess we will see what happens.
                      ~And ever has it been known that Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation~

