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What is GOOD about being in an LDR?

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    What is GOOD about being in an LDR?

    It seems that most of the time all of us are complaining about the bad things in our LDR. (me included!) It is so much easier to see the bad things in a relationship..well in life also. So...lets talk about the good things in your LDR.

    One good thing for me is that when I don't want to shave my legs..I don't have to!

    My relationship gives me HOPE. Hope in life, and in a GREAT future. Having hope makes all things easier to handle.

    My relationship gives me pure, undenying, beautiful, true love.

    So what do you think?!? What is something good that your LDR gives you?

    Well it builds patience, that's for sure xP

    My LDR had me fall in love with my SO's personality before I fell in love with his physique (which i love too). It's a bit harder and takes a tad longer to do that in a CDR, trust me I know.

    Um, and yeah, true love. If we can survive this time being apart, I think we can survive almost anything


      i was so gonna say "i dont have to shave"!!
      im getting to know my bf differently than we would in person.
      we have this we can make it through anything.


        One good thing about my long distance relationship i would have to say is it gave me a sense of what true love is suppose to feel like even though my love is 3007.65 miles away at the moment. Also i don't have to get all dressed up every day :]


          Well, my sister & mother have to justify their shopping to their SO's, while I on the other hand have no one here to complain about the 25th pair of black heels I am coming home with

          I also tend to be a workaholic, so his being far away forces me to take vacations I would normally not, which in turn makes me a more productive employee because I'm not working at burnout level all the time.


            I'm definitely guilty of not shaving because he's not here. :P

            I think that being in a long distance relationship makes your relationship a lot stronger than others who are not in a LDR. And it kind of gives you the feeling like you can do anything.

            There's not too many good things about being in a LDR though.


              I feel like LDRs often separate true love from everything else. For example, you know your partner isn't in it solely for physical intimacy because there isn't any of it the times you're apart. It's definitely not easy to be without your SO, so the people whose feelings aren't true wouldn't bother with an LDR.


                Being in a LDR has taught me to become patient.
                I think that I also have learned a lot about him that I would have never learned if I wasn't in a LDR.
                Also, I don't have to shave if I don't have too


                  Nothing! Why do you think I'm moving!? D:<

                  Actually, it's how we got to know each other before we got together. We didn't do it like how we're use to, observation and tests. We had to get to know each other by actually talking to each other. It gave us a unique relationship we don't have with anyone else.

                  And dear Lord, I'm a freak. I shave regardless if Enrique is here or not. I just hate the (thankfully) small amount of body hair I have! D:


                    The shaving part is a plus for me. I'm just too lazy to shave until I really have to XD

                    Another benefit, as everyone said, is patience, which is something I DON'T have.
                    It also gave me the benefit of knowing that he wasn't in it for sexual reasons, considering 900+ miles separates us from doing anything for a long time XD


                      I also feel like you reach a whole new level of knowing your SO because being long distance. You are forced to communicate and I think a lot of CDR's don't get that part. And that truely is what makes a relationship so great..communication!


                        Originally posted by agentholli View Post
                        I also feel like you reach a whole new level of knowing your SO because being long distance. You are forced to communicate and I think a lot of CDR's don't get that part. And that truely is what makes a relationship so great..communication!
                        I agree with this! You just don't have any other way than talking, and it's good. My relationship is definitely teaching me to talk if something is bothering me, for example. And it was already mentioned that it gives you a chance to learn things about your SO that you wouldn't necessarily know other wise.

                        Though LDR can be very difficult and hard sometimes and I hate it from the bottom of my heart I still kind of think that it's a blessing... What I mean is that I think I would never had got to know my BF if I didn't met him online. He's older than me so if I saw him on the street I wouldn't have thought that he's a possible boyfriend-candidate So for us there was no other chance.

                        And of course it shows me how much he loves me and how serious he is about us because he's willing to do all this! AND I have to admit.. I don't shave either when I'm not with him!
                        How lucky I am to have something that makes saying good-bye so hard!


                          true love from someone who loves me no matter what!


                            Communication most definitely is number one for me- before, i would just let things slide and not say what I felt, but now, we HAVE to talk things out, we've got a lot better at it in the 2 months we've been parted so far.

                            And secondly, it has given our relationship our "test". My SO was really concerned about this when we hadn't discussed going LD. We've never really had a fight, and he was concerned, as we didn't know how strong we were surviving something like that, that we couldn't survive. But my reasoning was, the LD thing is the ultimate test for us, and we both know now, if we had doubts before, we cannot live without each other. So I'm glad that has come out of this.

                            <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
                            <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
                            The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
                            <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
                            <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
                            Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
                            Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


                              Oh yeah, no shaving.. BIG bonus!

                              I think it's healthy in a way.. it's hard, sure.. very hard.
                              But some of the CD couples I know have almost become ONE person. As soon as they started dating they settled in their own world, forming one opinion, agreeing on one way of doing things.. they can't go anywhere without that other person and God forbid they'd go away for more than a week :P But because they're always together they don't really have anything interesting to talk about.. they get annoyed with eachother and start complaining to others.. they take eachother for granted.
                              And especially one couple got very focused on materialism.. that's their joy.. finding new things to the apartment, new clothes, new little ornaments or gadgets.
                              And sure, that's fun too.. but still.. naaaah.

                              I get to really appreaciate spending time with my SO. Treasure every moment, every text.. and seeing him smile while telling about his awesome experiences makes me love him even more..
                              He's growing as a person, just like I am, and even though we're not in the same location, it's shaping us and making us stronger.. A LDR is quite a test after only 4 months together but passing it will make it clear that we can do anything..
                              Once we're together again we won't take anything for granted <3

