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When you are thinking about your SO what do you miss most?

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    Everything would seem like the standard answer! But, I just truly miss the luxury of having him close. The availability that I envy so many others about...what I wouldn't give to just be able to come home to him every night!! The little things that your "normal" couples take for granted...seeing him smile, or laugh at me/with me, knowing I can just walk in the other room and BAM he's right there! Yeah...all of that!


      I don't know... it's hard not to just say that I miss cuddling because I really do. And yet maybe that's not what I miss the most. Just being in the same house as him is something really special. It's hard to articulate. Watching him as he does his thing... being able to see the way he walks and moves, and not just while in front of a web cam. That kind of makes me sound like a stalker, doesn't it?


        Originally posted by jerseygirl904 View Post
        The little things that your "normal" couples take for granted...seeing him smile, or laugh at me/with me, knowing I can just walk in the other room and BAM he's right there!
        Argch! It's so true

        Originally posted by Love Duck
        And yet maybe that's not what I miss the most. Just being in the same house as him is something really special. It's hard to articulate. Watching him as he does his thing... being able to see the way he walks and moves, and not just while in front of a web cam. That kind of makes me sound like a stalker, doesn't it?
        Not at all, It ties in pretty well with what Jerseygirl was saying. It really is so true that its totally about just knowing your able to share and be in the same space - even if your not in physical contact. Just knowing he's only in the next room, or making breakfast or whatever - and that its a luxury because its not currently the norm - is amazing
        Tea and hugs make the world go round - don't ever discount the little things in life.

        Smiling away to oneself brings an obscene amount of joy when only you know the reason why your smiling. Pick something secret to smile about and let it light up your face all day long!

        And remember....Love really IS all around.


          Cooking with him. We both love to cook, and have so much fun cooking together.

          "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
          - A. A. Milne


            the way he looks at he is lost in me...
            NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


              wow... I don't even know where to begin.
              I miss falling asleep with his arms around me, I miss waking up next to him and him saying "Good morning, beautiful"
              I miss his smile, laugh, and the way he looks into my eyes like he's so lost but so content, you know?
              I miss hugs, kisses and snuggling while watching movies.
              I miss how we'd purposely watch stupid tv shows/movies JUST to make fun of them.
              I miss going places with him, driving while holding his hand, and holding his hand.
              I miss walking into a room and him being in it, and cold nights spent whispering under the blankets of my bed.
              I miss seeing his faces and body language to things.
              basicallyyyyy... I miss EVERYTHING. a lot.


                I miss the happiness and warmth she brings to/within me.

                Every time I look at her I get a warm fuzzy feeling inside and she makes me so happy. I love just being with her.. being around her.. hearing her.. being silly with her.

                What do I miss most?
                Holding her

