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For those in university.

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    Honestly, I am in Univeristy as well and I am in the mid term of my second year, and I would like to be a teacher which in Canada takes 5 years so I have 2 and a bit years to go, so that's how long I have to wait for my SO and I to close the distance, and all I think about is if you want to spend your life with this person you'll need a stable career and money lots of and lots of money! But all we can do is wait, and take it day by day, if you love the person than you'll get through.


      So my two cents...

      I am a Graduate Student working my way through the middle of my third year of a three year Master of Fine Arts program. My SO and I have been LD since August 2008 when I moved from Las Vegas to Massachusetts to go to school. (I met her in April of 2008. So we had a bit of a CDR before it became an LDR.)

      Three years is a long time, but you can't loose hope. It is possible to make it through. My SO and I see each other at least once ever 4-6 weeks. Sure we'd like to see each other every day, but any time is better than nothing. As long as you decide together what is acceptable and stick to it. My SO and I also plan our next visit before we leave so we have something to look forward to.


        I am in college too. The difference is that I am not even in grad school, but I am in a PhD program and I just started my first year. PhD takes 5 years to complete!!! My BF is in another state. I am 26, he is 30. We have only been together 6 months now but we are talking about long term relationships and a family in a future. I am terrified because I will be here 5 years and he is in military and there is a possibility that he may be going active duty at some point (and may be even AFTER I graduate) so there is a possibility of another time for us to be apart. I can not move or transfer to another university because of a few reasons: I am in international student here in the US and my visa and me staying in the USA really depends on me staying in school, and to get an assistanship and tuition paid is HARD especially in a PhD program. So I am stuck in here. HE is an American and he actually could have moved down here but he either doesnt want to or smth...I know he doesnt like change. HE had lived in his state all his life, knows everything there, has a job (not the best one and not the best paying one but still). HE applied to 2 or 3 jobs down here but did not get an interview and gave up or smth. HE is not looking into going to school too but not in this state (that one has to do with military and even though it will be closer, still it will be in another state) is just that we are not 17 years old and I know I will be here for a long time and PhD is a hard program and requires A LOT of time and commitment. SO far I have not been able to focus on school as much as I should. I am behind. Why? Coz I have been emotionally not into it. Emotionally I am with him and I want to be with him...and because I have been trying to talk to him online as much as I can...but I know if I continue to do that I will fail the school (i am already not doing too good) and ....i just so need security and his support!!! If only he was here it would have been so much easier coz even if I was doing homework all the time, it would have been next to him, on his lap or smth... We are older, he works, I am in a PhD and I do not feel like I have all the time in the world and that I can wait for 5 or may be more years. I really need him now especially knowing that I might have to wait for him if he goes active duty in the army....

        What should I do????

        P.S. When we started dating it was not LDR and I lived with him a couple of months before I had to move. We are 11 hrs driving distance away from each other and we see each other every 6-8 weeks. We have almost broken up 3 times since I moved

