Your trip sounds wonderful. Thank you for sharing it with us!!
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First trip to see SO - warning, a VERY long post ahead!
Day 3 continuing...
So after I've stopped feeling sorry for this orange, furry creature we move on to the next window.. there's a baby orangutan travelling on his mother's back! I'm so scared he's gonna fall off, the mother keeps going so fast, jumping from rope to rope and this little fella is hanging on to save his life! But of course he doesn't fall and when he climbs off of her he starts to jump around too, now THAT looks scary - he's so tiny and clumsy but ahhhh so cute ♥
I notice a movement at the corner of my eye and see a hole in the wall... and what comes out totally blows our mind! (there was 3 other guys there watching this with us and once I post a video you can hear their reaction)
a HUGE ape crawls out the hole, grabs a rope and starts to swing himself across the hall... He's absolutely massive, gorgeous and amazing. He's got the longest hair on his back, he looks like Chewbacca, seriously, he just takes my breath away. Aaaargh words aren't enough to describe him! You'll see what I mean on the video
There's also some white monkeys, lizzards and snakes in there... But nothing quite compares to those big guys we just saw. There's a map on the wall with lights on it and when you press a button it shows how the amount of orangutans has decreased in the past 1000 years. It's very sad to see it starting off with dozens of lights and slowly dimming to just a few shiny dots on the map
We walk out and try to decide which way to go next.. and spot some tigers
Well, only one... and he's hiding behind a tree so we can barely see him. Tbh it could just as well be a stuffed toy. But then it moves it's paw so we're convinced. Still can't get a decent picture of him though so we end up taking pictures of ourselves.
Andy's been saying he wants to see the monkeys - well, the chimps, I suppose there's a proper name for all of them but I wouldn't know... Anyway, we see a big building called the monkey fertilization center (or something) and as we walk in there's a huge room with about 20 chimps lying around, next to and on top of each other, they're so lovely!
One of the males suddenly walks in front of the window, spreads his legs and shows us his erected penis! Yep, just like that! There's kids there with their mothers and everyone lets out a nervous laughter, it's quite funny and awkward (and no, I didn't get a picture of that).
Then he goes back with the others and continues doing nothing... Maybe it was a little protest and he's fed up being on display like a monkey.
We decide we're gonna see whatever things are on the way out cause it's getting later, we're hungry and we wanna get to the hotel already to do some monkey business of our own. There's signs saying zebras, rhinos, camels... we go for the rhinos cause, well, zebras aren't THAT extraordinary and camels... we've seen them on Discovery channel a million times
So we walk to see the rhinos, they're quite big! I don't know how many of them are suppose to be there but cause it's a bit cold and raining we don't see any outside and there's only 2 of them eating inside... Somehow I feel a bit cautious with them even though they're behind a heavy fence, but still, they're RHINOS! Big, strong, dangerous, angry beasts that could kill you! Lucky for me they're more interested in having some hay for dinner rather than some Tanja.
We walk out and think we've seen enough but on the way there's one more thing to see: a mongoose. We're getting closer to them and there's a couple there laughing their ass off at them, they're too cute to be true! There's one tiny creature staring at us through the glass and he's just irresistible! Awww I want one
We talk with the couple for a while and then walk out and by now it's getting harder to keep our hands off each other cause we both know where we're going: to the hotel!
Stay tuned folks!
Originally posted by Talent_2 View PostWriting really is a strength of yours tanja!!! I love coming back to read the story of your visit really makes me smile, and feel very lazy on my visits lol, so glad you had a great time!!!NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013