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Well I've only waited a year and a bit, but due to the age limit and going to university and everything I will have to wait a good six or seven years to actually be under the same roof as him full time.......but if it got considerably more than that, then I don't think I could do it. I would probably just have to, but it would be very draining, I suspect :P
Your absence has not taught me how to be alone, it merely has shown that when together we cast a single shadow on the wall. ~ Doug Fetherling
Well, I waited 20 years for someone special to come along. The town I went to school in was slim pickings when it came to guys and I didn't date at all. I moved out of that small town after high school and into a bigger town about 30 minutes away. I met my SO when I was 19, we started going out when I was 20. I'm now 22 and he's 28. It's been difficult because almost all of this time we've been together, it's been long distance. I'd like to say that I'd wait forever, but I know that might be a lie. I'm basically waiting on him finding a job he can make a career, put his degree to good use, you know? We can't really get married and have kids together when we're this far apart. For right now, it's okay. But every time he has to leave me it gets harder and harder to say goodbye. You would think that I would get used to it after 2 1/2 years. I guess my answer is, I just don't know. I can't imagine being with anyone else, but sometimes our LDR is like a million pound weight on my shoulders.
Well I've waited about a year and a half. I'd maybe do one more year. That might sound terrible... I truly love my SO, but I feel that you can love many people. And if it took too long to be together, then it just wasn't our time. Maybe another time, but not right now.
Do you guys understand what I'm saying??
I get it. That's where I am right now. As I said, given the situation I'm in at the moment, I don't think I'd be able to do more than I'm going to be doing. I don't think it's terrible, I think it's being honest with yourself, and realizing that, despite how much you love them, this just isn't the time.
I believe that if two people are truly meant to be together, they will be together in the end.
If you look for it, I've got a sneaking suspicion...love actually is all around
12 years with at least another 3 before we can think of closing the distance, there is no one else I have even the slightest bit of interest in.. If something happened I would be alone and okay with it.
Everything I know, and anywhere I go, It gets hard but it won't take away my love,
And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done, It gets hard but it won't take away my love
Me without Him is like Son of Beast without the loop.
I would rather die along then love anybody else then her. She completely understands me. She knows exactly who I am 100% of supports me. She loves my crazy personality. I was positive I would have never been loved. She found me, and I'm not letting go of what I really love soo much.
I would rather die along then love anybody else then her. She completely understands me. She knows exactly who I am 100% of supports me. She loves my crazy personality. I was positive I would have never been loved. She found me, and I'm not letting go of what I really love soo much.
I would wait forever! I am madly in love with my boyfriend and I know that there isn't another guy that would be as perfect for me. I know that me and him will make it work no matter what in 2-3 year though.
I will wait 1-1.5 years to SEE if there is gonna be a serious step taken (engagement) or at least clear plans to do so. If not I am afraid I would reconsider my relationship. I am not 17 or 20, so I do not want to waste years and not know what to expect if anything.
Tissa- I'm with you. My SO's parents dated for 8 (EIGHT! EIGHT!) years before they got engaged. My personal max would be 3. If he hasn't proposed (not, 'we should get married one day', or anything like that, but an actual, down on one knee, 'will you marry me') in 3 years, I'm done. I'll always love him, yes, but I don't want to wait forever. If we went by his parents' standard, I'd be 29 years old before we got engaged! Not that there's anything wrong with that, I would just rather be celebrating a 4 or 5 year anniversary by that point :-P
Although, now that I really and truly think about it, it feels right with SO. I don't know if I really could walk away. I'd be unhappy, to be sure, to still just be dating after 3+ years, but I don't know if I could actually walk. I guess I can always find out, but hopefully it won't come to that.
LFAD Book Challenge: 4/25 Complete
Currently Reading: Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo (219/1463 pages read)
Total Pages Read This Year: 3283
At this point, I am looking at 2 and a half more years. However, I admit I'm a bit more impatient with it now than when we first agreed to try the LDR again. I don't know that I won't break and move before that time, but I definitely don't want to wait any longer than that. I'm a little older now and that lovely biological clock is ticking
I am 26 and I want a family and children. That is why my answer was 1.5-2 years before smth big has to happen (engagement, marriage)
I hear you there. I'm also 26 (felt like I was 19 yesterday and had so much more time). My SO worries about the age issue, too, as he can't wait to be a dad. He's 29 but wants to have his kids while he's still young enough to catch up with them!