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Some days are harder than others

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    Some days are harder than others

    I don't mean to be a downer, but I'm having one of those nights. Some days are really harder than others and I cant talk to anybody else in my immediate circle since they dont understand the long distance thing and the overwelming emotions that go with it. How do I put it? I MISS HIM SOMETHING AWFUL! I miss the little things, like holding his hand and just looking at him. It's his birthday today and it kills me that I cant be there to celebrate it with him. I sometimes think it was much easier when he was in Iraq, because I knew in my mind that there was no possibe way that we could be together cause he was protecting my right to be free and now that he's back and only a couple thousand miles away it kills me that I cant just jump in my car or jump on a plane whenever I feel like it because we both have to work and save up enough money to help me close the distance, otherwise i'd be there every other weekend. I've tried to keep myself occupied so I dont think about missing him that much but it never seems to work. I sometimes think it would just be easier to end it with him so it doesnt hurt, but then i realise, i'd rather be unhappy with him living so far than unhappy without him if that makes any sense. And then one of my cowokers from work asked me to go out with him, and though I was flattered, all i kept thinking was I wish it was D in front of me asking me out on a date. And so again, i'm stuck at home on a sunday night since all my friends are with their SO's who only live a hop, skip or jump away. I just miss him and it sucks!
    Sorry for the rant :-(

    I know exactly how you're feeling! I had one of those nights last night and it was awful! Some nights are just easier and some are hard. I just try to keep positive and ya Best of luck!


      Thank you!


        I know what you mean. Sometimes the hardest thing in the world to me is to watch other couples hold hands. If I see that, the day just gets so much harder. But the feeling always passes. When I think of him, I know how lucky I am, and I wouldn't trade that for anything. You've got a lot to look forward to. Hang in there.


          Last night was exactly like that for me, but just hang in there. What helped me, when I was upset, I took a few breaths, and thought of the kind things he said to me. Think of the sweetest moments you've had and how much he cares about you. Just know he misses you as much as you miss him, and keep your thoughts on the happy moments. I know how you feel. Hang in there.


            Thanks everyone. I knew if anyone, people on this site would understand what i'm going through and how i'm feeling..


              When I'm having a night like that I just make some good food, put on a funny movie I like, play some video games, or just go to bed. I find that everything looks and feels alot better the next day I hate seeing couples walking around the University, but I just think to myself that that will be me and Brandon one day when we finally close the distance instead of getting mad that he's not here.


                Hello I know how you feel and yesterday was one of those days for me too! I missed talking to my bf on his bday as well and didn't speak to him for 6wks after that. It was hard but I dealt with it because I knew he couldn't communicate with me. I had my days but in the end it was worth the wait.

                I was having a really bad week with work and school (stress) and I really wanted to talk to my bf but couldn't. I think I messaged him to death on skype and FB trying to get a hold of him. I cried at the drop of a hat the first part of yesterday lol. I miss him but everything else going on in my life right now came to a head and well I had a slight breakdown. I told him I am allowed those! I miss him but I don't let it get to me personally, it's not healthy and my bf wouldnt like it and I'm sure your SO wouldn't want you not being able to function and all depressed. I know that is the one thing my bf mentioned, he didn't want me to suffer in a sense and be upset all of the time. I told him I will have my moments but it doesn't mean I can't deal with him being gone and it doesn't mean my world has ended, it just means I miss him! So sweetie I think you are feeling a natural feeling esp since it's his bday.

                I do understand, my bf is also in the Navy and he is in Italy right now. I will see him in 44 days and I really can't wait. The only thing I can suggest is to think of the good times and then think of when you will see him next and what you want to do. I have been planning stuff for us to do since he left, it keeps me busy..

                You also have to realize that he too probably misses you as well! I can tell my bf's mood lately by his posts online. I think he is stressed or lonely and missing his old life here. I don't think he likes it there so I am hoping that me being there will cheer him up, since I am someone familiar. I feel bad right now that he feels this way and there is nothing I can do to comfort him. I haven't talked to him in a week and I understand why. When he gets like this he shuts himself off and that is fine, I understand the man needing to be in his cave at times. I just support him and let him know I am here.

                If you ever want to talk I am on skype if you have it, valleygirl74

                I am always on and I do understand your situation.

                I hope you cheer up and smile, do something fun or watch something you both like.


                  Thank you Paris! You described exactly the emotions I go through,and yes he doesnt like when I get this way, but I tell him, I'm gonna have these moments until we've closed the distance. I will definitely add you to my skype!


                    reading this made me cry (having a bad few nights), but made me feel better cause im not alone, i would give anything in the world to see my SO right now, drive for days, but i cant even do that, i sometimes think, maybe it would be easier seeing someone else, but ur right rather be unhappy in love then be well unhapy with out love


                      I completely know how you feel, I'm having one of those weeks, I can't talk to my SO and I'm not sure if he is coming up here for Christmas, like we planned, I miss him so much and I'm heartbroken. I just want to talk to him and no one else.

