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I don't think he is the only man on earth who could make me happy, but finding a man who'd make me forget him? That'd be tough.
But I still wouldn't wait forever. I'd make it happen, or admit defeat.
Agreed. When I'm honest with myself, I personally don't agree with the idea that there's only ONE person out there for me and if I don't find him in the 6.5 billion people (3.25 billion men, technically :P) on this planet that means I'm doomed to be unhappily single forever. (Because, then what about people who remarry?, etc.) But I do love and feel blessed with who I do have very much, and I would want our relationship to work if possible. If I hadn't met him, though, I suppose someone else might have come along that I would be happy with. (Please don't take this that it means I'm not, I'm only adding onto Zephii's statement.)
Well, there's "making it work" and then there's "flogging a dead horse"
lmao! true.....well i would say if nobody was working towards ending the distance somehow then i would say maybe give up on it, but then again some dont know when it will end since things in your life change on a daily basis *shrugs*
This is an interesting subject actually ..albeit one I don't really wanna think about :l
I HATE the idea of being away from Louise, and just the thought of not seeing her in person for several years... *shivers* .. me no likey Our 2½ (of 6) months of LDR is hard enough. Fortunately we KNOW when we will be back together, and HOPEFULLY we won't have to go LD again.. that's why I'm secretly stockpiling glue, so I can ENSURE we'll stick together. *suppresses an evil grin* but who knows? Neither of us know exactly what we wanna do for a living yet or where we have to study for it.
I wouldn't want to set a specific timelimit for how long I'd wait for her.. At this time I can't see myself with anyone but my funny, cute and lovably cwazy SO, and I feel like I could easily wait for her forever. But to be realistic, if I had to be away from her for several years ...I can't tell how I'd feel! .... At the moment I can get through the time without her just imagining how things will be when we are back together again in 4 months time, but 2-3 years is a bit too far in the future for me to grasp. And 6 or 8 years?! No, I wouldn't want to ... or, well.. I bet I would - but I wouldn't be able to handle it. :S
Hehe, but I was in love with her on and off for ~7 years before we actually ended up together, so I guess you can say I already DID wait a long time for her ;P I just hope and BEG that we won't have to be apart again for any longer than what we have to endure now.. With a little luck, this subject will never be an issue
Well, I went through nineteen years of life not even knowing he existed, not believing someone like him existed. I never even kissed a guy until him because while I had... emotional entanglements with guys I just knew they were not for me. I was never in love before. Now I know he exists, now we are in love and I will wait for as long as I have to. I'd love for us to be physically together tomorrow, but I could always wait for forever. One minute of time with him is worth the waiting period of one month, one year, ten years. I love life. Life is beautiful. It always has been. But with him in it, even when I am just waiting, life is even more beautiful.
I will always wait for him.
"There are moments when I love you so much that my chest tightens and I can hardly breathe; and others when I feel so alone without you that my chest tightens and my heart bleeds."
Can't remember who it was, but someone pretty much hit the nail on the head! I would want to wait forever for Jason, but I have goals set in my life, I wanna have a family started by the time I'm 25. We have to be stable and secure in our life together before I should really start bringing a baby into this world. I have 3 more years to go, so we better start planning now. Between the visas and such, it's going to take awhile. But also want visits while planning this..I know he's the one I want to be with forever, I couldn't imagine my life without him. I waited 20 years for this man to come along, I can wait another 3 before settling in and making a life with him.
If it was impossible and I HAD to, I'd wait longer..but I don't see that happening.
I guess after like, 10 years if we had no ideas/ways of closing the distance I'd be pretty gutted, but I'd still try cling on to some hope Love her too much *shrug*
Can't remember who it was, but someone pretty much hit the nail on the head! I would want to wait forever for Jason, but I have goals set in my life, I wanna have a family started by the time I'm 25. We have to be stable and secure in our life together before I should really start bringing a baby into this world. I have 3 more years to go, so we better start planning now. Between the visas and such, it's going to take awhile. But also want visits while planning this..I know he's the one I want to be with forever, I couldn't imagine my life without him. I waited 20 years for this man to come along, I can wait another 3 before settling in and making a life with him.
If it was impossible and I HAD to, I'd wait longer..but I don't see that happening.
its nice to have goals and all but you gotta be realistic with them as well, what if at 25 say you guys are together will be ready for a baby then due to other factors that might not be a good idea to bring a baby into the world yet?