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    I HATE C.O.D

    So, as you may or may not know, the next instalment of the 'Call of Duty' gaming franchise was released at midnight last night, titled 'Call of Duty : Black Ops'.
    Now i am in the process of getting my xbox delivered to my house (i've moved), and so i thought it was pretty pointless to buy black ops when i won't have my xbox until christmas.
    But, anyway.
    My SO queued for two hours last night to buy it, and was one of the first 5 people into the store, and apparently him and all of his friends and some of their girlfriends went, and he's spent all night/day and will probably spend the rest of the week playing it, and i am SO JEALOUS! not only because I really really REALLY want this game, but because he's hanging out with his friends for like a week and once he's over and done with the game he'll come back to me, but i don't know, its just irked me. I feel like a little kid that no one wants to play with. Which kinda is exactly what i am.....but still.

    Sorry for the rant, but i was just wondering if any other other halves have been affected by Black Ops being released? Or if video gaming is a problem in general?

    Your absence has not taught me how to be alone, it merely has shown that when together we cast a single shadow on the wall. ~ Doug Fetherling

    Haha, well as I just replied to your last forum I also play COD my brother has done something similar and purchased it last night as well as my SO, so they've been playing it non stop as well and I am VERY JEALOUS as I am in university as we speak listening to lectures when I could be playing the game, he normally texts me throughout my day in school as well but as he has Black Ops his texts have been slow and uninteresting, THANK GOD i'll be home in three hours so that I can play with him as well ! Just be patient, you'll be able to game soon enough !


      Haha the concept of video game widows always makes me chuckle. My SO's the same way with Grand Theft Auto. I've learned to just accept most it's a few days before he gets bored of it and then he's back to me. And I can catch up on books I've been wanting to read.

      Of course, if I read while sitting next to him as he's playing GTA, he gets whiny about how I'm ignoring him...and the game gets turned off.

      Granted, I'm really no better, as any time a new Zelda game comes out, I am equally glued to my own video games.

      If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


        Video Game Widows THATS AWESOME!
        I just sent my SO a text message saying "well looks like i've lost my boyfriend for a couple days/weeks/months. :P"


          haha loved this - great COD marketing



            I can't play FPS (which I assume is what this is) and I'm a PC girl, not console, but I know exactly how you feel. I got this way when Starcraft 2 came out, and Aion.
            Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


              Originally posted by squiddie View Post
              Haha the concept of video game widows always makes me chuckle. My SO's the same way with Grand Theft Auto. I've learned to just accept most it's a few days before he gets bored of it and then he's back to me. And I can catch up on books I've been wanting to read.

              Of course, if I read while sitting next to him as he's playing GTA, he gets whiny about how I'm ignoring him...and the game gets turned off.

              Granted, I'm really no better, as any time a new Zelda game comes out, I am equally glued to my own video games.

              oooo i love GTA!!!!! i beat all the games(with cheats of course lol still was hard to beat even with cheats!) its the only video game i actually like playing


                Kevin and I are such nerds that we are exactly the same way. I've not been around so much because fable 3 came out =X. I'm horrible when a new Resident Evil comes out, he is convinced that I have a zombie fetish, but i swear the games are just too fun. I understand what you're going through though. Hang in there!


                  MY boyfriend isn't interested in any way in Black Ops, so we're fine. Even when he plays PC games he always makes time for me. I'm lucky; he's quite thoughtful. :3

                  LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                    My SOs game of choice is rockband! He will play till his fingers are numb!! And will never pause and answer his phone for a call or text mid song. So know how frustrating it can be, we came to a compromise he keeps it to a minimum when we are together. We have also found a game we can play together. Borderlands was great for that, and lately fable 3 but other than that I don't really play many games. But he's very hound at heart bless him mwah x


                      Originally posted by Čternity View Post
                      haha loved this - great COD marketing

                      Ahahaha thats great! LOL thats such reverse pyschology as well.....i wish there were more girl gamers! :P

                      Your absence has not taught me how to be alone, it merely has shown that when together we cast a single shadow on the wall. ~ Doug Fetherling


                        i have noo problem with eric playing video games, and if i was with him i'd want to be playing with him.. but lately it's been really bothering me because he seems to try and make more time for the games instead of me.. and i'm not just talking about COD, but just other games he's been playing. it makes me feel like he's only caring about the games and nothing thinking about how i'm sitting right there on skype staring at him.

                        the thing that reallyyyy set me off was what he did yesterday. i had just gotten home from work and he had just gotten home from school, and he said he'd be on skype in just a minute. so i got on my computer and waited a few, and thought he might have been taking a little longer because of the internet or something.. so i keep waiting.. and finalllyyy he gets on and i asked why it took him so long and he said he played a game of COD. and i got really upset and hurt by that because he had specifically told me he was going to be on skype in a minute, and then he decided to play his game first

                        i really like video games and they're super fun to play especially with your SO, but i don't want to feel he's choosing that over me all the time..ughh


                          I had to laugh when I saw this post because My SO ran out and got Black Ops also. The one thing we agreed to do when he left was to play Zombies online but he just got his internet working a week ago and I lost my COD. He has been playing it and then now with the new game forget it, already he was to busy playing it last night rather then talking to me on the phone. I would like to play but I bought both his son and mine black Ops for Christmas so It would be rediculas for me to go and get the game cause then we would have 4 copies of it... I guess I will just have to wait a few weeks..


                            Originally posted by amandamayaaa View Post
                            i have noo problem with eric playing video games, and if i was with him i'd want to be playing with him.. but lately it's been really bothering me because he seems to try and make more time for the games instead of me.. and i'm not just talking about COD, but just other games he's been playing. it makes me feel like he's only caring about the games and nothing thinking about how i'm sitting right there on skype staring at him.

                            the thing that reallyyyy set me off was what he did yesterday. i had just gotten home from work and he had just gotten home from school, and he said he'd be on skype in just a minute. so i got on my computer and waited a few, and thought he might have been taking a little longer because of the internet or something.. so i keep waiting.. and finalllyyy he gets on and i asked why it took him so long and he said he played a game of COD. and i got really upset and hurt by that because he had specifically told me he was going to be on skype in a minute, and then he decided to play his game first

                            i really like video games and they're super fun to play especially with your SO, but i don't want to feel he's choosing that over me all the time..ughh
                            Sadly, i am too familiar with this When Tom got Red Dead Redemption, he played it for a week straight. He'd be on cam, constantly turned round so he could see his TV, and then every convo we had would be Red Dead 'sorry hun, was playing red dead', 'i'm not going out with my friends but we won't be able to talk, i'm playing red dead'.

                            Last night he came online all sad, because his ma had come into his room and told him to stop being lazy playing video games and prepare for his job interview on monday, and we didn't really argue about it but i just sorta said welll maybe she's right. I don't want to ruin his fun but lets put it this way, he's 24, living in his parents house and he doesn't have a job. Yes he has been studying for the past six years, but he hasn't had an actual college class since last christmas. And yet i'm 16 and working my butt off to try and get some qualifications so i can live in a nice house with him. AAAAAAND rant over

                            Your absence has not taught me how to be alone, it merely has shown that when together we cast a single shadow on the wall. ~ Doug Fetherling


                              Originally posted by faith5x5nomore View Post
                              I had to laugh when I saw this post because My SO ran out and got Black Ops also. The one thing we agreed to do when he left was to play Zombies online but he just got his internet working a week ago and I lost my COD. He has been playing it and then now with the new game forget it, already he was to busy playing it last night rather then talking to me on the phone. I would like to play but I bought both his son and mine black Ops for Christmas so It would be rediculas for me to go and get the game cause then we would have 4 copies of it... I guess I will just have to wait a few weeks..
                              Ahahaha well get FIVE copies and give one to me!!!

                              Your absence has not taught me how to be alone, it merely has shown that when together we cast a single shadow on the wall. ~ Doug Fetherling

