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This trip has been horrible ....I CAN'T WAIT TO GO HOME!!!!

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    NO ONE should ever be treated this way! You don't deserve a guy like that. He's a jerk. I hope you feel better. the entire community is here to give you a group hug. Just PM me if you need to rant/talk


      What a complete [insert loads of expletives here]!!!

      I can only advise you to try and have fun as long as you're there, I understand you feel bad, but honestly, he's not even worth one tear out of you. I've known guys like this, trust me, if you never have to hear from him again that will be a MAJOR improvement on your life!

      We're here for you, just rant away if you need to!
      Or we could use this thread to all make fun of him and giggle like mad teenagers, I know it's immature but somehow that always seems to help He's such a turd.

      If you never accept being treated like this by anyone, EVER again, that'll be the end of it. we will not look for you, we will not pursue you. But if you don't, we will look for you, we will find you, and we will hug you.


        I am so very sorry that you have had to experience that. What a cruel and heartless man. I couldn't imagine doing that to my SO, no matter what! And Lord have mercy if he did that to me! Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and I'd end up as a story on Investigation Discovery!

        I agree with the others, sometimes it takes an experience as awful as this to realize and accept the truth. You deserve someone who makes you a priority in their life. Please don't settle for less. I wouldn't even give him the time of day after that. Go no contact and stay no contact. He's not worthy of you.

        Big hugs!


          Originally posted by Dutchie View Post

          Or we could use this thread to all make fun of him and giggle like mad teenagers, I know it's immature but somehow that always seems to help He's such a turd.
          This!!! Lets do this!


            Originally posted by Dutchie View Post
            We're here for you, just rant away if you need to!
            Or we could use this thread to all make fun of him and giggle like mad teenagers, I know it's immature but somehow that always seems to help He's such a turd.

            If you never accept being treated like this by anyone, EVER again, that'll be the end of it. we will not look for you, we will not pursue you. But if you don't, we will look for you, we will find you, and we will hug you.
            This! all of this. Someones been watching Taken :P

            ♥ In 666 Ways I Love You & My Heaven Is Wherever You Are. I'm For You. ♥

            We Met: June 9,2010
            Back Together: August 1,2012
            First Visit: September 21,2012 - September 29,2012
            Second Visit: January 13,2013 - February 24,2013
            Engaged: January 17,2013
            Closed The Distance-MS - AZ: June 15th,2013
            Moved To FL Together: November 14,2013
            We Got Married! - July 3,2014
            SO Graduated College - August 7,2015
            Moved to Ky - August 10, 2015


              I'm so sorry to hear that What are you going to do once you get home?



                He didn't even say I love you when he dropped me off at the airport. He made plans with his friend. I know because I heard him. I think the best I can do is just back off. I think I finally understand where I fit in with him...the back burner. He called this morning saying he doesn't want to lose me. But how do you treat someone that way. He had been knowing since the beginning of the month that I was coming to visit. The best I can do is back off. If he really wants me in his life then he can make the sacrifice. It just angers me with. All that I stuck through wit him. I really just feel like shit, like I should of known better.


                  Seriously, do you REALLY want to continue a relationship with this guy? I would walk away before he breaks your heart again, being single is way better than being treated like you are invisible. Protect your heart honey, there is some guy out there that will treat you right. This guy didn't treat you right at all! Don't just back off, don't walk away, RUN! He doesn't deserve a great gal like you... don't invest too much anymore time, money, or energy into this guy. You cant say you should have known better, none of us can see the future. Just don't let him do it again. Good luck!


                    You found out his true colours, use this opportunity to accept that he's not worth wasting anymore time or energy. At least you know you made and effort, you tried, and that's the best you can do.

                    Now go get some chocolate and some of your girl friends and have a great time with them! Forget about this guy cause you deserve better. You'll be alright


                      i would do the same, run from that guy! sounds like booty call pffff he is not wurth you!
                      let it go don't text, mail or anything and if he finnally mails or so tell it's over!
                      good luck girl! big hug!!!


                        Originally posted by arrah5 View Post
                        Seriously, do you REALLY want to continue a relationship with this guy? I would walk away before he breaks your heart again, being single is way better than being treated like you are invisible. Protect your heart honey, there is some guy out there that will treat you right. This guy didn't treat you right at all! Don't just back off, don't walk away, RUN! He doesn't deserve a great gal like you... don't invest too much anymore time, money, or energy into this guy. You cant say you should have known better, none of us can see the future. Just don't let him do it again. Good luck!
                        All of this!

                        You couldn't have known better, but you know better now. Or at least you should, he's making it painfully clear that he doesn't give a sh*t. The most important thing I've learned from my past mistakes is that pretty words are not only useless when they're not backed up by actions, they only add to the insult and pain that is being caused. If you can only learn one thing from all of this, let that be it!

                        I've been there, I know how it feels and I still wanted to hang on. That's a normal psychological reaction even if it seems illogical. You're attached enough to need approval from this guy, and the more he denies you that approval, the more you bend yourself over backwards to get it, because obviously you're still not doing enough in your mind.

                        The thing is, you will NEVER get the approval you need from this man. He will never make you feel the way you so desperately need to feel and he will never see how fantastic you really are. All he will see is someone who for some reason puts up with anything he can throw at you. This will only tempt him to overstep his boundaries even further, just to see how far he can go. Believe me, when you let yourself stay in this situation, you'll be surprised at how far you'll let someone go. Don't give him that kind of power, he won't use it for good, as your best interest isn't even NEAR his mind.

                        It's not you. You're not failing him, he is failing you. In worse ways than you might even realize right now. He is seriously damaging you. The sooner you detach yourself emotionally and physically from this moron, the sooner you can move on to a loving, fulfilling relationship with someone who DOES see how great you are and who will make you feel appreciated. He's out there somewhere, wouldn't it be horrible if you missed him because you were still wasting your time, energy and self-esteem on someone who doesn't even deserve one look from you?


                          So sorry to hear this! Hope he realizes what he missed out on!


                            He doesn't want to lose you???
                            Umm..... I'd say he's lost ya.
                            So sorry this happened to you. Hopefully you can move past this guy & realize you did nothing wrong. His loss!!! *hugs*


                              It sounds like he likes the "idea" of you pining away for him from afar but just does not really love you or want to be with you. Run as fast as you can. I personally would let into him first and then never look back. If you want to be vindictive about it, because he is such a jerk, then go find a hotter guy and blast some pics of you and him on your FB page, if you have one and the jerk has access to it. If you want to take the high road, just ignore any attempt he makes to contact you ever again. He will only cause you more pain.
                              "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
                              Benjamin Franklin


                                Sorry to hear this I agree, he seems to love the idea of you loving him.. wanting him.. but he's not ready or willing .. or even feeling those things towards you. It is very flattering to him, I am sure. And maybe he doesn't even realize that he's not giving you what you deserve. But let him miss you.. and move on to someone who realizes what they have.. when they have your heart <3

