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Promise rings

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    not yet but me and Denise plan on getting those for our wedding rings


      I bought Patrick a ring engraved on the inside with "To Patrick, Love Katrina" but it's more just a plain band, not really a promise ring. I think for a long-term LDR promise rings are OK, but I wouldn't want one because I see them as "pre-engagement" rings - if you're going to buy one, either just get engaged or just call the promise ring a plain ol' present.


        Awwww your ring is gorgeous! We don't have promise rings and he isn't going to propose to me either for at least another year or two so I wouldn't mind if I got a little preview of what's coming

        Originally posted by garnet View Post
        Your ring is lovely! Rane & I skipped the promise rings, because we got engaged too fast, but I think they are a great idea, very special.
        Got engaged too fast? That's funny


          i loveee your ring it's super pretty! it's def my taste

          eric wants to get me a promise ring he told me.. i would love to have one from him, i think it's a beautiful thing and it would mean so much to me

          ohh and i love your's too 5000miles! so pretty!



            this is mine
            I've been wearing this since either christmas 06 or 07 - pretty sure it was 07...
            It was while we were still in a CDR and it wasn't given specifically as a "promise ring" but the intentions behind it were the same.
            I luurrvve yours by the way


              Very cute ring.
              My SO and I both have our promises rings which have our names and the date we met


                Yours is gorgeous! My boyfriend and I both wear claddagh rings that we bought each other. His is plain silver and mine is silver with a purple stone.


                  :P We don't have promise rings because we haven't been together quite that long yet, but we each wear a little handmade bracelet I made before we both left for school. I was thinking of bringing it up though, a little later into the relationship.


                    Originally posted by Katrina View Post
                    I bought Patrick a ring engraved on the inside with "To Patrick, Love Katrina" but it's more just a plain band, not really a promise ring. I think for a long-term LDR promise rings are OK, but I wouldn't want one because I see them as "pre-engagement" rings - if you're going to buy one, either just get engaged or just call the promise ring a plain ol' present.
                    Same here. Might as well save a dime or two and just get the engagement ring. Although I do wear a lot of unique rings (one of them is an octopus... don't ask ), there are some cool ones I wouldn't mind as a gift...


                      I love everyone's rings! Last Valentine's Day we exchanged claddagh rings that we call "commitment rings" I hope to be engaged in a year or two though so I'll wear it on a different finger then


                        I have a promise ring...he has more of a promise chain...but we never take them off.
                        That is certainly a beautiful ring


                          The ring is beautiful!!


                            Idan gave me a Promise Ring at his prom- the reason being that he doesn't like long engagements but wants me to know that we are each other's future. It has a pearl on it, which fell off once and then he surprised me for Christmas with a necklace that had the pearl! He then got another pearl for the ring (which recently came off because there is a problem with the setting apparently) so I wear the necklace. I need to fix that ring though! Both of the pearls he picked out from those 'pick an oyster' booths in Disney World.

                            I love your ring though. It's very pretty and almost princess like!


                              Yours is quite pretty, but I sometimes think they're a little unnecessary. I think it should be simply understood for a couple to plan to stay together.

                              And if he wants to give you a ring, then hey, he should just do it! There's no need for a reason.

                              Personally, I think this whole "promise ring" deal was created by jewelery chains *cough*Zales*cough* who are just looking for another reason to get our money. Especially since they're aimed at a target group that are not big jewelery purchasers--teens. At least not quality jewelery, though I don't think most chain jewelers really sell good quality jewelery.

                              If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


                                That's amazing... very pretty. I really wish my SO and I would get something like this... I sent her a necklace and every day I love seeing it on her... <3

