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Marriage Material?

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    I'm relatively young, at 19, most of my peers aren't really getting engaged or married just yet. But, I feel like I'm more than ready for an engagement with my SO just because of our history together. I doubt he's going to propose any time soon though, because he's a 19 year old guy and what 19 year old guy wants to think about marriage yet? I'm hearing wedding bells so badly and I want to know this is worth it. He makes it sound like we'll be together forever, but until I get that ring, I won't be 100% sure. I know he's the one created for me, and I, him. We won't get to close the distance permanently for at least 5 or 6 more years, and even when the time comes, the future is so hazy. I have no idea where he'll get offered a job, so I may be moving to wherever he is, which we have no clue where that'll be. There's just so many unanswered questions about the future which scares me. I know he'll be a part of my future, but I just don't know where life will take us to.

    "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

    Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


      Totally know how you feel. My family is big on the get married at 20 and kids at 21. So to them... I am just getting old. But it does seem like everyone is getting married/or having kids. It is just that most people at this time in their lives is doing that. But what I have come to realize is that I am not most people. I feel left out at times and it makes me go into the "What If..." conversations. But things happen in their own time. Others the perfect time is now while others are pushing it and are doing these things because they want now to be the time (which is the case of some of my family) There is no harm in waiting and taking your time for stuff. There is no rush. If you are meant to be together then there is no difference between now, tomorrow, next year or in 5 years.
      Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

      I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west


        I wish I could get married. But I'm only 18 and I don't want to make any mistakes. My best friend's sister got married at 18, divorced by 19 so I'm a little wary. My parents wanted until 22 and have been married for 30 years. I hope to get married around 21-22.
        I really have baby fever though. I know it's impractical and we do use protection but oh the baby fever still exists!

        Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
        Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
        Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
        Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
        Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014


          totally know how you best friends just got engaged and so did my co-worker


            I am 20 years old, and many of my friends are older so some/most are in the stages of moving in together, and some are engaged. I am happy for them and try not to let it bother me, to be completely honest I am not ready to move in with my SO...nor do I have the finances being a student and all. It'll all come with time. Be patient because life moves pretty fast and before you know it you'll be at that stage. c:
            .We've Closed the Distance.
            no matter where i am, no matter where you are
            i'll be there when it's over baby - cause i was there from the start
            no matter if i'm near - dont matter if you're far
            all you do is pick the phone up baby & i'll be there when you call

            Whenever you need me, whenever you want me,


              I am 27 and i feel that way a lot. Moreover, if i do stay with my SO (we are not together at the moment) we are looking at another 5 years of long distance at least...So i really do not know. The only thing that makes me feel better is that there is no one around that I like or interested in at all. So who cares? May be I will never be married. I hope i will be, but if not I will have to live still, you know.


                Sometimes I feel that way, but most of my closed friend not married yet. And I think I will have my time, just enjoy the moment


                  Uhumm.... as asian girl who live in a small city in Sumatra jungle in Indonesia.. being 30 and considered as "single" is like living with a disease. Lucky me the people educated enough not to call me spinster in public.

                  My mom married at age 20, my older sister at age 24, so does my YOUNGER sister. I had 5 best friends and only 1 still single. The other 4 married and had at least 2 kids.

                  To add the misery of course i am on LDR where my SO still had no clue when we could close the distance.

                  I feel so envy every time i attend wedding, engagement, and celebrations (baby etc).

                  But i just try to keep saying to my self this is worth the wait. I only want him, and i could wait... that's how much i love him!


                    I truely understand how it feels.. I have been in a LDR for so long and was waiting for the day we get married to end the distance.. (most people arround me get together once married) but I suppose my destiny is otherwise because even after being married we are not able to close the distance yet.. it's frustrating since patience is such a hard to establish vertue... all I can say.. hold on.. it's all worth it at the end


                      Having had the 'so, when are you guys having kids?' conversation in the presence of my dude's entire mother's side of the family (yes. Yes. It WAS fun) and having turned 25 on the 1st of this month, I'm feeling it a bit. He's 28 and everyone is like 'oooh are they going to commit?'. Answer? No. Not likely. Not like that at least. Not really into marriage and kids right now. My closest friends aren't married though and they're my age so *shrugs*. A lot of people I went to school with are engaged/married/have children and I do have a bit of a question mark above my head over that but my plans are: travel, have lots of fun, get with my dude, build on a career for myself and eventually go back to school to do a Masters degree I'm happy with my plotting and my guy is. Still, I saw him with a kid the other day and can't help thinking he'd be an awesome Dad. I know he wants I'm just not sure if I do. Such is life, I guess. We'll just roll with it until WE decide to discuss it. Not our friends, families or randomers...


                        For whatever reason, my peers (friends, acquaintances, etc) have been getting married and having kids (mostly just having kids) since I was in high school. Don't know what it is about my city but girls seem to get pregnant fairly early and then usually marry right after. I remember going to a swim meet in college and it was senior day for the other team. They introduced all the seniors with either their husbands or fiances. I kid you not. Every single one was either married or planning to be married.

                        And to be honest, it doesn't make me jealous, it makes me sad. I guess I wouldn't mind too too much getting engaged right now, but I don't want to be married and I certainly don't want children cramping my style right now! I hated to see my 18 and 19 year old friends with kids or husbands or both. It really makes me feel like they miss out on their childhood. Because I don't care how "legal" you are, you're still a child at 18. Hell I still feel like a kid at 24.

                        I'm happily living with my SO with out a proposal, ring, wedding date or children in site. And my friends can get married young and have kids young as much as they want, it's not going to make me want to do it.


                          I had my 10 year high school reunion this year, and it was about half-half. Half of the girls were married with children, some were in long-term relationships/living with their boyfriends+no kids. A couple of single ones. My social circle is generally 50-50. My very best friend is 38 and single with no children. So I can't really say there's so much pressure - it's more internal actually. One of my biggest fear is waking up some years from now and realising my life is exactly the same as it is now. I'm already depressed by the fact my life now is almost the same as it was 10 years ago. Aside from finishing uni, I feel like there's nothing I actually accomplished in that time. That's why I'm itching to make plans with him. Even if we have to wait for some time to get through with it, it would help a lot to reduce this anxiety about being stuck.

                          Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs

