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Does your SO’s bad moods affect you?

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    Originally posted by Redheart14 View Post
    I’ve closed the distance with my now husband and his moods definitely impact on mine, so you’re not alone there!
    That’s great that you’ve closed the distance but not so great that you still have to deal with his bad moods! Such is life lol


      Originally posted by vivid_idea View Post
      Oh yeah, I think it's natural to automatically feel affected by our SOs moods. It takes your higher brain to come in and override your ego, reminding you that it's not always about you. I know that is easier said than done! I struggle when our conversations don't play out the way that I hoped they would. For example, I might have hoped for a fun and playful conversation but it ends up being serious because of things he has on his mind, or his mood...

      Remind yourself that it's really great that he can (at least!) communicate with you when he is in a bad mood. This shows that he cares enough to warn you. Some people just shut down and shut others out, which can be really damaging. We all have bad moods sometimes, but I think we feel our SOs moods very acutely over the distance, because we rely on verbal communication so much. Let's face it, long distance can be very hard sometimes.

      Do you have a hobby you enjoy which you can focus on when your SO is in a bad mood and needs space? That could help relieve some of your stress.

      And don't worry, I think we ALL are affected by our SOs moods at least some of the time!
      Yes it’s definitely a lot easier said than done for our higher self to take charge! My boyfriend has gotten a lot better at communicating than at the beginning of our LDR so I am thankful for that.

      I recently started walking/running since this pandemic started as a hobby but I think I need another hobby that I can do at any time of day. If you have any good suggestions for hobbies, let me know!

