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I'm too old for this stuff!

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    I'm too old for this stuff!

    The Murtaugh List by blankita719, on Flickr

    You're 30+ so I'm sure you've seen (or heard of) the Lethal Weapon series of movies - you know, back when Mel Gibson wasn't crazy?

    Danny Glover plays Murtaugh - whose catch phrase is (warning - adult language ahead) "I'm getting too old for this shit!" every time Mel Gibson's character Riggs pulls out some insane idea on what to do next. One of my favorite TV shows, "How I Met Your Mother", had an episode a few seasons ago where they made their Murtaugh List of things they were now too old to do and since I just re-watched the episode, I'm inspired!

    Of course, none of us here are "old" but there might be a few things we feel like maybe we shouldn't do anymore. I certainly have my own list...

    1) Stay up and/or out drinking all night long...if I do, I feel completely wiped out the following day.
    2) Going to clubs - Bars, acceptable - nightclubs I stand out like the 30 something mom I am
    3) Painting my nails lime green. Or really any insane color.
    4) Facial or unusual piercings. I had my tongue done in my very early twenties and it came out 5 years ago. But sometimes I get the urge to do a stud in my nose
    5) Take a year off and back pack in Europe. Actually back pack anywhere- I'm kind of used to sleeping in a real bed!

    What's on your Murtaugh list???

    HA! I have an 18 year old stepdaughter (that is living with me). I so remember being her age and feeling the invincibility that she does, knowing everything etc. I remember going out drinking all nite and going straight to work for 8 hours. That aint happening anymore!
    She asks me all the time to go to the "club" or hookah bar with her. Umm, no.
    everything happens for a reason. We may never find out what that reason is/was, but there is a reason.


      Well....I got a lip stud about a year ago >.> and I'm always planning my next tattoo. I refuse to grow up LOL
      Three words. Fill my racing mind. Leave me breathless. Lost in time.
      Three words. Fill my endless dreams. Repair my heart. Mend the seams.
      Three words. Fill your heart too. Three words pronounced. I love you.


      You look in the mirror, you don't like what you see, don't believe it.
      Look in my eyes, I am the only mirror you're ever gonna need.

      Met online: 12/24/10 Met In Person: 2/24/11 Distance Closed: 4/24/11
      Not one regret, not one backwards look, only towards the future and beyond!


        Sorry, I know that I'm not 30+, but I saw that you mentioned the Lethal Weapon's and had to chip in with saying that they are awesome! I love them!


          I'm trying to think of something for my list that you don't already have ~
          Showing too much boob or leg .... I gotta dress like an adult {but not an old lady}


            1) Going clubbing every Saturday
            2) Wasting time in a relationship going no where
            3)Staying out all night (I get worried about my son by 11:00 p.m.)

            I'll add more as time goes by


              I'm too old to get a feather in my hair or a tattoo behind my ear. That's cute for 16 year olds.


                The feather in the hair - I wish I could rock it - I think it's cute

                Tattoos are not on my Murtaugh list - I want one more at least. But I promised the SO that I wouldn't go crazy with them.


                  Originally posted by blankita719 View Post
                  Tattoos are not on my Murtaugh list - I want one more at least. But I promised the SO that I wouldn't go crazy with them.
                  No I'm totally all for tattoos. I have my 4th one all planned out. Just.. behind the ear... not so much. It's like today's tramp stamp. In my opinion


                    I'm too old to:

                    Tolerate idiots
                    Deal with time wasters
                    Go clubbing

                    That's all I can think of right now. My face feels like it's been smacked by a shovel. Damn sinusitis.


                      Originally posted by blankita719 View Post

                      Tattoos are not on my Murtaugh list - I want one more at least. But I promised the SO that I wouldn't go crazy with them.
                      I just got my 4 in January


                        I still paint my nails crazy colors but my nights out drinking are few & far between. I'm definitely inclined to stop dead end relationships a lot earlier than when I was younger & I have a much better idea of what I want from relationships too.

                        I also still stay at backpackers and still have plans to travel. I didn't do much when I was younger - I was too busy working and saving for my house, so now that I have the money it's time to do all those things. Fingers crossed I will have my SO to travel with.


                          I too old for men who play mind games with women.


                            I'm too old to keep making the same mistakes. At this rate I'm going to end up a very unhappy person.
                            I'm too old to go hang with the guys all night, just talking like we used to.
                            I'm too old to have an excuse for the way my life is - where it isn't going fast.
                            I'm too old to even care about drinking.
                            I'm too old to wear cute shoes because their cute. This is sad lol.


                              I LOVE the Lethal Weapon films!! Seen them all a dozen times!

                              I haven't got a list weird enough... I don't feel too old for anything yet! I'm a big kid and always will be

