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    I asked my friend who is in the school entertainment crew, and she said that you can't put stuff up without permission or they will take it down. I might just put one up anyway so that at least a few people will see it.


      At my school the bulletin boards in the student union were public domain. Anyone could post a flyer. They wouldn't take stuff down until it had gotten really cluttered, and then they'd take down anything that was old (concert fliers and events that had already passed) to clean it up. Just don't get in trouble I guess! :P
      Read my LDR story!


        At my school, there are common bulletin boards where people can post flyers and every Sunday they clear it out... so I'll just keep putting them up if they get results.


          We don't have any common billboards. but I will put some up on powerline poles or something!


            Thanks for the flyer Michelle! I'll put one up at my school and anywhere else I can think of that ppl who might be in an LDR will see them!

            One could also promote the site by sharing a link or something from the fan page on FB...i just thought of and did that... it could work, right? LOL
            Last edited by Gurl; February 11, 2010, 09:09 PM.


              Originally posted by Gurl View Post
              One could also promote the site by sharing a link or something from the fan page on FB...i just thought of and did that... it could work, right? LOL
              What do you mean?
              Read my LDR story!


                Originally posted by Michelle View Post
                What do you mean?
                I think she means posting the link to the site on her status or something.


                  Look on my profile... I took and shared a link from the fan page. One could also just put the link to the main site and add a little about it.....if you play the games like I do and have friends that you only added for the games, you never know which ones just might need the support this place offers


                    I just did a google search in both IE and Firefox (I wanted to see if FF was just ordering things by my browsing history which IE doesn't have nearly so much to go on) while working on another idea I have for an ebook. My Search was "things for LDR couples to do" and every link was either TO this site or talking about the list on this site... Way to go!!! Only bad thing is I will have to figure out other search terms to find stuff for my ebook idea! LOL


                      haha, well our list is the largest online and I can't imagine there being too many ideas out there that we don't already have on there. Were you thinking of making a things for LDR couples to do ebook?
                      Read my LDR story!


                        Sort of but not really. Its things to do for the one you love that take a relatively small amount of time and little to no money... Love on a schedule and budget LOL or what to send your SO when you don't have the time/energy/idea for a letter....I actually have several ideas that came from here plus a few sort of my own ideas but I am sure they have been done before.

                        Oh...unrelated but while it is on my had talked about getting what I will call post card backing that could be attached to photos to turn them into a post card. Did you finally decide not to do it or is it on a maybe later list? I ran across a cool idea on Life Hacker (a website/blog kind of thing) about using book covers from books that the library/bookstore or you/a friend are ready to toss as postcards and it made me think about the whole backing thing.....


                          I cannot find a paper supplier that will make a smaller quantity than 100 reams of the adhesive paper I need.

                          100 reams = 50,000 sheets = 600,000 postcard backings = VERY EXPENSIVE

                          I can't afford to pay that kind of money, and I don't know if I ever could. I will keep trying to find a supplier that can make a smaller quantity.
                          Last edited by Michelle; February 26, 2010, 09:09 PM.
                          Read my LDR story!


                            I hate to hear they won't do a reasonable sized order....good googly moogly that's enough for a store like walmart considering its an item that is sort of specialty.


                              I actually have an unpublished page called, "It's in the mail!" I've listed all the suggestions that people had put up on the old forum but I need more ideas so I can categorize things a bit more. Life has been a little crazy lately so I've put it to the wayside, but it's definitely on my personal to do list (which I have on my white board in my room! :P )
                              Read my LDR story!


                                Unpublished pages, Excel spreadsheets, Outlines....oh yah, I've had a few of those for notes on various things I was or wanted to work on! Gotta love having the page though....acess from anywhere with internet for the win!

