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How often do you talk?

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    Usually around 3 - 6 times a week for a couple of hours on Google Talk, email sometimes, but we rarely text since we're international, it add$ up! We talk a few times a week at work, but that's work related stuff and doesn't really count. It really varies depending on how busy we are and how tired he sometimes gets, since we have a 7 hour time difference.
    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


      We talk every day, usually a few text messages during the day and we talk by phone each night for a couple of hours (usually around 2-3, depending on how busy we are that night).


        Before he went overseas (and we were in the same time zone), we talked at least once per day, even if it was just to say good morning/good night. But it was usually more like 2-3 times. We didn't really have long conversations, though. Usually once every 2 weeks or so, we'd have a hour-2 hour long conversation. We'd skype every once in a while, but he didn't have internet at home.

        When he went overseas, I asked that he contact me once per day as long as he had access. It took a few months for him to have regular internet access (as he's in a fairly remote place). Once it was set up, we would skype (video or just voice) for 30 min - 1 hr 30 min per day. If certain events got in the way of that, he was usually able to send me a quick email to let me know that he was ok every couple of days. And I could email him as much as I wanted, since he has his mail set up to save directly to his computer, he just needs to be able to get online for a couple of minutes to get all of the messages I send. Unfortunately, the internet he had went out about 3 weeks ago, so we're lucky to be able to IM each other every day or so. Sometimes we can get the video to work for a minute or two so we can see each other smile.

        I really miss being able to call him whenever I want...


          Me and Luke try to talk everyday.
          We frequently talk over texting, since we're both on different time schedule [I work and go to school during the day, him at night]. We'll try to talk over IM every day, but sometimes it might be every other day. We'll skype once in a while. Tonight was actually the first time we've skyped in a while.


            We talk on the phone 1 to 5 times per week depending on how busy we are. With the four hour time difference we end up playing a ton of phone tag. He goes on lunch right as my work day starts and by the time I get done with work and errands he is in bed. I would be happy if we could just make it into adjacent time zones. When we do connect we talk for hours or just minutes depending on what is going on. We have known each other for 8 years so some days it feels like we have a ton to catch up on and other days if feels like we have exhausted every conversational topic. Our calls consist of a lot of silence. Good thing we talk for free. :-P


              All throughout the day...some days more depending on our schedules....even if it is for 5 quick minutes at a time..
              NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                We would skype everyday for a couple of hours.


                  We talk everyday through text and during weekends we do Skype video calling.


                    Everyday, all day through MSN.

