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We could have been in this commercial!

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    That's such a cute advert!


      Originally posted by JoMarie View Post
      From what I understand, to be first in a google search whomever makes your website has to do some coding in the page builder with key words. Something like that, or at least thats what the web designer that made my business webbie said
      Oh, don't worry our site has meta tags and everything, and it always has. It's just that google has an algorithm. They don't reveal how it works and how the search engine chooses what order results are in. It's based on many factors. More than just keywords. It depends on things like how many backlinks a site has, it's PR, and many many other factors.
      Read my LDR story!


        From what I know Google places the results in order of how popular and often used the sites are, so the more people that searchs "long distance relationships" and clicks an LFAD link at the results, the higher the site will eventually be. So just spread the word and tell your friends to keep clicking for our site!


          I always come on at work and I have to access it by google, so I do that


            Originally posted by MadMolly View Post
            I always come on at work and I have to access it by google, so I do that
            Haha, no wonder there are always a bunch of "loving from a distance" searches. You must not be the only one.
            Read my LDR story!


              Originally posted by Tanja View Post
              From what I know Google places the results in order of how popular and often used the sites are, so the more people that searchs "long distance relationships" and clicks an LFAD link at the results, the higher the site will eventually be. So just spread the word and tell your friends to keep clicking for our site!
              That's true. If people search "long distance relationships" and click on our site, and IF they don't bounce (go to the site and then hit the back button to go back to the google results within 10 seconds) then that makes our site look good to google and eventually it will work its way up the search results for "long distance relationships"

              We are currently in the middle of the results on page 2 for "long distance relationships. Like 15 I think?
              Read my LDR story!


                I found the site through someone who used to be my best friend. Her boyfriend at the time was supposed to go home for the summer, so she was looking for advice for LDRs and found this site. She sent me the link because she knew that I was talking to someone out-of-state, although we weren't official at that point. I lurked for several months, but finally joined XD. Ironically, she only went out with that boyfriend for a month, and whenever I mention my boyfriend now, she tends to get annoyed, so I never mention him anymore in front of her XD She doesn't know that I joined.

                I second that LFAD should be first though! You guys are right. All of the pages on the first page are horrible! If my friend hadn't sent me this link, then I may not have ever looked at the second page on google! I will have to make a point to google "Long Distance Relationships" every time I get on here, rather than just having it bookmarked :P


                  Originally posted by Bluestars View Post
                  I second that LFAD should be first though! You guys are right. All of the pages on the first page are horrible! If my friend hadn't sent me this link, then I may not have ever looked at the second page on google! I will have to make a point to google "Long Distance Relationships" every time I get on here, rather than just having it bookmarked :P

                  It has taken so long to get on page 2. We used to be result #200 something, and only a couple months ago we were result #85ish! :P
                  Read my LDR story!


                    Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                    Google translates/converts pretty much anything! It's so much easier to just type in "16 mm to in" or "40 USD to GBP" than try to find some other website for converting/exchanging. :P
                    Thanks Jackie, I actually knew about the math ability google has and its ability to convert things. But I always search Google Translate instead of just typing the translate query right into the search box.

                    As for the page ranking on wouldn't believe our bewilderment when we would see it ranked on the 15th page!
                    I actually have Google show me 20 results at a time, because now I know that some quality sites will be further down in the rankings.


                      Originally posted by Michelle View Post
                      That's true. If people search "long distance relationships" and click on our site, and IF they don't bounce (go to the site and then hit the back button to go back to the google results within 10 seconds) then that makes our site look good to google and eventually it will work its way up the search results for "long distance relationships"

                      We are currently in the middle of the results on page 2 for "long distance relationships. Like 15 I think?
                      I always search for "Loving from a distance" when I'm away from my own computer as well - I guess I've gotta start using "long distance relationships" instead. :P LFAD deserved more than the second page!


                        Haha. I thought this was cute and was gonna post it here, but you got to it first! <3


                          Awww! Thank you so much! I'm going to share this with my boyfriend.

