Okay, im going to be really brief. My bf and i share the same facebook accounts, something i suggested. I have no problem with that what so ever. He also knows my msn passwords (Due to some trust issues, i gave it to him. I have absolutely nothing to hide and im sure he knows it by now) Anyway, on two recent occasions, during an argument... he had threatened to add one of my male friends to tell him *things*. God knows what. You see, he came to visit me some months back and stumbled upon a conversation i had with my friend. Lets call the guy X. It was my first month of college, and whatever i had said about this guy to my friend was based on first impressions, for eg he had a rly cute smile. and he was a really really nice guy. I had no intentions what so ever of falling for him, though i did say he had a great personality and it would be easy for any single girl to fall for him. My bf saw all of this and was really hurt. On a certain level, i understand because i too would react similarly if he had been saying such things about another girl. Fastforwarding... During this argument, he added the guy to his account threatening to tell him what i said. For me, this is an extremely childish and senseless move because my bf knows how much i value my privacy, and how much i dislike involving other ppl in personal matters (i know im doing it here, but only cause im in serious need of a second opinion. mine is so shrowded by love right now, and idk what to think or do
Last night he was being a bit distant and while i tried to reach out to him, he instead chose to watch videos on youtube. i got upset and told him i was going to studying seeing he doesnt want to give me any attention. he didnt say anything. just continued watching his vid. i started some chem, and went on facebook to reply to a msg my lab partner sent me. - chem related. we started to facebook chat to clarify some things.. then, my bf butted into the convo. started saying things like.. 'charlie, ive got something to tell u'. and on the other hand, telling me..'you jjust wait and see what im going to say to him'.
this is the 2nd time sth like this has happened on facebook, and so this time.. i told him i was removing his name from the joint account (it was originally mine) . i also told him that i was changing my msn password. my reasons was that: i had given him the priviledge to see everything..msn/facebook. he has all my passwords. but he has crossed the limits. to threaten to tell a complete stranger our personal problems just to spite me , for me is an all time low. on each occasion tht he tried this, i tried to make him understand it not sth id expect from him and how disappointed i was. he said he understood ..only to do it again.
anyway, after this.. he got really mad at me. told me all sorts like 'ur a cold and heartless person. how could u do this to me especially when u know we have trust issues. u have no remorse for what you've done why do u feel the need to be such a bad person?.'
here's the part where im confused. and please, if anyone things what ive done is wrong.. i am ready and willing to take any critism. ive told him i wont undo what ive done. yet, i feel bad about it. am i letting him walk over me? so confused.
i know we have major trust issues, bt throughout everything, our love is strong and unfading.
please give me some second opinions. they would be really really appreciated.
thankies .. x)

Last night he was being a bit distant and while i tried to reach out to him, he instead chose to watch videos on youtube. i got upset and told him i was going to studying seeing he doesnt want to give me any attention. he didnt say anything. just continued watching his vid. i started some chem, and went on facebook to reply to a msg my lab partner sent me. - chem related. we started to facebook chat to clarify some things.. then, my bf butted into the convo. started saying things like.. 'charlie, ive got something to tell u'. and on the other hand, telling me..'you jjust wait and see what im going to say to him'.
this is the 2nd time sth like this has happened on facebook, and so this time.. i told him i was removing his name from the joint account (it was originally mine) . i also told him that i was changing my msn password. my reasons was that: i had given him the priviledge to see everything..msn/facebook. he has all my passwords. but he has crossed the limits. to threaten to tell a complete stranger our personal problems just to spite me , for me is an all time low. on each occasion tht he tried this, i tried to make him understand it not sth id expect from him and how disappointed i was. he said he understood ..only to do it again.
anyway, after this.. he got really mad at me. told me all sorts like 'ur a cold and heartless person. how could u do this to me especially when u know we have trust issues. u have no remorse for what you've done why do u feel the need to be such a bad person?.'
here's the part where im confused. and please, if anyone things what ive done is wrong.. i am ready and willing to take any critism. ive told him i wont undo what ive done. yet, i feel bad about it. am i letting him walk over me? so confused.
i know we have major trust issues, bt throughout everything, our love is strong and unfading.
please give me some second opinions. they would be really really appreciated.

thankies .. x)