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Surprise Visit? HELP!

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    Surprise Visit? HELP!

    Hi! So, I'm Sarah. Soon to be 18. As is my long distance boyfriend. We've met once in person after knowing each other 8 months and hit it off big-time.. Officially started dating on August 11, 2010 (aka... We'd been in a relationship already, at this time both our parents approved of it so it was "official"). We talk EVERY day, non-stop except when one of us is working, call each other every day, and webcam every day for hours.

    Well, his birthday is soon!! I want to surprise him BIG. It's the first birthday we get to celebrate as a couple, and it's his big 18!! So.. I want to surprise him by showing up the day before his birthday (can't show up the day-of due to plane ticket issues). His family and my family are all in on it -- he just doesn't know We all know the crap will be scared out of him, but he'll love it. He's a prankster -- bout time he gets pranked!!

    The thing is, how do I make it sweet, and romantic... With his family there? I'll stay in his sisters' room with them.. inside his parents house. (we're very conservative) so it's not like I can cook him a romantic candle-lit dinner for 2. And no nice restaurants within 30 miles! What do I do? I want it to be more than just popping up in his house!!

    I've come up with a way for him to "find" out the surprise. I'll get to his house after he leaves for work (with the help of his family.. and boss!) and will leave a note on the door with directions to the next note. I'll leave notes all over and make him work for it! Then, the last note will lead to his "gift" where I'll be standing in a closed space... And, we'll wing it from there :P

    I just don't know how to make it something extravagant -- and special!! I want it sweet, and romantic. It'll be about 5 months after we've seen each other last (he visits me in a month, then my surprise trip will be 5 months after that). HELP!!! I want something AMAZING.. Knock his socks off. He's great at pulling these sort of things off, and coming up with the sweetest gestures ever! I want to top him :P

    What do I do!?!

    I would probably bake him a cake and have a picnic outside Those are always romantic


      Sounds like a really fun idea!!

      I think having a picnic would be would give you guys some time to be alone


        I'm not that creative with suggestions but I just wanted to say that's awesome what you're doing and even if it's not as romantic as you want it to be he will appreciate you randomly showing up for his birthday!

        Madly in love with Michael


          You know... you could get a really big box and long ribbon... so he gets to unwrap you when he finally finds you. Air holes will be needed. And a reading light and a book for the wait!

          Other than that you could write 100 reasons you love him on tiny paper hearts, and then before you leave, sick them all over his bedroom walls for him to find. (I did something similar for Obi and he really loved it, he wasn't even embarrassed).

          Oh, and when you go for that picnic, take something that plays music, so you can dance together.
          Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


            I love the idea you have and see nothing wrong with it. I've done something like this before except the notes lead to a real gift, not me. LOL! You could make the notes little riddles and can somehow incorporate cute things about you guys. Make him have to figure out where the next location is. As you said, make him work for it. Turn it into a game. In the end you can wrap a huge bow around yourself!


              Jump out of a cake! It's not romantic, but it's funny and completely random ;D. As for romantic, I'd definitely go for the picnic. BRING BUG SPRAY!


                I think it is sweet and romantic all in itself that you are going there to surprise him!!!
                NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                  Thank you all sooooo much for the input!! I'll definitely do the picnic thing We've always talked about wanting to go on a picnic together but somehow it didn't even cross my mind!

                  It's amazing how much plans can change in just 1 day. I was talking to him yesterday, and he's got plans for his birthday!! So his sister clued me in on Valentine's Day and said I should try to come then. They have a romantic candle-lit banquet for all couples at his church at this nice restaurant so now I've gotta try to change all my plans to fit that. Ohhhh the fun of surprises! :P Anybody have more ideas for that? I've never ever ever been able to participate in celebrating Valentine's Day so I'm just like O_O when it comes to trying to plan something romantic for it. More ideas would be appreciated

                  Thanks again for all the input!! You guys are awesome!


                    Originally posted by Karringtyn View Post
                    I think it is sweet and romantic all in itself that you are going there to surprise him!!!
                    I second that !


                      I still think you should do the picnic thing. If it's not picnic weather, see if his parents are willing to some how give you guys some time in like, the family room or the basement to have your picnic. An indoor picnic can be just as fun, especially in front of a fireplace.

                      If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


                        Thank you so much that's a great idea

