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I could use a hug...

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    I could use a hug...

    And, maybe a little comfort. I'm not looking for advice, or opinions, really. Just need to vent.

    Mike (my SO) and I have been together for two and a half years now. We've been talking about closing the distance, which is a real pain in the ass because I'm in the US and he's in England. We've been talking about it a good long while now, and every time I've had doubts about how we can manage it, he's been right there to tell me it WILL work out somehow, that we will make it work together.

    Now that it's kind of closing in on the time where we'd need to get things going with the visa, he's gone into a bit of a panic mode. Wednesday, when we were booking tickets for him to come here in November (we didn't get them booked), it hit him all at once. This trip, we planned to talk it all over, make our plan, and get things rolling. And, any doubt he may have ignored in his mind, all came roaring to the surface. Had we been talking about his doubts all this time, I think it wouldn't be so overwhelming now. And, I've tried all along to be sure he was ok with things, and see what his doubts were. I think he just didn't see them there. So, now there all rumbling around making him feel like it's impossible and he's not sure he can handle it. At this point, he doesn't know if he's coming over in November. He doesn't know if he can make the move here... And, there's nothing I can do except try to reassure him that it's normal to have concerns, and to be afraid a bit of making that big of a leap of faith, and to show him how we can make it all work. But, it's breaking my heart not knowing if our hopes and dreams together will become our reality.

    Our plan, was for him to come here for two years so we could save up together and then move back to England. Realistically, this is pretty much the only way that I will be able to end up there with him. The idea of being away from his family scares him a bit. He's not sure how he'd handle that. The idea of finding a job here worries him. And I get it. He has no doubt about whether or not he wants to be with me, just his doubt about whether or not he can handle being in the US for a couple of years.

    I've been in a fog of tears since Wednesday, and it's just hard being in these shoes right now. I keep hoping that he will see that he can do it- I know he can, he is a strong person. And he's the one who's been telling ME he could when I've asked him in the past. I know it's just a matter of his worries clouding things up, but it scares me that he might get lost in them, as he is right now, and give up.

    If you read all this, you deserve an award: Thanks. I just needed to get it out before it all breaks me.

    I can see where you both are coming from. I'm planning to go to England to live with my SO next year, and I'm really scared. It's not as big as a distance as your SO will be travelling but it's the same context.

    I can see why your SO is overwhelmed. When my SO asks me if I'm excited, I tell him yes but he also knows that I'm scared. It's a huge strange feeling, he'll be leaving everything behind and I can't blame him for being overwhelmed. I'm sure your SO is so excited to be able to close the distance, as am I, but it's a scary thought. I know that you'll be leaving America in two years to move to England with him, that's great. But you'll kind of know how he felt, once that happens.

    I could use a hug too ): Here's a hug and we'll share this one


      Thanks I needed that. I do know where he's coming from. I totally understand. I've moved several times, and there's always some reservations. I've not moved internationally, but when you move from the middle-of-nowhere Vermont to middle-of-nowhere Alabama, you may as well have moved to middle-of-nowhere India. It's that much of a change. I've moved away from family, friends and everything I know. So, I know what it's like, and what he's going through. I know it's scary. I just knew those fears were all there, and was handling them as they came. But, as much as I understand- I mean, really understand- it still hurts like hell to be where we're at now- not knowing.


        I'm sorry that you're dealing with this right now.
        Here is a big hug ((((hug))))
        And you know we are here if you want advice or any other kind of help. Or if you just want to vent again!



          Thinking we all need this I'm sorry it is causing so much stress for you. Thinking lots of positive thoughts that everything works out the way it should!


            *hugs* I'm sorryyy! Try to keep positiveee!


              Thanks all. I didn't ask for advice because I know there's nothing I can do but wait, and not much anyone can really say. But, I completely appreciate the support. It helps to know someone even just read it, and cares enough about a stranger to offer a hug.


                *Big hugs* I hope he comes around and gets over his jitters soon. Let us know how things go, and how you're dealing. We're here for you
                Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                  Maybe give him a little time, reassure him about his concerns and keep talking. Hopefully you can both find your way through the issues.


                    Thanks. I'm cautiously hopeful after speaking with him today. Very cautiously. And, he told me he'd let me know tomorrow if he's booking a ticket to visit over Thanksgiving or not, and if so book it tomorrow. I think part of the "problem" is that when he spoke with his parents (father and step mum), who don't want their boy to grow up and move away, they only spoke about what his doubts and all are. And, they took from that that he doesn't want to (at all) move here, and therefore shouldn't. I personally felt that was a bit unfair on their part, not qualifying it by saying also that if he does want to then he should do and try and see where it all leads. While they don't make decisions for him, their opinion does weight greatly with him.

                    I got brave today, and I sent his step mum an email. I didn't say anything about that, and I didn't remotely hint at it. But, I did tell her that I cared very deeply for Mike, and that I knew that he'd hurt just as much as I will if he does choose to end things, and asked her to be sure that he was ok. He has a habit of keeping things all to himself, and not showing his hand when it comes to his emotions. I know his parents know this about him, but I asked her to be sure he would be ok, because, honestly, it would be some comfort to me. As much as I've been hurting for myself, it's hurt so much to hear how hard this all is for him, too.

                    Anyhow, while Mike and I were speaking today, his step mum called and when he was gone more than a few minutes, I knew she had got my email. Can't say I wasn't nervous. But, when he came back he asked if I'd spoken with her and I admitted to sending an email, and told him exactly what I'd said so he wouldn't worry about it. But, he thanked me for sending it, and he said that she told him that they didn't want him to not come over here if he wanted to. That if he wants to make this all work with me, if that will make him happy, they are all for it and would support him in his decision. The air about him changed so much after hearing that from her. It really did. I think he deserved to hear that from them, he needed it.

                    I told him that instead of aiming for May, we could put it off for three months, and look to have him here in August to give us a chance to work through his worries. I know he needs time to process it all. I told him he had a choice to make. He could choose to take that three months and try to work through all of this with me and see where it goes. Or, he could choose to end the relationship. He said he absolutely wants to work things through, but we both know there's still no guarantees. I've walked him through step by step just how it can work, as he's done for me, and I think he's kind of starting to see the possibilities again, even though he's still plenty scared.

                    I guess I'm in for another sleepless night, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed and wishing on the stars that the news is good tomorrow. Thanks for all the hugs. I really needed them. I'm not giving up yet.


                      Sounds like progress to me I'll cross my fingers for you too though.
                      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                        I'm wishing too!

                        I'm glad you were able to talk, and to his stepmom as well. It sounds like you're handling things as well as anyone possibly could. I know that feeling of disappointment and worry.

                        So I'm sending a VERY BIG HUG!!


                          Well, today came and went and there was no ticket booked to come over for Thanksgiving. He doesn't want to get my hopes up. He doesn't want to hurt me. He doesn't know if that's the right thing to do, even though yesterday he thought it made sense. I just don't know what to do anymore. I don't know how to stay strong. It hurts like hell. My heart is breaking. I can't help but think maybe I should be the stronger of us two and tell him it is over, even if it's not what I want, and even if I do know without any doubt I want a future with him, and I can see how to make that work.

                          I'm so confused. So hurt. So lost. I'm not handling it well. I can't sleep. I can't keep much food down. I can't concentrate on my schoolwork. My head is just so full of so much stuff. I just want him to realize that we can make it all work. That he doesn't have to lose out on anything to make it happen. I just want him to realize I'm worth two years of small sacrifices to have it all in the end. I can't help feeling stupid for letting him in if he was just going to break my heart. I can't help but feeling like he's a hypocrite for pushing me to not let fear stop me from doing things when that's exactly what he's doing. I can't help but doubt all the things he made me believe about me, and about us with all of this. There's nothing I can say. There's nothing I can do. It's in his hands. I know he loves me. I know he wants a future with me. I don't doubt that. I just don't know if that's going to happen anymore because of his fears.

                          I could use some advice at this point. I don't know what to think, and I'm having a hard time staying strong. I'm just so confused.


                            I wish I could give you some amazing advice, Seshei. I can really feel your hurt, your pain from that post.

                            Maybe you've already done this. But I think you just need to write. Write it all out for yourself, getting my feelings down on paper has been a huge benefit to me. And then write it out to him. Write to him why you truly want to fight for this, why you believe that it's all worth it. Write to him about why you are afraid and you know he is afraid but it's worth taking the risk for anyway. And then send it to him and give him time to really think it over. You can't force him to continue on in this if he really isn't committed. Even if you could force him, you wouldn't want to.
                            Just lay all your feelings out in front of him and give him the space to decide.

                            That's what I would do and I hope it is of some help.
                            If not, then sorry but I'm still thinking of you and sending you HUGE cyber hugs! I'm really sorry that you are hurting so badly.


                              I'm sorry to hear it. I agree on writing it out. I'd write it out in words like you wrote in the post. Write it in letter as if you are talking to him. Maybe it would be easier to send that to him rather than talking to him?? I wish it were simple and easy to get to the bottom of this rather than him saying he doesn't want to let you down. It's easier to address more specific concerns

