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How often do you talk?

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    I talk to Mike everyday all day. We text each other in the morning then on n off throughout the day we text or sometimes call each other and then once a day in the evening we r on the phone. We also email several times a week, we send each other poems we write for each other. About twice a month I will go on cam, but he doesnt have a cam yet We usually only go without communicating a few hours at a time.


      About once or twice a week he replies to my daily texts. Phone calls are short and come every 2-3 weeks, if that. We haven't been on Skype/webcam since June and IM conversations are every other week for maybe an hour long conversation.

      Used to be every day/every other or every few days with him waking me up so we could chat for 15 minutes before work and an hour after if he wasn't tired. Gotta love his job.


        All day, every day lol. Whether it be texting or whatever. We skype every night and usually IM during the day too.

        "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
        - A. A. Milne


          We text maybe 2-3 times a day each, then try to chat on Skype every evening although it doesn't always work out if one of us is doing something.
          If we cant skype, I usually bite the bullet and ring her for 20-30 mins just to hear her voice and catch up


            On the phone every day, all day/whenever we want (Thank you, unlimited long-distance!). Some texting every once in a while but we barely IM anymore cause, well, we don't need to. We also Skype every night for bed time and sleep together through webcam.


              We talk on msn a few days a week, sometimes we Skype on the weekends We tend to send little affectionate texts if it's been a few days since we've spoken, usually just <3 or something.


                We have a minimum of exchanging a sweet "goodnight" message every night..
                I started it as a way of making sure that he hadn't been eaten by lions during the day but usually it's more than those 1-2 texts..

                To avoid extreme phone bills we don't call between phones.. - unless he just calls me out of nowhere to tell me that he loves me (he did that today, haha I was so surprised I only got to utter a: "um, okay... thanks?" before he had hung up.. worst answer EVER.. so I called him back via skype :P)
                ... So, no real phone calls, but we try to skype twice a week.. We either make a reservation to have 45 min online time on the ONE, lousy office computer that they have available at the park where he works - or I call his phone from skype - 28 cents a minute.. but skype credit runs out FAST! :/


                  Me an my SO text each other everyday. On weekends we text all day but since he's still in high school on weekdays we text only before he goes to school then after he gets out of school =)

                  Webcamming is.. a rarity. His parents hardly ever let him use their laptops, which have webcams. That will change. I'm gonna send him my old webcam for christmas so that way we can webcam every weekend =)

                  Phone calls are pretty much not something we do because at my house there is a bunch of trees and that blocks my cellphone from getting decent signal so most of the time my phone disconnects :/ Like talk for 3 minutes then bam disconnected >.< The longest phone conversation was an hour long but that was a lucky chance since my phone either A) Disconnects or B) Me and Him dunno what to talk about. On average, Phone calls between me and him are like 10-20 minutes then its just silence... I wish I was more talkative over the phone/had things to talk about. :/

                  And sometimes on the weekends we chat on MSN.

                  So... to sum it up. We talk to each other ALOT. I actually go through withdrawals (so does he lol) If I can't talk to him in some way. Even when I'm mad at him and turn off my phone (my way of punishing him, I guess) I can't keep my phone off for long without this empty void forming in my heart. I hate that feeling cuz then I get well... empty and depressed.

                  First Met Online: May 08
                  Became a Couple: 4.11.09
                  First Visit: 7.27.11 - 8.11.11
                  Second Visit: 9.15.12 - 9.23.12
                  Third Visit: 7.6.13 - 7.14.13


                    We talk every day. Sometimes it is just a few quick texts just to say hi, other times we text all day long, but I find he'd rather hear my voice than text. Most days we have a phone conversation that usually averages around 20-40 minutes. My guy isn't really into computers, so we don't Skype or IM each other, unfortunately, although I'd love to. He's just not a computer person, so our communication is via cell phone. I think there has been one day in the past 3.5 months where we didn't talk, so we're good about keeping in touch.


                      We talk pretty much every day. And often for more than a few hours, which is awesome! We tend to start our conversations on Facebook Chat, and then go on Oovoo video chat for a few hours and then usually we go on Skype voice call and my boy can lay down because he has Skype on his iphone. And I can lay down on my bed too because I have a laptop. And we also text a little bit, though not too much because it costs money.. but like, when I'm at work I text him on my break usually now and he texts me back. I treasure every moment we talk.


                        The mornings start of with him leaving me something to wake up to before he goes to work. Then I text him cute things throughout the day. And we talk on the phone for a little while once he gets off. Then sometimes we talk on msn. And we talk on the phone every night before bed time


                          we used to talk all the time but since we both started working and the time difference (8hrs) its hard now! but luckily he will be moving October 18th so we wont need to worry about not talking!


                            I talk to my SO everynight and usually a text in the mornings, I go into instant panic mode if I don't hear from him. On weekends we talk 2-3 times a day.


                              So Mark and I talk all the time. Our only way of communicating is through cell phones. Thanks goodness for "friends and family free" and his umlimited. We text throught out the day...and then I call him on my breaks and lunch, a total of 45 min. and then we text and talk throughout the evening. "OUR" time is after my kids have been put to bed, and he has wound down from his day and we talk at least an hour. Most nights it goes to about 2 hours. so all together, inculding texts we are in contact with eachother like 6 hour or so.

                              I couldn't be in LDR if I didn't have a LARGE amount of time talking to him. Somenights he gets home so late from work that we don't talk..and I feel empty inside and my life just isn't right when I don't hear, Goodnight babydoll, I love you.


                                We talk every day, before work and after work, on Skype. Because he lives on the other side of the globe, we have to do that in order to coordinate time together.

                                LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete

