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How often do you get to see your SO?

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    How often do you get to see your SO?

    Hey Guys!

    So I was thinking about how I have a close friend who is in a long distance relationship with someone in Germany, herself being placed in Canada and they see each other between 1-3 month intervals and it made me feel a little depressed because my SO lives in Minnesota, just a drive down and I only see him on about every 3 months because neither of us have a vehicle of our own, and we both work and I attend university full time it's quite difficult. And 600-800 dollars for an hour and a half plane ride is a little riduculous to be making every month...

    So my questions are:
    1.) Where are you and your SO located, how many miles (if known)
    2.) How often do you get to see your SO?


    1.) Where are you and your SO located, how many miles (if known) i live in Connecticut she lives in Scotland. 3,000 miles
    2.) How often do you get to see your SO? every couple of months now


      Originally posted by Caitlin2009 View Post
      1.) Where are you and your SO located, how many miles (if known) i live in Connecticut she lives in Scotland. 3,000 miles
      2.) How often do you get to see your SO? every couple of months now
      So like 1-2 months your so lucky how long were the intervals before?


        1.) Where are you and your SO located, how many miles (if known) I'm in SW Washington State, he's in San Diego, California - 1,118 miles.
        2.) How often do you get to see your SO? So far, we've managed to see each other every other month. I found cheap fares through Jet Blue, so I was able to fly down to see him this month, and (currently) he's planning to fly up for Thanksgiving and for Christmas/New Years when he's on break from college. He probably won't fly up again until Spring Break (March), but I'm going to try to go down for Valentine's Day/Homecoming in February.
        My heart belongs to a pilot!


          1.) Where are you and your SO located, how many miles (if known)? I'm in France and he's in Mali. We are 2,457 miles apart.

          2.) How often do you get to see your SO? We will be apart for 9 months total and only see each other once about half way through. So every 4.5 months!


            p.s. If anyone wants to find out the distance between you and your SO:



              1.) Where are you and your SO located, how many miles (if known)
              We're both in the US, me in California and he in Michigan, so still almost the entire country apart (about 2,000 miles).

              2.) How often do you get to see your SO?
              I've seen him once in the entire year we've been dating. We had hoped for another visit in December but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. If I'm lucky there will be a visit sometimes next year but I've really no idea. So for now, I say there's a visit every 9-12 months


                Originally posted by Trethsparr View Post
                1.) Where are you and your SO located, how many miles (if known) I'm in SW Washington State, he's in San Diego, California - 1,118 miles.
                2.) How often do you get to see your SO? So far, we've managed to see each other every other month. I found cheap fares through Jet Blue, so I was able to fly down to see him this month, and (currently) he's planning to fly up for Thanksgiving and for Christmas/New Years when he's on break from college. He probably won't fly up again until Spring Break (March), but I'm going to try to go down for Valentine's Day/Homecoming in February.
                Does JetBlue fly to Canada? HAHA i've been looking for cheap flights EVERYWHERE, if anyone knows of any who fly Canadian as well please let me know!


                  Originally posted by __ms.jaye View Post
                  So like 1-2 months your so lucky how long were the intervals before?
                  what are intervals????


                    Like, time in between like you see your SO every 1-2 months or so?


                      1.) Where are you and your SO located, how many miles (if known): I live in Iowa and he lives in Wyoming. We are 670 miles away from one other. It is a 10 hour drive by car or 1.5 hour plane ride (with a 2 hour drive to the airport)
                      2.) How often do you get to see your SO? We saw each other every 2-3 weeks up until the last visit... now we are waiting 5 weeks to see one another with 11 days to go, so I would say it averages to about once a month.


                        1.) Where are you and your SO located, how many miles (if known) - he lives in Seattle, wa, USA and I live in Germany, so about 5,000 miles
                        2.) How often do you get to see your SO? Almost every school break, so if we are lucky every 3 months and if we are not lucky then there is a 6 months gap...


                          He's in BC, Canada and I'm in Charlotte, NC (except for school, but i don't want to calculate that).

                          So far it looks like we'll be having visits once a year. Stupid economy >.<


                            Originally posted by __ms.jaye View Post
                            Like, time in between like you see your SO every 1-2 months or so?
                            oh well we just first met each other a few months ago, whenever we have the money


                              I'm in Denmark - and my SO's traveling in Australia so..... we're talking 10,000 miles. gosh..

                              Our situation is a bit complicated...
                              I don't know if we'll close the distance next time I see him, which will be in 5 months' time.... maybe it'll only be temporary..
                              'Cause we might have to start school in two different places 4 months later .... Nothing's been decided yet - so far I don't know what I'm gonna study next summer... but the thought of another 3-4 years in a LDR (approx. 130 miles apart..) is not really that exciting -_-

                              But I really try not to think about that now..... the next 5 months are gonna be hard enough!

