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Butterflies after long absence?

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    Butterflies after long absence?

    I was just thinking about this for the past couple of days. Because I've felt such intense feelings for my SO even if its just on skype.

    I've seen my SO twice after a long absence (both around 3 1/2 months long).

    We use skype, but both times seeing him in person standing in the airport it was like seeing him for the first time. Even for the first hour, being in his presence I felt this butterfly thing like I was on a first date. I was even nervous....!!!

    What is it about this? He was the same person I had seen online, why did it feel so intense...does your body just forget ?

    Has anyone else felt like this ? Got any explanations?

    I don't so much feel this when we first see each other after an absence, as I feel more like I'm coming home whenever we reunite. I do on occasion get butterfiles when we kiss, and I think part of it is just the physical reaction you get when you're around the one you love. It's a good feeling though - the excitement of it


      I have butterflies the whole trip to see him, but once I'm in his arms, it's like blankita says... I'm home...

      We've also known each other for 8 years... which probably makes a difference.


        I get butterflies whenever I see my boyfriend for the first time as well. I don't exactly get nervous. I get anxious, excited, and just looking at him gives me butterflies in my stomach. Also, the anticipation of seeing him is almost unbearable to me the day we reunite again! It's an amazing feeling.


          I get soooo nervous STILL excited...then when I am face to face....ahhhh...right where I belong!
          NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


            I totally understand you!!! I get butterflies the night before and they start going crazy while I'm driving to the airport and then the first hour that I'm with him is crazy! But then everything is good and goes perfect


              I am totally the same way! We video chat once a week, and yet I still get giddy when I see the "Ian has started video call accept " thing. and every time I see him....EVERY DARN TIME!! My stomach flips over, and I think, "wow was he always this handsome, cute, charming, sexy?" and when I'm waiting to see him at the airport terminal, I literally have bats in my stomach and when I see him, its like being struck by lightning, and my entire body sings..I glow, and all I can think is, "oh my god he is gorgeous! did he always look this good.." The funny thing is....I know, even though he's never said anything, that he feels the exact same way, I can see it in the happy way he waves at me and the smile of pleasure that spreads over his face, when he sees me on video chat. The nerves are always there when we hug the first time, but its like magnets, we just can't be close enough. Its been like that for 9 years since we first met....EVERY DARN TIME! LOL

              Everything I know, and anywhere I go, It gets hard but it won't take away my love,
              And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done, It gets hard but it won't take away my love


              Me without Him is like Son of Beast without the loop.


                for me seeing him at the airport seems like a movie that im watching, because its so loud there and im just waiting waiting, and then i see him and everything gets silent..and then i run to him and the whole world dissapears, its great, when we reunite i feel like im a little kid again and nothing could possibley go wrong


                  I havent met my SO yet but I do get those butterflies every once in a while
                  Just a while ago they were preeeetty intense. And he didnt even do anythin super cute or anythin lol Plus I see him every day via Skype.
                  I cant explain it myself either, I just like to call it true love


                    Yes, I also get butterflies and actually we get a little awkward around each other, once again.
                    I mean when I waited for him to visit me in July, I had all those ideas how it would be to see him in the airport. How I would give him a big hug and when we got home I would be all over him as soon as I got the chance.
                    But the hug in the airport turned out to be awkward and when we got home I just sat there... yeah feeling awkward for sometime. (and we had been together for a few times before that) It's like we have to find each other all over again. But then we can also have that nice feeling of butterflies and being "newly" in love, even though we've been dating for 7 months.

                    It'll be interesting when he comes next month, because it's the longest we've gone without seeing each other.
                    I actually wonder if I'll start crying happy tears when I hug him, because it feels like we've been through so much this time.


                      oh i got big butterflies with huge wings when i first saw her the first time, and it was a bit awkward at first but i think thats because your so used to talking to them online or on the phone it just strange when you first meet cause your not used to them being in the same room as you


                        ohhh yeah for sure! i melt when he just looks into my eyes after being with him for a few days
                        so that first time seeing him after not seeing him for a while is amazing
                        i have butterflies the entire trip there.. and then when i see him my hands get all sweaty, my heart starts pounding, and i get all nervous like a little school girl
                        but i don't so much act nervous because i'm so extremely comfortable around him, but just the feeling of being in his presence gives me butterflies


                          When my SO picked me up from the bus stop, and i saw him walking towards me looking so amazing I got big butterflies, and it felt truly amazing our wait was also about 3months. But our time apart usually is about 3 months.


                            I get the butterflies everytime im waiting to see him again, i get real excited and the butterflies go mad but as soon as i see him, everything is ok, i know im where im supposed to be and it just feels right. Its as the others have said its like im home, they say home is where the heart is and Glen has my heart


                              I haven't met Mark yet...but when he get on webcam, I totally get butterflies. We hadn't been on webcam for awhile, like several weeks and when we did just the other day, i was so nervous...and i was so I can't imagine what it will be like when I see him in person for the first time..but i have a feeling that i will be extremly nervous...but when I see him, it will be like FINALLY!!!! Man, I can't wait for that!!

