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What do you do to pass the time?

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    What do you do to pass the time?

    So I was just wondering what ideas or suggestions you have about passing the time when you aren't busy and all you can do is think about your SO. I have joined a lot of clubs this year and organizations in order to keep my schedule busy so I am not home bored just thinking about how much I miss my SO and how much it kills me. I find that writing letters and putting together packages for my SO can help because it feels like I am channeling all the love and feelings of longing to be with him into such projects that he can physically hold or read when I can't physically be there with him. What are some things you do?

    i watch lots of films or read loads, i also make cards as i love creative stuff like that

    im one of the lucky people who can text my SO all day everyday so i text him loads too i also spend a lot of time on here lol.

    Another i do to keep from thinking too much is loads of overtime, makes me real tired but helps me sleep at night and keeps me occupied during the days. I do write him lots of letters or poems and recently made him a scrapbook for our one year anniversary which helped loads

    The nights are the worst for me when i first get into bed


      I try to distract myself. I've got a part time job, and I spend a lot of time focusing on my internship. I've also joined a professional society for my profession, but that only meets every 2 months or so, so it's not much.

      I guess I'm used to him being gone, so it's not so hard anymore. This is our second year of long distance.

      If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


        Join NaNoWriMo with us!! It's writing a 50000 word novel in 30 days starting November 1! I'll be spending so much time writing that the month will go by super fast, and who knows, it might inspire a hobby that you can keep for the rest of your time apart!

        Other then that I watch alot of tv shows online, play a ton of Halo Reach and other Xbox games, and work on my art. Every once in awhile I'll go to the gym! It feels great knowing that you're doing something worthwhile while waiting to see your SO.


          I joined my schools water polo team, involved in a few clubs at school, and i applied for an internship not to long ago helps me a lot from not getting depressed. So me participating in school and getting job passes the time for me


            I'm a full college time student and work 30 hours a week, including weekends. So the little time at home is spent mainly doing homework, sleeping, and talking to or doing things for my SO.


              University keeps my quite busy most of the time.
              Actually realized that I studied a lot more than I normally would (last month), trying to keep my mind off missing my SO.


                i do what u do ha, and work, i like doing packages and letters, my new project is a scrap book


                  Originally posted by sabby64 View Post
                  Join NaNoWriMo with us!! It's writing a 50000 word novel in 30 days starting November 1! I'll be spending so much time writing that the month will go by super fast, and who knows, it might inspire a hobby that you can keep for the rest of your time apart!
                  Yeah do it!!!

                  Let's see....I joined a dance studio and take classes a few times a week so that really helps get my mind off of things!


                    Happily i can talk to my SO everyday at least over the phone, but lately we dont talk that much because his mother still didn't get the internet...
                    Meh.. to kill the time i just be with my friends or do things for my SO, like planning how live here, taking care if an own apartment etc.

                    Actually it really kills me inside to not be able to be with him (at the moment im a really big zombie because i left yesterday and i miss him) but somehow i also keep myself up by telling me, its only a fuuu year till it will end and only 2 fuuu month till we see us again for long-- >_< FIGHTING!


                      Happily i can talk to my SO everyday at least over the phone, but lately we dont talk that much because his mother still didn't get the internet...
                      Meh.. to kill the time i just be with my friends or do things for my SO, like planning how to live here, taking care for getting an own apartment etc.

                      Actually it really kills me inside to not be able to be with him (at the moment im a really big zombie because i left yesterday and i miss him) but somehow i also keep myself up by telling me, its only a fuuu year till it will end and only 2 fuuu month till we see us again for long-- >_< FIGHTING!
                      Last edited by Kirschlein; October 27, 2010, 04:19 AM.


                        I'm lucky to be able to text my SO everyday (except when he's at school).

                        When I can't talk to him, I like to read, listen to music or sleep. :3

                        First Met Online: May 08
                        Became a Couple: 4.11.09
                        First Visit: 7.27.11 - 8.11.11
                        Second Visit: 9.15.12 - 9.23.12
                        Third Visit: 7.6.13 - 7.14.13

