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I guess it's over

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    I guess it's over

    My SO for the last few days has been either not been calling or not texting and now he's not doing either I texted him and called and haven't heard anything back... I know his phone is working and he's getting my calls. I don't understand if this is it why I can't get an explanation... I'm sooo heartbroken..... When I did talk to him a few days ago he seems like he didn't want to be bothered but at the same time was talking about the move. I just don't understand... I just want to know what the hell is going on... I was going to text him and ask if he could atleast write me an email or something with an explanation and if he wants it to be over I will leave him alone if he will atleast do that for me.. What do you think? Words can't explain how crushed I am right now... I loved him to death and he was everything to me...

    i would wait to hear back from him before you completely panic, if you dont then he's just an asshole who doesnt have the courage to pick up the phone and break up with you that way and you deserve better if hes gonna do that


      Oh I'm so sorry... I really hope he's not the type to just stop calling as a way to end a relationship. To me, it shows a great deal of immaturity, and he should be old enough to know better at this point in his life.

      It's hard to say at this point what his lack of contact means... you do need to try to find out why he's doing this before you make any rash decisions. When you've tried to call in the past few days, have you let him know how concerned you are?

      I would send him a text or email or leave a voicemail that lays your understanding of what he's doing clearly. For me, I would probably say:

      "I'm not sure how to interpret your lack of contact. To be honest, I'm very worried about what it means. Please contact me immediately to let me know what's going on. If you need space, you need to tell me that so I can give it to you."

      I truly hope it's a misunderstanding and he doesn't really understand how much his behavior is hurting you...


        yea I would wait as well... maybe he has lost his phone, or is busy. It happend to me once too and in the end the reason why my SO wasnt answerin any of my messages etc is cause he couldnt due to his parents bein able to see everything and stuff.
        I know its hard to be patient but Im sure there is a reason for it. And talk to him as soon as possible. *hugs*


          My guy's done that a couple times. Perhaps he's going through some things and has just retreated from people or doesn't want to 'burden' you? I'm not really seeing anything to say it's a breakup, just a really bad case of lack of communication. Just keep trying to contact him maybe 2-3 times throughout the day every day or every other day so that you're not being overbearing but still getting the point across that you're there and deserve to know what's going on with him on his end.


            I'm sorry about the situation you are currently in. Its tough. I want to say: "Don't assume the worst!" Its great in theory but I know its probably not an easy thing in practice. I would suggesting backing off a bit and giving it some time. I know it will be torture but it might be good in the long run. Unfortunately, he is not communicating so you don't know what is going on with him. Give him a chance to come around before you put your foot down. Good luck!


              Going from talking all the time to nothing is very odd. I know people on here go days/weeks without contact and that works for them, but I know that hasn't been how the two of you are. Don't assume the worst yet. Just be very point blank when you contact him and say...."If you need space...I understand...just please reply and let me know you are ok." And leave it at that. We are ALL here for you...let us know how you are.
              NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                Do you know any of his friends or family that might be in contact with him? I would probably call them if I was in your situation and see what was up and if they had talked to him recently. I am sorry that you are having to go through this though I hope everything works out!


                  For all you know he could be in some area with no phone service or internet. When ever I go to my grandmother's house I have no cell service or internet. Just keep your head high and stay positive lovely He will eventually contact you some way or another. Real men don't break up with girls by completely shutting them off without an explanation.
                  "Forever and Always"


                    I hope you hear from him, either way to find out what's going on. Sit tight until you know either way.


                      He ended up calling me and saying that they made him work a double shift, went home and went to bed and slept most of the day. I was still very upset and told him that I was having a heart attack. Everytime he does this stuff I just loose my mind... He told me not to worry but it's not that easy and I told him that I hate being in this long distance relationship... Sooooo he went house hunting all this weekend and we found a house we like and it looks like we might be getting it.... If we do, we are going to close the distance in 4 weeks !!!!!! I hope we have the answer today but if not we should know by the end of the week...


                        Originally posted by faith5x5nomore View Post
                        He ended up calling me and saying that they made him work a double shift, went home and went to bed and slept most of the day. I was still very upset and told him that I was having a heart attack. Everytime he does this stuff I just loose my mind... He told me not to worry but it's not that easy and I told him that I hate being in this long distance relationship... Sooooo he went house hunting all this weekend and we found a house we like and it looks like we might be getting it.... If we do, we are going to close the distance in 4 weeks !!!!!! I hope we have the answer today but if not we should know by the end of the week...

                        wow!!! thats awesome!!!


                          Originally posted by faith5x5nomore View Post
                          He ended up calling me and saying that they made him work a double shift, went home and went to bed and slept most of the day. I was still very upset and told him that I was having a heart attack. Everytime he does this stuff I just loose my mind... He told me not to worry but it's not that easy and I told him that I hate being in this long distance relationship... Sooooo he went house hunting all this weekend and we found a house we like and it looks like we might be getting it.... If we do, we are going to close the distance in 4 weeks !!!!!! I hope we have the answer today but if not we should know by the end of the week...
                          "Forever and Always"


                            WOW, the situation has taken quite a turn
                            I'm so glad it was nothing - and fingers crossed you'll get the house^^


                              Never give up quickly, usually there's something that's going on.
                              That's what I was going to say before I saw your house posting.
                              Good luck & Congrats =)
                              I'm glad everything is okay.

