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    I'm fortunate in that my SO doesn't have any exes to speak of (I have one, really, but that's been beyond over and without contact for nine years now - he cheated), but he tends to attract female friends of his. (He's the super sweet, considerate gentleman-kind-of-guy that most girls who have had experiences with jerks are drawn to). A few of his female friends have tried to initiate a dating relationship with him in the past, but he was never interested in them in that way. I trust my guy through and through. Those other girls, though... need to keep their hands off! ;D
    My heart belongs to a pilot!


      I dont think you really have anything to worry about. I dont really think about my SO's ex. I dont want to hear anything about her (more than what i already know). I would like to know if they speak or not but, thats it, no when, why, how often, about... etc. They arent talking though, so =3 lol.
      I dont think my SO really worries about me talking to my ex. My ex and I had a long and beautiful relationship, obviously things didnt work out, but hes still a friend (for the most part). I think its only fair that everyone keeps in contact with whom ever they want. You just have to be smart and considerate of your SO's feelings and keep your ex's as friends or acquaintances only.
      You're lucky though. He doesnt even talk to her and wont accept her friend requests. Some people just have a harder time letting go and she might just need time to get the picture and leave him alone.


        It's funny. I don't have a problem with my SO going clubbing with friends or with her going to uni where she could obviously meet someone. No. But I'm jealous over the fact that she shared her first kiss with this... guy. Not me. It doesn't bother me when I don't concentrate on it, but when I do it's really annoying me. Like... I can get really mean about it. I guess. I'm trying to work on it though. Slowly. I know that it was way before we met and everything, but those thoughts still won't go away that easily.

        I tried searching for online help, because it caused quite a few heated arguments in our relationship, but there was really no useful info anywhere.


          Originally posted by PaperbackWriter View Post
          Noodle, I'm in the same boat as you. I have 2 exes, and haven't spoken to either one of them since we split. SO, on the other hand, has 5 or 6 exes, lives within 10 minutes of ALL of them, and is still friends with them. In fact, he's hanging out with one of them as we...speak? Type?

          Most days it doesn't bother me (I'm confident/conceited enough to know that they can't compare to me, hehe), but some days, especially when I get thinking about the move, the fact that he still hangs out, alone, with girls he dated and fooled around with, it drives me nuts. I also don't understand the "keeping an ex as a super-duper-amazingly-close-buddy" but that's a different thread!

          In the end, I just have to trust that while he's way friendlier than I am, he's also not stupid, and he won't let anything happen to jeopardize us.
          Easiest thing to get over that jealousy is talk talk and talk even more with your SO about it ^^
          I have, not too long ago, actually and I notice that he has cut back on the hangin out and has spend more time with me.
          It's just in my SOs nature to be friendly to everyone, as you said about yours, he has even talked to a friends ex (they just broke up yesterday and they were an online LDR as well) on the phone and it drove me nuts cause a) I cant just call him when I feel like shit and b) he doesnt even know her, chatted to her a few weeks, shes basically NO ONE like seriously, plus I have offered her my help and she didnt accept it BUT called him (suspicious? eh >_>)
          I cried and cried and he asked a thousand times whats up and I didnt wanna say it but then I just popped it and said that I hate his phone that I cant just have 5mins with him without him gettin a call or a text message and that it just pisses me off that some randomly girl who is just too stupid to handle a break up can call him and I, who am his gf, cant call him when I feel like uber shit.
          He explained to me that it's just his nature to help everyone who's askin for help and that he doesnt do it on purpose to not spend time with me etc

          (Sorry for the long post ^^)
          My point is that you have to be honest with your SO and talk to him. And if it takes 3-4 talks so what? Some times it might even end in a fight or a missunderstanding/argument its just part of every relationship, and talkin is especially in a LDR extremly important.
          So just talk to him, tell him that it bugs you, try to find a way together.
          Cause in every relationship there is no you or I, there's only a we.


            Every now and then, honestly, I do feel a little tinge of, "oh, yeah...there have been other girls in your life. darn." But I've also learned that's really just a moment of me losing confidence and feeling insecure, and has nothing to do with him or the other girls he's dated (who I'm sure were all perfectly fine people, as he has pretty good judgment). Sometimes I can just be a little down-on-myself.

            The great thing about ex's is that they are ex....which reminds me that they chose us over them! Yeah! Yay! We win, we win! ((happy dance of feeling really great about myself and really lucky to have my man))

