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Weird things the SO does..

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    My SO dips EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING in his own super secret hot sauce that he makes, we were camming one time and I asked him what he was eating cuz I couldn't tell so he lifted up an apple literally covered in that hot sauce xD

    I also find it weird that whenever we have to say goodbye while we talk on the phone he says mmmm-byeeee, it's the cutest thing ever and when I asked him why he did that he said he hadn't even noticed it but he never says it when he hangs up with anyone else. Makes me feel special :P

    Met: 8.17.09
    Started Dating: 8.20.09
    First Met: 10.2.10
    Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


      this isnt weird to us but maybe to other people, she finds it really therapeutic when i bite her back really hard all over, she screams alot when i do it but she loves it and i love doing it cause it relaxes me and makes me very sleepys afterwords


        He voluntarily stays at work for 13 hours at a time, with no paid overtime, because he wants to get all of his work done. I believe it's called being a "workaholic". And don't worry, I'm working on curing him. :P

        "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
        -- Anonymous


          When we're on the phone and Daniel's doing something, like putting a book away or various other tasks, he always makes like sound effects. It's the funniest thing and he gets so embarrassed when I catch him!


            When Sam's asleep, I reckon every night he makes this.. munching? noise with his mouth I just giggle by myself everytime I hear him do it, it's so cute x)
            And he gets loads of hickups, but only one or two at a time
            Erm.. can't think of any others right now

            He's cute


              My SO is a sneezer, no diagnosed allergies or anything, but he sneezes probably minimum thirty times a day, usually in bouts of 10. When we are out in public people always get tired of saying "bless you". I stopped saying "bless you" a long time ago because its fairly annoying when you are sleeping or relaxing and you get startled.


                Athila puts his pants on, then gets his socks and shoes and whatever else on... THEN goes and gets his shirt on and takes his pants off to put his shirt on and then puts his pants back on with his shirt completely straight and tucked nicely in them... O_o I ask him why every time and he just tells me to stop asking... I'll never stop asking. oh and he will leave the house and stand in the street in his briefs... walks around with a boner in his briefs... and doesn't care to hide it... oh and insists on killing flies with a tennis racket instead of a fly swatter...

                but me? I puke if I eat 90% of veggies... while I'm falling asleep or am asleep I sigh audibly to the point that people think I'm awake and humming... I refuse to wear underwear 3/4 of the month...


                  Nathan makes weird noises while he sleeps. It cracks me up! I always try to explain what he does to him, but I can never do it without laughing! Also, he can't leave dirty dishes in the sink. He MUST wash them! Also, although he stoppd because I told him i freaked me out, he talks on the phone while in the shower. And he always has to call me while going to the bathroom because he says theres no one else to talk to and hes bored. Hahah. He so funny!


                    Andy goes freaking mental when there's a fly around, if a fly lands on him he jumps around and swears and swings his hands like it's a poisoness spider

                    Too bad for him that living with me and my horses = lots of flies!
                    i can relate >< my boy thinks its adorable that i'm scared to death of bugs (ESPECIALLY FLIES OHGOD) (srsly, i have an electric fly swatter, cans of bug spray all over the place, fly swatters in every other room, etc)

                    Hmm, weird stuff he does... :P he plays pokemon (but so do i lol), and listens to video game songs all the time. suchanerd<3

                    Oh, i can think of one other thing i got him to do! he had to walk out of his uni class, if you know what i mean lmfao but that was less weird than it was completely amusing :3

