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How to propose an LDR

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    How to propose an LDR

    Where do I start to explain....

    I am an American living in Germany. My BF (also living in Germany) and I have been going out for over 3 years now, quite a long time for people our age (19). And it really is wonderful. We are best friends and share everything. My only problem is that it has been my dream for years, to go to college in the States.

    When we first started going out, I never thought that we would still be together when it was actually time for me to go to college. So I said (remember, I was 16 years old at this time) that I would stay in Germany, just for him. Never in 1000 years would I have dreamt that I would someday actually be in this situation, but now I'm applying to schools in America, but can't find a way to talk to him about it. He knows I'm applying, but it's just so hard to talk about it because he always ends up crying, which makes me cry, and we never really come to a conclusion, but just end the conversation in tears and then just don't mention it for a few weeks. It's really killing me, because I know that I can't just say in August "OK bye honey, I'm going to America!" without preparing him for it. The last time we talked about it, I said I would apply and then just see which schools I got into, and decide if those schools were worth it. But the more I work on my essays and applications, the more excited I get about the whole idea of going to college in America, and right now I would really like to go to all of the schools I'm applying to, because they all seem "worth it" to me.

    For me there's no doubt about it, I'm definitely willing to try an LDR. I am really convinced that it will work out. I love him and I trust him. But I'm afraid he doesn't understand it. He always says he'll quit his job and come with me, but I don't necessarily want that. I don't want him to leave everything behind in Germany to move to America with me. If it didn't work out then, I could never forgive myself for letting him leave his family and friends just to wind up alone in a huge country. It would just put so much pressure on me. The job he's doing now is like an apprenticeship (or sth like that). It lasts 3 years, and when he's done he has a special degree in the field he works in. In Germany you really need one of these to get a good job later on, so if he quit this job, chances are it would be hard for him to find a new one (he had difficulties getting this job). If he just finished that, I wouldn't mind him coming to America with me while I finish school. I just really don't want him to quit. His mother would hate me, and this degree is really important.

    The more I read about LDRs (also on this website), the more I am convinced that we can make it work. I know 2 couples who are in LDRs (one of them is also an international LDR, Germany and Russia), and it is working fine for them. But how do I make him realize that? I know I can't force him to want an LDR, but how can I convince him that it can work out? I just don't know how to start, because once I mention it he freaks out and thinks it means I'm leaving him. It's a really hard decision to make anyway, our relationship isn't the only thing that's making it hard for me to make up my mind. It would be so much easier if he were supportive...

    It sounds like the biggest problem is being able to sit down and talk about it. How about writing him a letter and giving it to him, and explain that you want to say these things in a way that he can read so it doesn't get emotions too upset - that way it can open the door to the discussion about an LDR and how you want to do it. I would keep making it clear that you want to stay together, and focus on how you believe in both of you being able to make it through a very temporary situation that you'll be back from in only a few short years - plus, you'll be bale to come back for breaks, etc. Good luck!

    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


      I've been thinking about a letter already. I think that could work. I want to have the conversation on the weekend though, because last time we talked about it it was during the week and I practically had to force him to get up and go to work the next day because he was in such a bad mood (it was his first week with that job, otherwise I would have said just call in sick). And we usually spend the weekends at his house, so it would be like a more comfortable place for him, and he wouldn't feel trapped in my "territory". I wanted to do it last weekend, but then something else came up, and I didn't want to make his weekend worse ^^


        Originally posted by gh0stfl0wers View Post
        I've been thinking about a letter already. I think that could work. I want to have the conversation on the weekend though, because last time we talked about it it was during the week and I practically had to force him to get up and go to work the next day because he was in such a bad mood (it was his first week with that job, otherwise I would have said just call in sick). And we usually spend the weekends at his house, so it would be like a more comfortable place for him, and he wouldn't feel trapped in my "territory". I wanted to do it last weekend, but then something else came up, and I didn't want to make his weekend worse ^^
        Wise decision. I think your choice, by the way, is very mature and loving yet responsible. If he can work with this I think you guys will succeed just fine.

        LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


          Being in an LDR is REALLY hard, and BOTH people have to be completely committed or it wont work, especially for that long. So even though you think it will work, he might not, so its really important to have that conversation with him and see how he feels about doing it.
          I think you need to explain to him that you'll still see each other during that time, you can fly back and forth (provided you have the funds) and that you'll have emails and skype. Also tell him that other people make it too, lots of people do it internationally (I'm Canada-England) and it does work.
          For me, it was date my bf long distance or not have him at all. So obviously I wanted to date him long distance.
          Good luck and I hope it works out for you!!


            As much as I hate to put him in this situation, it'll be the same for him. Either "date" me long distance, or not date me at all. I don't want him to come with me just yet, not until he has his degree. And I know I won't be happy if I end up staying in Germany just for him. He always says he'll do whatever it takes to be with me. I hope he'll realize that now it means letting me go do my thing, as hard as it may be.


              I've been thinking....

              As much as I hate the idea of our relationship being "scheduled", the 6-hour time difference could make it hard for us to find time to talk on the phone regularly, so I thought about (also as a way of showing him how it could work out) writing a schedule... like when or how often we could do certain things. I imagine that it would become routine after a while, if we agreed to call at a certain time on certain days, and when to skype etc. Since I've never been in an LDR before, I don't know if this is just a stupid idea, or if it's really what couples do to keep in touch. Cause with him working and me going to classes and studying in addition to the time difference, spontaneous evening calls probably won't work anymore...

              How does that work for you kasia?


                Maybe something to help him believe it could work would be showing him some of the success stories on this site. If he can see that many other people can go through LDRs and last, then maybe it will give him some more hope. I hope you can figure something out. =)


                  Yes! I think I'll do that at some point too! Only one thing at a time, I don't want to overwhelm him with all this. We know a couple in an LDR, too. Germany - Russia, and I'm always telling him how they're still together and so in love


                    If he wants to talk to people about LDR's, he's welcome to talk to us. I'm open to a PM anytime.

                    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                      Thank you so much. I'll let him know.


                        I understand where you are coming from but I also totally understand how he feels.
                        I think the best way for the two of you if to have a definite plan how and when you are going to close the distance.
                        I do not know all the details, but for example after 3 years on his job, may be he could quit and have that experience that is much needed in Germany, but come to the USA and stay with you after that for a while (and may be even work in his field if he can or be an intern, so he can have an international experience in his field while being with you and while you are finishing school). May be you could write down all the holidays and vacations when he will be able to visit you and when yu will go visit him (spring break, winter break, may be even Thanksgiving break and of course in the summer), and for him whenever he gets a vacation, how you gonna talk on skype every day, and how you gonna get married after you complete your education or he can come stay with you. I think having a definite plan will make both of you feel a whole a lot better. Try to make that plan together and not just on words, but on a paper too and may be even start looking at cheap tickets. HE should also help you move when you get to college, walk around campus, see where you gonna stay and all...


                          Its really soothing me to see that you're advice is sort of on the line of what I was planning anyway... makes me even more sure that I have the right idea about how this can work...

                          Like I said, I don't mind him coming after he's finished with his 3 year thing. He works at an Apple Store (as in computers, not fruit) and is pretty much fluent in English (speaks English with my parents all the time), so I'm sure he could find some kind of internship.

                          Thank you so much!


                            Anyone else here who started out close distance or no distance or what ever you call it, and went to LD after a while? Because it seems that most people here met online, so it's a bit of a different situation I guess.


                              Originally posted by gh0stfl0wers View Post
                              Anyone else here who started out close distance or no distance or what ever you call it, and went to LD after a while? Because it seems that most people here met online, so it's a bit of a different situation I guess.
                              There are a lot of people on here who started out as CDR. Here is a group some of them are in:

                              In an LDR because of a move?

