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    My boyfriend is close friends with one of his exes, because she is his best friend's twin sister. I didn't even know until we all went to Daytona Beach together and We were drunk. Needless to say, I wasn't happy at all. But now I'm okay with it, because she's really awesome and she's glad that he found someone to make him happy ( they also didn't date very long and never did anything)
    "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


      nothing! He wants me to accept that. He wants to have friends and that is who he says they are and that he doesn't want to give up friendship


        You know what I think it is. I think the reason why your man hasn't put her on block yet is because he wants to see how she's doing. Even though he loves you, he's probably still curious of what she's doing. It's kind of like when you absolutely don't like someone yet you check up on them through facebook or ever befriend because deep down you hope that he or she is doing worse than you. I know it's childish but a lot of people do it especially women. We're notorious of checking up on the exes to see if she's prettier than us or smarter like an ego boost. (I've done this before hehe sadly!)


          Sometimes I get really...insecure about my boyfriend's most previous ex simply because she isn't an 'ex girlfriend' she's an 'ex fiancee.' ^^; Sometimes I wonder if he still loves her... but, even if he does...I know he loves me.


            I think you should leave it be because he isn't showing any real indicators of not having moved on from his ex. I know that it can be easy to worry about it though.

            I know a little about some of my SO's exes, but we don't really talk about it anymore. I had a two year abusive relationship before my SO and I got together. My boyfriend HATES my ex and encouraged me to leave him. I'm glad I did because I'm treated so much better now.


              Originally posted by tissa View Post
              nothing! He wants me to accept that. He wants to have friends and that is who he says they are and that he doesn't want to give up friendship
              How do you feel about that? Do you think if you had a serious talk with him and explained your feelings and reasoning, he would try to see things from your point of view?

              Personally, I never asked my bf not to talk to her or anything, he just didn't want to due to how bad she treated him and the hell he went through because of her, however I'm sure if they were friends and I did say I was uncomfortable with it, he would reassure me I have nothing to worry about but if it bothers me, then he'll cut off ties with her.


                Originally posted by xopookie View Post
                You know what I think it is. I think the reason why your man hasn't put her on block yet is because he wants to see how she's doing. Even though he loves you, he's probably still curious of what she's doing. It's kind of like when you absolutely don't like someone yet you check up on them through facebook or ever befriend because deep down you hope that he or she is doing worse than you. I know it's childish but a lot of people do it especially women. We're notorious of checking up on the exes to see if she's prettier than us or smarter like an ego boost. (I've done this before hehe sadly!)
                Lol I would agree but all of her pages are private, so since they're not friends he can't see anything. Otherwise I would def agree because sadly, I'm guilty of doing the same thing! LOL


                  Originally posted by Laura024 View Post
                  I think you should leave it be because he isn't showing any real indicators of not having moved on from his ex. I know that it can be easy to worry about it though.

                  I know a little about some of my SO's exes, but we don't really talk about it anymore. I had a two year abusive relationship before my SO and I got together. My boyfriend HATES my ex and encouraged me to leave him. I'm glad I did because I'm treated so much better now.
                  I'm sorry you went through that Luckily it sounds like you've got yourself a much better catch!
                  Thanks for the advice!


                    You can't be in a relationship without trust, especially a long distance relationship. My SO's ex is his neighbor AND the mother of his child who he sees daily. I don't even think twice about her. If your SO goes back to his ex, it wasn't meant to be. I really hope everything works out for you.
                    Kimberly J


                      Originally posted by KimberlyJ View Post
                      You can't be in a relationship without trust, especially a long distance relationship. My SO's ex is his neighbor AND the mother of his child who he sees daily. I don't even think twice about her. If your SO goes back to his ex, it wasn't meant to be. I really hope everything works out for you.
                      I agree about the trust and thanks! Best wishes to you and your LDR as well


                        we talked about it so many times and ALWAYS end up arguing. I do not like him going out with them and because some of them are not really ex'es but more like ex fuck buddies, I do not feel comfortable with him hanging out with them at all coz they have never been anyone for him, but girls to hang out and have sex with and they are the same now. Yes he has me now, but still and his resistance and a desire for me to just accept it and be ok when he says "me and such and such are going to hang out tonight" well... I am sorry but there is jsut no way I can feel comfortable with it being far away :'(


                          My opinion on this is he should def just block her and if he keeps putting it off you should confront him about it, nicely of course or he might get mad/defensive. There should be no reason not to block her especially if her profile is private so he cannot see anything on there. I don't think you have anything to worry about as far as trust goes but if he continues to not block her I would talk with him about it.

                          Madly in love with Michael


                            Originally posted by tissa View Post
                            we talked about it so many times and ALWAYS end up arguing. I do not like him going out with them and because some of them are not really ex'es but more like ex fuck buddies, I do not feel comfortable with him hanging out with them at all coz they have never been anyone for him, but girls to hang out and have sex with and they are the same now. Yes he has me now, but still and his resistance and a desire for me to just accept it and be ok when he says "me and such and such are going to hang out tonight" well... I am sorry but there is jsut no way I can feel comfortable with it being far away :'(
                            How far apart are ya'll? Have you tried asking him how he would feel if the tables were reversed and you were the one hanging out with your ex's and bed buddies? Maybe if you try that approach, it can help him realize how you feel and why it bothers you. The reason I suggest this is because whenever me and my SO have an issue, this is one of the best ways that helps us resolve it the quickest. It helps him see why I feel a certain way and vice versa.
                            Good luck with everything


                              Originally posted by hxcbreakdance View Post
                              My opinion on this is he should def just block her and if he keeps putting it off you should confront him about it, nicely of course or he might get mad/defensive. There should be no reason not to block her especially if her profile is private so he cannot see anything on there. I don't think you have anything to worry about as far as trust goes but if he continues to not block her I would talk with him about it.
                              I agree, I have nothing to worry about as far as trust goes. I haven't made blocking her a big issue to him yet, so that's probably why he hasn't done it. He's hardly on his FB as it is, so I'm sure the few times he gets on, she's the last thing on his mind.


                                Thank you! Yes I have tried that many times. And whenever it comes to him, he always says that he would be ok with that, BUT when it really comes to me, he wants no man around me. Friend or no friend :'(

