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What was it like being with your SO the first time? :)

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    What was it like being with your SO the first time? :)

    So I'm meeting my SO Kyra for the first time in June next year, and needless to say I'm really excited for it We'll be spending the best part of 6 weeks together and I know when I finally meet her I'll also find the missing part to my life

    What I want to know is what was it like the first time you met your SO? Were you slightly nervous or anxious, or did everything feel perfect right from the start?

    heeeey your from Scotland!!!! my fiance lives there tooo! and i was really nervous, scared, excited all rolled into one it was a little awkward at first but things went well after that


      Well I didn't have any time to be nervous because Ryan surprised me one day and showed up at my house! But any who, I was super excited and it was the best time of my life!!! You're going to have a blast!!!!


        AWKWARD haha, but after the first day or so it felt really natural being with him and we had a great first visit :]


          Nervous and so excited. There aren't words to describe the feelings. So much build up, anticipation and expectation it was overwhelming.


            Overwhelming and surreal. I would give anything to be able to go back to that exact moment where we met face to face. Just to feel that AMAZING feeling...that I finally met my soulmate.
            NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


              I'm meeting my SO for the first time 3 weeks from today. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I keep wondering if I'm going to be shy when I first see him (I am a shy person) or if it'll feel completely natural like it does online. I have a feeling I'm gonna stand there and stare at him like I'm an idiot for a while. XD

              I'm interested in hearing about everyone's reactions. How did you think you'd react? How did you actually react? Is there anyone who had thoughts similar to mine?


                I wasn't as nervous as I thought I would be. It was so amazing meeting my BF for the first time! It was just so natural and easy. Can't really describe it, just felt so wonderful
                How lucky I am to have something that makes saying good-bye so hard!


                  I was really nervous and when i finally saw him and could hug him, it felt kinda weird but in a good way. I never thought i would find my Soulmate somewhere on the ass of the world D:
                  I loved this feeling <3


                    wheneveri thought about meeting him before did, i felt physically sick... in a good way :P
                    but when it actually came to meeting him, he was stood outside the hotel and i walked towards him from the side, and the second we hugged all my fear and nervousness dissappeared. it was like hed never left or we'd never been apart, i wasnt scared at all, i had butterflies sure but not a lot. and from then on, its just like hes the other part of me. no need to worry or be nervous when were together. so yeah, it was perfect from the start.


                      Awww I cant wait to meet my SO (starter of this thread) I know that it will be absolutely amazing. No matter how many times I sit and imagine what it's going to be like, I know it will be soooo much better. I joke with him all the time saying how I'm going to creep and stare for a while before I actually believe it's real..and then I'll probably rush him with a hug (: yeahhh...but I cant wait. June is too far away.


                        It was perfect from the beginning. It was like we had been together for years.

                        "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
                        - A. A. Milne


                          Excited, scared, nervous in fact I was ready to throw up I was so scared lol. But the second I saw him everything just fell into place in his smile I knew I was home. The first hour was a lil strange we just sat n cuddled barely talking suppose we had done it all in the six months leading up to netting. Was the best week of my life and I've never looked back we r so very happy together


                            Originally posted by CountryGirl View Post
                            Awww I cant wait to meet my SO (starter of this thread) I know that it will be absolutely amazing. No matter how many times I sit and imagine what it's going to be like, I know it will be soooo much better. I joke with him all the time saying how I'm going to creep and stare for a while before I actually believe it's real..and then I'll probably rush him with a hug (: yeahhh...but I cant wait. June is too far away.
                            Haha I randomly kept poking my SO every now n then to check he was real lol


                              For me it was different since I had met him briefly a few months previously, and I was planning on visiting him again, but at that point we weren't romantically involved. Of course the prospect was there and I was thrilled and excited...I remember I had to wait for him to get off a work shift at like 10pm, and when he picked me up and I got in the car it was really awkward at first...hahaha but he parked off to the side so we could talk for a bit, but as soon as he did, we just looked at each other for a few moments, locked eyes, then locked lips, and it was allll history from there =]

