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    By no means is a relationship PERFECT, nor is 1 person. I like to tell my SO that he is as close to perfect as one can get. And to me, he is. <3
    But we all know that each and every one of us has our faults.

    I broke up with all my ex boyfriends for a reason and I often see all those things in my SO, as odd as it sounds, I kinda love those things about him.. He wouldn't be who he is today without those imperfections, and yeah we have our moments but all in all, I love my SO perfect or not, I think his imperfections are sweet and sexy!

    So with that said:

    What do you think about your SO's imperfections?

    Is it easy for you to see past them?

    What imperfections does your SO have that sometimes tend to drive you up the wall?

    Ooo, interesting thread! Hmm, well, as far as my SO goes, I know he has imperfections and small things I wish were a tiny bit different. But you know, they make him who he is, and the wonderful other things are worth the bits that maybe ideally be different. I mean, ideal is boring. Human is more fun.

    Given that, it's very easy for me to see past them.

    As for ones that drive me up a wall... honestly, nothing he does has driven me up a wall yet. I mean, the closest one is when I feel he spends too much time paying attention to video games rather than doing something together, but when he notices it bothers me he stops.

    I think the only other one that bugs me is I wish he'd send me either some small packages or a letter, because he knows how much I'd like one, but he has a terrible short-term memory and admits it. And he sometimes writes me really sweet emails, which make up for it when he remembers to do them.

    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


      Love this post. So fascinating. I'm just like you. The reason I know my SO is the only one for me, is because he is the first guy I've ever dated where I see all of his flaws, annoyances, bad habits, and they don't bother me. In fact, some of the things he does that typically would have bothered me with other guys, I find endearing.

      I'm not perfect and neither is he, that's for sure! But we are perfect TOGETHER.


        Nice topic. <3

        What do you think about your SO's imperfections?

        Physically, some days I look at the lines under his eyes and wonder if I helped put them there or if that was the psycho chick 5 years before me. Personality-wise, a lot of his flaws are like mine or so similar they might as well be, so I can handle them and I don't see it as off-putting as he's a hell of a lot more mature than I am with how he handles them. I pretty much knew I was getting someone with some character flaws, what with the nickname "Mad Hatter" and I'm fine with it. I think I'd be more scared if he were nicknamed "Adonis".

        Is it easy for you to see past them?

        I couldn't find a damning flaw in that man if I tried, so yeah I see past them easily. He's a friggin hunk to me, he's got the creativity of history's finest authors rolled into one, and even his temper isn't so bad once you've figured out what's bothering him (he goes silent) and work it out with him. He's sort of like a giant kitten; playful and can generally take care of himself, but needing a good swatting when the curtains go to hell and a cuddle right afterward.

        What imperfections does your SO have that sometimes tend to drive you up the wall?

        The fact he types 'lol' when he's upset and has no other way to respond to anything I say. It's a dead ringer for his mood and it drives me nuts. I also hate how we both won't tell each other we're fit to be tied or sick until after the fact, of course I find it more annoying with him because I feel I have less on my plate and can coddle whereas he worries himself to death. That and he's easily influenced by things I do, it makes it hard to let me go insane without knowing he'll be right behind me with a dadgum box cutter. But hey, at least he's not an axe murderer or secretly Dick Cheney.


          What do you think about your SO's imperfections?

          He has his, I have mine, but we still fit together perfectly. They just make up who he is, and I wouldn't change it!

          Is it easy for you to see past them?

          Sure, mostly.

          What imperfections does your SO have that sometimes tend to drive you up the wall?

          He fidgets and makes noise, tap, tap, tap, clunk, clunk, clunk, whack, whack, whack. He never notices he is doing it, he says it's like white noise to him. This does drive me batty, but he always stops when I ask him to.
          He's so easy going, and just sweet, I really have very little to complain about. I'm lucky!


            We both have our imperfections. We do point them out to each other (him to me more than vice versa), but only in a constructive way. This especially happens when I overuse a word or start getting really down on myself. But we know how to work past them, and for the most part, it doesn't bother me.

            He does have one thing that does get to me on occasion though, because when he brings it out, it can be very ugly. He has a short fuse with public displays of religious beliefs, and can be quite intolerant of it. (Penn is a very staunch atheist.) While I personally believe that religion is something that should be a private matter, if someone's praying in public, I let it go. That person is doing what they feel is right for them.

            (It should be noted that I'm not referring to the Muslim practice of praying towards Mecca; it's more towards the open prayers on Facebook or on television.)

            This happened on a TV show we were both watching tonight, and he lost his cool over it, and started ranting. And leaned into me on it when I said I thought he was out of line. But we both managed to explain where we stood on things, and let it go.

            If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


              he ddoesn't follow through


                What do you think about your SO's imperfections?
                Most of his imperfections are easily overlooked and besides I also have a lot myself.

                Is it easy for you to see past them?
                Most of then, because they are mostly minor.

                What imperfections does your SO have that sometimes tend to drive you up the wall?
                He is really... really bad with words. Often he needs a lot of time to give a proper answer to stuff and then sometimes he really speaks without thinking. It often ends up in him saying "I didn't mean it like that, ... ".


                  What do you think about your SO's imperfections? I think a lot of his imperfections are who I am. I see myself a lot in him....and I see my dad a lot in him.

                  Is it easy for you to see past them? Yes, because I have grown up around these imperfections.

                  What imperfections does your SO have that sometimes tend to drive you up the wall? Being stubborn and making people "wonder" about things in his life (i.e. his future job, his life in general...)


                    Some times I think my SO is to great! I love her so much.


                      Yeah I see his imperfections and I can totally see through them...He can not see through mine That is the sad part. Whatever is important for me in a relationship is not always smth he can do. So that is hard. I do feel that it will not last no matter how bad I would want for it to work out


                        What do you think about your SO's imperfections? i dont see them as her imperfections i only see her and i love every bit of her

                        Is it easy for you to see past them? see above

                        What imperfections does your SO have that sometimes tend to drive you up the wall? well its what she thinks about herself shes constantly thinking she needs to lose a few pounds and is always afraid she'll go back to her original weight (almost 300 pounds) i keep telling her that will never happen but yeah that does drive me INSANE!!!!!


                          He is often late.
                          It drives me nuts. But I know it isn't so much an imperfection but a cultural thing. People are very rarely on time there and they have a whole different concept of time than the one I grew up with.


                            What do you think about your SO's imperfections? I love them they are what make him "Him". I wouldn't change any part of him. he has this little pockmark next to his lip from when he used to have it pierced. I love it! I can't tell you why, but I just do

                            Is it easy for you to see past them? Of course, or else we would fight. A lot. Sometimes it does get to me though. I think it's the same for him though- I reeeeally irritated him the other night. Thankfully, I could blame my lady days on my behavior- my ability to tease him grows 10-fold around then

                            What imperfections does your SO have that sometimes tend to drive you up the wall? weirdly, only in LDR does it annoy me greatly- he fidgets and goes on facebook and such when he's talking to me- he can't stay still basically. In CD, didn't bother me at all, but now, I want ALL of his attention when he talks to me =/ needy much? I guess that's one of my imperfections

                            <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
                            <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
                            The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
                            <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
                            <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
                            Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
                            Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


                              Originally posted by nicole View Post
                              What imperfections does your SO have that sometimes tend to drive you up the wall? weirdly, only in LDR does it annoy me greatly- he fidgets and goes on facebook and such when he's talking to me- he can't stay still basically. In CD, didn't bother me at all, but now, I want ALL of his attention when he talks to me =/ needy much? I guess that's one of my imperfections
                              Me too! I can totally relate to that...although it's not facebook or anything with him, it's pokerstars.. grr. totally gets to me sometimes..

