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not sure where to go from here..

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    not sure where to go from here..

    hello everyone,

    I found this website a couple years ago thinking it might hold some fun things to do in a long distance relationship and i joined the mailing list.. i must admit i never realy did anything with it, but i saw the last mail from this website and i figure wy dont i join the forum..

    so my story is like this,.. 6 or 7 years ago i met this girl from peru online via some chatroom and from thad moment on i ust felt something wile i was talking to her.. from there on we traided msn accounts so we could talk more with eatchother, and we talked like friend for some years, and often we would spend hours and hours talking every day and we became realy good friends at first. Then in 2008 we had the feeling thad we wanted to be more than ust friends.. but the problem is i live in the netherlands,.. and thad is a 14 hour flight away from peru.. well a long story short we still ended up together and i went to peru in 2009 and she came here in the netherlands this year.

    so you would think everything is okey and good, but unfortunaly this is not the case.. right now my girlfriend left me becouse she feels it is to hard to be apart so long (i can only travel 1 time a year becouse i am still a student) and i dont know what to do anymore.. i feel like crap in this situation and to be honest all i realy want is to move to peru and live my live with her and i would do this in a second if i was not still studying i still have 2 more years to go before my study is compleat but i realy dont want to lose her from my live but on the other hand i feel i should finish my study here first before i can do this.. but then it might be to late already.

    what i would like to know is what do you think i should do ? follow what i feel or use my head and finish school..

    thanks for reading

    Welcome to the forums

    Everyone here has a different story, but I'll give you a brief rundown of mine. My SO and I met 14 years ago, and decided to give the long distance relationship a try. Unfortunately, we ended up breaking up over the distance, yet remained friends. Now flash forward to June of this year - I hadn't seen him in 13 years, but I convince him to come and visit. He gets here and we agree that we really should be together. The point of this is that if it's meant to be, it will happen. Sure it's romantic to run off and live with her, but can you support yourself while doing this? You have to be able to take care of you before you can jump into taking care of yourself and another person, and I don't mean financially, but emotionally. Ultimately, you know what's in your head and your heart. There are many factors to how a relationship suceeds, and one of those is timing. If you feel you should finish school, then finish so that you are happy with your education and chosen path in life. And I know my story isn't typical, but I just mean to show you that sometimes you have to trust that the right decisions are being made, and that what happens will happen. Don't know if that helped, but I wish you the best of luck in making your decision.


      Welcome to the community! If you have deep deep feelings for her then don't give up on the relationship! Everything will eventually fall into place! Best of luck!


        Would it be possible for you to do a year studying abroad in Peru? I don't know if that's possible depending on what you are studying, but it's just an idea. =)

        My guy lives in the netherlands too =D


          well,.. i have ust had a kind of crapy talk with her, she basicly dumped me and aparrently not only becouse of the distance but the fact i am not "mature" enoufe
          good luck with your relationships everyone , i hope it doesnt end like mine

          well i am off trying to accept what has ust happend.. but there is one thing i know for sure,.. i will never have a long distance relationship again,.. at least not with someone on the other side of the world



            Awww i'm sorry to hear that. Things will get better though =) You're young and you have plenty of time ahead of you yet to find someone else.

