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Do you have any 'talking breaks'?

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    Do you have any 'talking breaks'?

    Me and my SO usually manage to talk everyday, sometimes even twice a day, but yesterday I spent my entire day with 2 friends who fancy me (my SO knows about them and luckily trust me ) so I didn't want to bother him with details, and today I did literally nothing, therefore we spoke today approximately 10 minutes. He is now online and I am very tempted to speak to him again, but we had nothing to talk about before, so I'm staying invisible...

    I'm wondering, do you have 'talking breaks' when there is nothing to talk about? what do you do instead? I'm thinking about using my energy to write him a love letter or something

    XD Not really. We're on the phone right now and I asked him and he laughed. We talk all day every day and have never run out of things to talk. Our longest break from talking besides sleep was maybe 6-7 hours when he was doing his homework once.


      We're not able to talk everyday, but when we do it's mostly like for 1 or 2 hours, so we always have something to talk about.


        Me and my SO talk everyday sometimes 2-3 times for 5-10 minutes at a time up to a couple of hours. We get to that point sometimes that we have nothing to say to each other, so i usually end up rambling about my friends or work, or sometimes we just sit in silence, which can be really nice we were playing a game together on the xbox and apart from discussing which missions to do etc.. we sat and just played along side each other companionably in silence and was surprisingly really nice


          Yeah, we definitely have times where we have loads to say and 1 hour doesn't seem like enough and other times where 10 minutes just about does it!


            The only time me and my SO dont have anything to talk is when Im mad at him xD
            We usually just cam and than at some point we would stop talkin and just do whatever... nap, watch TV, browse the internet etc
            There's never a "uhm...... yeaaaaaa....... idk what to say" awkward kinda situation


              Me and my BF only have what I would consider "forced talking breaks"
              So far we've been skyping once/twice a week for ½ hour-2 hours at a time..
              We've never run out of stuff to discuss^^ But then again, we basically lived together for months before he went away, and we never had any awkward silences then either..

              But I do miss sharing our cozy moments of silence, cuddled up in bed..


                Well my SO and I have been online together for so long, we do take breaks, but usually from the computer not each other. I know if he is visible he's up for chatting, and if I'm on and he's not I leave him an offline message and vise versa.

                Everything I know, and anywhere I go, It gets hard but it won't take away my love,
                And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done, It gets hard but it won't take away my love


                Me without Him is like Son of Beast without the loop.


                  Personally I think each relationship hits points where when you talk ALLLL the time...there are sometimes you dont have much to We have been together almost year....we talk ALLL the time...but there are some times...we just have little more to share...goodness we talk ABOUT everything. So...we call back later...taking a little break from the idle chit chat...
                  NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                    Back when we talked for hours almost every day the only time there were 'breaks' was when he was busy writing or coding something as he needed to concentrate and I tend to be a grand distraction because I talk a lot. He always stays invis on AIM and MSN so he can choose who to talk to as he has a lot of friends and coworkers who he talks to online. I find it annoying but there are ways to figure out when he's on.


                      We don't really have talking breaks, but we're also comfortable with silence. Not every moment has to be filled with words for us.

                      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                        We do but only when we are busy. We get very irritable and depressed if we don't talk to each other x)

                        First Met Online: May 08
                        Became a Couple: 4.11.09
                        First Visit: 7.27.11 - 8.11.11
                        Second Visit: 9.15.12 - 9.23.12
                        Third Visit: 7.6.13 - 7.14.13


                          well if i run out of things to talk about i will make up stuff to talk about with her!! we find stuff to talk about to keep it going, or sometimes we play a Q&A game and go from there


                            We don't really talk much on the weekends. That's because he hangs out with his friends and I'm busy with work. But the break is good for us because then it makes it so much more interesting when we talk on Sunday nights


                              Nope, if we didn't have something to talk about we'd just be together "companionably". Skype would run while we did homework, or surfed the net, or whatever. We felt more involved in each others lives that way.
                              Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person

