It's a cultural thing very much. When I met my American ex in the States and started going over to him for the weekends it was always fine. But they are European raised and very open minded. It amazes me that age has nothing to do with it and even marriage. I have never heard of such in Finland so I understand cds stand completely. I don't think I will ever be in the position myself any more. My current SOs parents are getting very old and I will not be introduced to them any time soon. When it comes to my kids, I won't make such rules. Sex is natural but so should be respecting other people. I can certainly imagine that op is disappointed.
No announcement yet.
Religious parents - and no sleeping together rule.
I respect everyone's choice to live in different cultures, I can't imagine having to cover my hair as a female, but I would never judge another culture for it. I think it would be odd to be forbidden to drink orange juice but if someone invited me into their home and was against it, I would respect it. Whether justified or not, you can't dictate what someone is okay with in their own home, as they say, to each his own.