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Age Differences?

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    Originally posted by Ry Ry's girl View Post
    I personally can't say much because when i was 16 i did way worse than date a 24 year old. I dated a 36 year old and after that I moved out with a 24 year old when i was 17 after knowing each other for a few months. Both of those were.. interesting experiences but did not work out at all. They both cheated on me for whatever reason but usually guys that are older dating younger girls just see it as a not very serious thing. Not ALL guys are like that and you both may love each other very much and be able to work out a relationship but from what i've seen and experienced I dont think that it's a very good situation. I always dated guys that were.. significantly older than i was because every guy i met close to my age was very immature and not something i wanted. However i went from dating 30 yr olds to being madly in love with a 19yr old who is older than i am but only by a few months.
    I think that you should do what your heart tells you and if you really want to be with this man than do it nobody should tell you differently and if it doesnt work out then it is just another lesson in life.
    Thank you very much for posting
    I'm sorry to hear about your bad experiences, one of the things that distresses me the most about breaching the subject our of age difference is the awful stories some poor people tell me I think you are wonderful for sharing your story, and i have taken into account your opinions.
    I know exactly what you mean about feeling boys my age are too 'immature'....thats exactly how i felt, i hate to confess. I have a wondrous collection of male friends now, some of whom i would actually be ok with dating if i had never met Tom, and to be honest during the year and three months i have known tom i became infatuated with a girl from school (tom knew about this and at the time said i should dump him for her) but that was not true love, and in the end i decided that i would rather be with tom so that was that. At the moment my heart is telling me to stick with him, but proceed cautiously. I love him considerably, and not much else can change that at the moment. Thank you for your advice

    Your absence has not taught me how to be alone, it merely has shown that when together we cast a single shadow on the wall. ~ Doug Fetherling


      I'm 25 and my SO is 37, so he's 12 years older than me. That said, I do think it's a bit different when it's a teenager dating an older guy... in your teens you're going through a huge transition, with your hormones going crazy and everything, and it's just a time of major life change.

      On the other hand though, YOU will know deep down if this is right or not. Trust your instincts, they are there for a reason and will never steer you wrong. If you feel a hundred percent comfortable and happy with him, then that's awesome and go for it. The long and short of it is, that other people can judge, but they are not YOU and they do not know what YOU and HE are feeling.

      Don't worry about what others think; do what is right for you in your life, using common sense and your intuition.


        I was just reading all the posts about your situation in the other age differences thread and I have to say that I don't think your SO is a bad guy or anything like that. Honestly, the fact that you guys are in an LDR makes me feel like your guy isn't in this for any of the... wrong reasons. I would probably be leery about the whole thing if it was close distance, but then there'd be more of a possibility of the guy being in it for more physical/sexual reasons.

        I think that it's easy to form really deep connections and strong relationships when you meet people online. So I can see how easy it is to end up in a relationship with an age gap. When I met my girlfriend we became really good friends before we even knew how old the person was.


          Originally posted by skinbyrd85 View Post
          I'm 25 and my SO is 37, so he's 12 years older than me. That said, I do think it's a bit different when it's a teenager dating an older guy... in your teens you're going through a huge transition, with your hormones going crazy and everything, and it's just a time of major life change.

          On the other hand though, YOU will know deep down if this is right or not. Trust your instincts, they are there for a reason and will never steer you wrong. If you feel a hundred percent comfortable and happy with him, then that's awesome and go for it. The long and short of it is, that other people can judge, but they are not YOU and they do not know what YOU and HE are feeling.

          Don't worry about what others think; do what is right for you in your life, using common sense and your intuition.
          Thanks for your comment
          And deep down, i'm certain that what i'm doing is right. I was just curious to find peoples opinions on it. Thanks

          Your absence has not taught me how to be alone, it merely has shown that when together we cast a single shadow on the wall. ~ Doug Fetherling


            Originally posted by OwenXAbbey View Post
            I was just reading all the posts about your situation in the other age differences thread and I have to say that I don't think your SO is a bad guy or anything like that. Honestly, the fact that you guys are in an LDR makes me feel like your guy isn't in this for any of the... wrong reasons. I would probably be leery about the whole thing if it was close distance, but then there'd be more of a possibility of the guy being in it for more physical/sexual reasons.

            I think that it's easy to form really deep connections and strong relationships when you meet people online. So I can see how easy it is to end up in a relationship with an age gap. When I met my girlfriend we became really good friends before we even knew how old the person was.
            Thank you!! I know he's a good guy but i feel so protective of him xD
            I know what you mean about meeting online though, i had no idea how old he was for about two weeks, and i was wary but once i'd got to know him and we swapped ages, it was a point of interest but not like i felt unsafe or anything.

            Your absence has not taught me how to be alone, it merely has shown that when together we cast a single shadow on the wall. ~ Doug Fetherling

