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Noobie here. CD turned into LD. Having a rough time. Looking for input. (long)

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    30+ Noobie here. CD turned into LD. Having a rough time. Looking for input. (long)

    Hey. I'm a noob here. I'm male, 37, divorced once, have an 8 yr old son that I have 50/50 custody of. I'm a professional engineer, have a good job, own my home, etc. Live in the Atlanta area of GA.

    My SO is a 36 year old woman, has 4 kids (I know...sheesh...but they are really good kids and I adore them at this point). She came out of a very abusive relationship, no degree, no job, etc. at first, but had built a life, gotten custody of her kids back, got 2 year degree, working on 4 year degree, and has court orders that her ex- can't contact her or the kids, etc. In other words, she's accomplished alot since she got free and has demonstrated she's a very strong woman. I want to stress that I've been kind of thunderstruck by this woman since I set eyes on her the first time, and have fallen head over heels in love w/ her. She used to live real close to me, but recently relocated to FL for the proverbial job she couldn't turn down.

    Her job here was a crappy hours retail job. Low paying. Hard to make it w/ her salary and 4 kids and her ex- screwing around on not paying child support. Also, she's from Florida, had started college but never finished in FL, and had since done all online classes from FL schools because her credits wouldn't transfer to GA schools for some reason. Not sure why, but mainly I figured that the schools just wanted more money from making you pay them to take the classes.

    Anyway, leading up to December she was having a rough time. Crappy hours, low pay, financial struggles, online classes, all also added up to no quality time w/ her kids. I was actually spending more quality time w/ her kids than she was. My son also loved being with them, so it was working out on my side just fine. And I was happy to help out. I knew it was temporary, her classes would finish, the holiday season would end, and her time would stablize.

    All along, she has been hesitant to take a next step (moving in/marriage) with me unless she could bring enough to the table that I wouldn't be having to take on extra burdens to support her and her kids. Again...strong woman that doesn't want to be rescued and wants to be a responsible partner that isn't a leech on anyone. I greatly respect that about her. I guess I don't care how much money she makes or anything like that because I love her for her, as she is. And if she kept working her retail job, or even found something else, I would not have been unfairly put upon if we had taken a next step. We had talked about it alot, and had around Thanksgiving finally decided to go ahead and make plans to do it. We were looking at pre-marital programs, move in time tables, when to switch kids schools, etc. when they moved into my house. It's a 5 bedroom house. I've got plenty of space. And after being together so long, I wanted them.

    She also got issues that bubble up sometimes from her past abuse. I try to be as safe as I can when it hits her, but she has habits that formed before that now interfere w/ communication. She's afraid to speak up when she wants or needs something. I don't understand completely what's going on w/ her at these times, and it's hard. There are times when she doesn't speak up that how I'm trying to handle things is not what she wants. When I finally find out, I adjust, but it can sometimes be months before she speaks up. It gets frustrating, and we've had issues because of it.

    Now, I had also promised my son a long time ago (a few years) when I could afford it, I'd take him on a trip just me and him. Booked it last for him and me, for 1st week of this past December. Time came for the cruise, and she was in the midst of a rough period between long retail hours, online classes, kid demands, etc. And we got into a rough period about communication again. At the same time. So I think she was hitting a point of extreme stress, and I didn't mean to, but didn't understand what she needed (only now getting so I understand PTSD and issues from severe abuse better because it's only been recently she finally opened up more about what happened to her).

    Enter her sister who works in FL for a large federal agency as a procurement officer. Her sister swept in and got her a job offer from a contractor to this federal agency. The job does the following:
    -Doubles her pay and then some. She doesn't have to worry about ex- not paying CS.
    -Regular M-F 9-5 type hours. No more nights/weekends working. So much better quality time w/ kids.
    -it's in the same town as the school she's taking online classes, so she can finish her degree much easier.
    -She had quit school before due to ex-'s pressure. She sees this a chance to basically make up for past wrong and accomplish something really big for herself by getting her degree.
    -She didn't have insurance bennies before. She does now.
    -She's in a major project management role and is learning about project management, HR, government contracting, logistics, etc. It's her first real professional job and will be a major resume builder.

    Here's the catch: She didn't tell me a word about the job or the move until she'd already gone to FL to start the job. Not one sentence. I left for the cruise thinking I was keeping a promise I'd made to my son before I'd met her, and was coming back to take a next step and build a family w/ her. I came back, got off the boat, clicked on phone, and got a voice mail telling me she had gotten the offer 4 days before I left and she didn't tell me, and she had already left to go start the job.

    She says now that she said other things like wanting to get her degree, build a better sense of self from being able to take care of herself and her kids, and be able to come back when she had her degree and could find a better job so I wouldn't have the potential of being extra burdened by her and her kids.

    I didn't hear any of it. I heard she knew was leaving, didn't tell me, but was already gone, and tuned out. Deleted the message right then pretty much in shock. There's been quite a bit of fallout.

    We have talked, she's owned up to she should have told me, and came back for a visit w/ me the weekend before Xmas. She asked me what she could do to save things at that point, and I told her there are options. We had lots of talk time about things, and she seemed to be considering coming back immediately without me really prompting her at first. When she asked me what I thought of that, I told her I'd be on board with it. Then I also told her I thought the impulsiveness she made this jump with was unhealthy and I thought she needed some serious counseling for her abuse issues. I think she ran to escape her stressors here in a bit of a panic mode. I think she was also afraid to speak up just out of habit and that's why she didn't tell me. I told her if we're going to make it after this, she's got to get help for her abuse issues, and I can't fix her.

    Then I went to my parent's in VA for Xmas, and she went back to FL (she has local family where she is now too, they had her kids). Until that VM, i thought i was going to be spending Xmas with her, all our kids.

    She ultimately decided to stay down there for now. She says she might come back sooner than she thought originally, but she's been vague and it just leaves me hanging not knowing.

    It has been a very rough adjustment for me and I have not done well with it. At the same time, I know I love her deeply and want to give things a chance. She's been busy w/ getting settled into the new job, finding a new home for her and her kids, getting them set up in school, etc. There has been no discussion of anything specific regarding the relationship. How often we visit? Plan for reunion other than when she gets her degree, but that's not certain either. No talk about what long distance will look like for us. And when i try to bring it up, she responds by saying she can't figure that out because she's got too much else going on.

    I want to try to do this long distance, but w/ the way it started and not being able to put in place boundaries for it that will work us both yet, it's really hard. The communication issues, knowing she has these abuse issues that at least contributed to what happened, not knowing what our long distance relationship "management plan"'s just left me twisting in the wind until she gets around to feeling up to working it all out.

    I do believe she's genuine in her feelings for me, and I dont' begrudge her taking this job. She had tried to find a better job here, and the opportunities just aren't there for someone w/ no degree and no experience.

    I have a big problem now with the avoidance of our issues to work out. I want to try this, but the being left hanging part right now is killing me. I also don't know if she'll ever grow past her issues and communication will get better...I mean if she couldn't communicate effectively close by, how's she gonna do it long distance?

    I see so many land mines, but for a guy that isn't done yet w/ her, does anyone have any advice for how to proceed in a way that gives things a chance? I guess that's my question. How do I navigate this w/ her and be able to do this successfully? What do I need to do? What should I be looking for from her? etc. Hoping someone can point me in the right starting direction.
    Last edited by Waddams; January 10, 2013, 10:30 AM.

    I think some people would be able to answer you much better, but I will give you my opinion on a few things.

    Long distance may in fact improve her communication issues. I have had big communication issues during my whole first marriage... my current relation started long distance so I communicated slightly better because I could put thought in what I said to him and not get so much anxiety over saying the right or wrong thing and having someone freak out at you because you said the wrong thing... For me, I got in a habit of sending him long 1,000+ word emails outlining everything I was thinking and feeling... When we talked, we could touch on the issues I had mentioned in my emails... and it wasn't evident at first, but eventually we were able to better deal with problems... He never pushed me to communicate in any way I was uncomfortable with... and slowly I became more and more comfortable.

    My verbal communication may not be as good as the average person yet, but I have made such amazing improvements with him. My last visit with him, I never once had to resort to using a text message or an email to bring up an issue before we could talk about it!

    I think the long distance could be a benefit to your relationship, but I understand the way it happened, must have REALLY hurt you! I think if you are both willing to try the long distance thing, you are in a way kind of starting over again... and it can give you the opportunity to really strengthen your relationship. It sounds like Florida is really the best place for her to be right now to heal... and take control of her life. Reading your description of her opportunity there, I became somewhat jealous and wished I could have an opportunity like that to really build myself and heal from my past... and from the sounds of it she needs it more than me.

    I know how hard it is for you. I also have a problem with having things in the air. I am a patient person if I know what I am waiting for... but without a plan it can feel so hopeless. And no one wants to wait for something that will never happen. The thing is, though, that from the timeline I understand, it is all quite recent. Give her some time. It is hard for you, I know, but if she is worth waiting for then do it in a way that shows you respect her space and her needs. Don't push her to figure everything out right away. It's okay to tell her that, once she is settled and ready, you want to have a conversation to figure out what is happening with your future. It's okay for you to point out that you need this security, and you will want to have a conversation about it... Just don't push her too much too soon. It sounds like she is really trying so hard to make everyone happy... And this pressure may in fact be why she never told you about it in the first place.

    Also, I understand you have a good job and for you to move may not seem like an option right now, I'm guessing your son is another reason why you couldn't go to Florida? Otherwise, I would say to keep your options open, and make a plan A and a plan B... and occasionally keep your eye open for jobs in Florida...

    Well, I'm not sure if I made much sense. I was interrupted several times by my daughter while writing this... just try to take a deep breath and give the dust a little time to settle before you jump in too fast in trying to figure out the future... Often things figure themselves out with time...

    Good Luck!
    First met online: June, 2010
    First met in person: August, 2011 (See the story of our first visit)
    Second visit: December, 2011 (Christmas and New Years together!)
    Third visit together: August, 2012
    Fourth visit: December 2012 (Christmas and New Years together!)
    Fifth visit: July 2013 (2 weeks here in Canada)
    Sixth visit: December 2013 (Christmas and New Years together again and I finally met his mother!)
    Next visit: Unknown... for now but coming up ASAP


      Thanks for the response. I'm not pressuring her. I know I need to have the discussions w/ her regarding our relationship, have told her, but have also not pushed it. Basically told her we can do that over time and there's no rush. It's killing me because I want it all resolved now, but I am keeping a grip on myself and not letting it spill out towards her.

      And as I said, at this point, I don't have an issue w/ her taking this and moving. I have an issue w/ the lack of communication and lack of at least somewhat clear expectations for what is in the future. She has gotten better since she moved. One of the things I told her when she came back and visited was her insistence on staying closed off (which she admits she does) has to change because it led to me getting hurt. And I also have to admit I was ready and was actually taking action to put "us" ahead of myself. And she decided to pull back and put herself ahead of "us". Which she's entitled to do. So I've shifted in some ways back to putting me first because, ya know...she's gone and I gotta take care of me. I'm seeing signs in what she says now that she's not liking me going back to a take care of me first attitude. It's like she wants to do her own thing, but still have me put her first too.

      Example - I had an unexpected $900 car maintenance bill. I could have done less work on it and gotten by and done the rest later, but choose to bite the bullet and just do it so things w/ the car didn't risk getting worse. We had discussed meeting 1/2 way for a weekender in January, or me flying down, because she'll have a paid holiday on one Monday and we'd get extra time that weekend. Car bill wiped out my travel budget. I've also got a refi situation where I might have to dump some more money to make it happen, which would pop me for February as well. If I can make the refi work I need to. Drops my rate from over 5% into the 3's. Big savings on monthly payments. When I explained how all that was evolving, she got upset that I might not be able to do a visit and it could be a long time before we saw each other again (maybe March). Like I should sacrifice things I need for a car that stays reliable and making my home more affordable. She put herself first so she can take care of her on her own for her own future peace of mind. That's fine. She's allowed to. She just needs to understand that I'm on my own now and have to take care of me just like she does her and respect that. She created this situation for us w/out saying a single word to me, I don't think it's fair that she seems to expect me to make bigger sacrifices like putting off a refi that will save me big bucks and be a real good thing for me long term when she wasn't willing to sacrifice for me.

      As for why I can't ex-wife has borderline/Bipolar-ish and controlling/overly rigid tendancies (identified by a licensed therapist) that came out strong after we got married. A least that's my biased opinion. Hence why I'm not married to her anymore. Son is diagnosed Aspergers and he needs a stable parent. I'm seeing to things w/ making sure he gets the help he needs at school, and he's got a stable place to go and get away from the crap she pulls. I actually have a long term plan to get full custody, but certain things have to fall into place first and the master plan hasn't come together yet. I could move and probably not have too hard a time finding a job. I deal in potable water, sewage treatment, water quality, etc. and there's always a spot for someone like me that does that somewhere. After all...clean water is a necessity! The problem is I'd have to give up my 50/50 custody and leave him w/ his mom pretty much full time, and I'm really worried that wouldn't work out too well for him in the long run.

      I'm also upside down on my house and can't leave w/out short sale or something else where I take a bath on it. I've been through two custody fights for my son, and it's taken quite a financial toll on me. I'm just now really getting completely out of the hole w/ everything except the house. It would kill me in a financial responsibility sense to let the house go at this point.

      All that said, if it weren't for the kid issue w/ his mom, and the fact it would set me back years in my financial recovery from the divorce and other court litigation w/ ex-wife, I'd go in a heartbeat to FL. I just can't w/out giving up too much of what I've worked so hard to maintain in the last 5 years.

      This is just hard. I'm wondering whether she'll ever get past her abuse issues, no matter what she does. I'm thinking the clearest indicator of future behavior is past behavior, and this is a big thing that she didn't say anything first. I'm worried in the future she'll do it again. I'm worried she'll get settled and then won't be willing to uproot and come back the 1 1/2 - 2 years she says it will take to finish her degree. She's smart, and competent, and at some point the employer will end up throwing more money at her, promotions, etc. as she gets her degree and learns her job better. The company just reupped their contract for another 4-5 years. So she's got secure employment for at least that long. In a way, she'd be crazy to leave that. I can't help thinking I should just leave the relationship w/ the understanding that sh*t happens, no hard feelings, I understand she had to take it, and then go live my life, find someone else, and not let myself be held waiting for what she does potentially years from now. Keep going in circles in my mind when I think about it all.
      Last edited by Waddams; January 10, 2013, 01:01 PM.


        From the sounds of it, she may not return... and a lot of what you explained negated many of my previous comments, but one thing still applies, and that is that this LDR is new for you two. If you absolutely know now that it won't work, she will never come back, etc. Might as well pull out now. However, if you aren't sure, why not take it slow and give it some time. At one point it seemed like my boyfriend and I would never be able to close the distance. We both had things that kept us in our respective places and the thought of overcoming them was too much. It drove us apart. But once we were ready to, we both talked about it. We placed a time frame on it. It helped so much just to know that in 2.5 years, if everything else goes well, we will close the distance. Before when I tried to talk to him about it, he always felt like I was pressuring him, and our conversations would go nowhere. With a time frame in place, he could deal with it. It was no longer about me asking for the impossible... It gives us time to figure things out, etc.

        Now back to you, what you said about putting yourself first, I agree she's being very unreasonable. However as you said yourself you had been putting the relationship first for a while, this may be an adjustment period for the two of you. She came to expect this of you and maybe it wasn't right that she did, but i'ts what happened. The question is how the two of you will come out once this adjustment has had a chance to settle. You two have gone through a lot of emotions, heartache and change recently. I think getting yourself re-adjusted will be difficult.

        You need to decide if it's worth it. There is never any guarantee in any relationships, but of course, in a long distance relationship, reassurances for the future are even more difficult. There are so many variables... Is it worth it? Only you can decide.... but my recommendation is to let the dust settle for about a month (or a few)... and talk and re-adjust and see where the two of you stand once things regulate more into a routine... And yes, in the meantime, the lack of a plan may drive you crazy. I am totally like you in that respect! (Maybe look at it as part of the plan. Step 1) Let the dust settle and re-adjust into the new reality of your relationship. Step 2) Have a conversation on the relationship... etc. etc.)
        First met online: June, 2010
        First met in person: August, 2011 (See the story of our first visit)
        Second visit: December, 2011 (Christmas and New Years together!)
        Third visit together: August, 2012
        Fourth visit: December 2012 (Christmas and New Years together!)
        Fifth visit: July 2013 (2 weeks here in Canada)
        Sixth visit: December 2013 (Christmas and New Years together again and I finally met his mother!)
        Next visit: Unknown... for now but coming up ASAP

